Insurance (private or Medicare) is how we pay for healthcare. It’s a tiny part of the cost we are paying. We have an expensive and expansive healthcare system. We as consumers demand it. Nurses in other industrialized countries are not making six figures, and patients are not getting private rooms. Healthcare as a % of GDP in Sweden is 11%…about half of the U.S., and by the way, they pay much higher taxes. My point is that you will continue to pay “thousands of dollars” whether we stay with the status quo or migrate to a more government run model.They use it more, so it should be. The way our system is set up is all wrong. Me, as a healthy 30-something, shouldn't be subsidizing them given I go to the doctor once a year for a wellness checkup and maybe one or two other things along the way, knock on wood.
That said, the healthcare industry is one I would blow up completely. I don't believe anyone should pay thousands of dollars for healthcare coverage. I'm more libertarian at heart, but healthcare is one thing I believe should be guaranteed by the government and/or some sort of exclusive fund. One that is bulletproof and can't be raided by other programs. Nobody knows what the future will bring and people shouldn't go bankrupt because they get sick.
That said, our healthcare system could use some disruptive change IMO.