It amazes me


All Universe
Gold Member
Jan 6, 2006
That people think like this. Even worse, this person is running for Manhattan district attorney.

People like this need to be defeated at the ballot box each and every time they show up. A poisonous, dangerous ideology.

That people think like this. Even worse, this person is running for Manhattan district attorney.

People like this need to be defeated at the ballot box each and every time they show up. A poisonous, dangerous ideology.

I think it is a rare person that a former public defender has the right make up to be a prosecutor. She seems entirely off the wall. Her big campaign issue is that her office will not prosecute misdemeanor crimes except for a few exceptions. She is not what you want as a prosecutor. You want a fair minded person who believes in justice.
I think it is a rare person that a former public defender has the right make up to be a prosecutor. She seems entirely off the wall. Her big campaign issue is that her office will not prosecute misdemeanor crimes except for a few exceptions. She is not what you want as a prosecutor. You want a fair minded person who believes in justice.
Just read an op Ed from a prosecutor who says that prosecutors should equally split its resources between prosecuting and helping criminals. It’s a real movement.
the pendulum has swung and its about to reverse course. its become a form of clickbait for people to write articles and tweet about cancelling everything.

and this lady is also a huge loser
Left wants to make entire US like California.Maybe end of the world is closer than Nostradamus predicted.LOL
Just read an op Ed from a prosecutor who says that prosecutors should equally split its resources between prosecuting and helping criminals. It’s a real movement.
Id like to read that Op Ed. I disagree 100%. Prosecutors are there to do justice. That may mean allowing someone into a diversionary program like PreTrial Intervention, or Drug Court etc. or it may going to trial to put the guy away for life. But to suggest half the budget that is ludicrous. Prosecutors are not social workers.
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Id like to read that Op Ed. I disagree 100%. Prosecutors are there to do justice. That may mean allowing someone into a diversionary program like PreTrial Intervention, or Drug Court etc. or it may going to trial to put the guy away for life. But to suggest half the budget that is ludicrous. Prosecutors are not social workers.
It was on maybe (must’ve gone there in a very bored moment)

tough issue all around but I hear ya
Found the Op Ed.

I looked this guy up and it is exactly what I suspected. A nobody who spent very little time as a prosecutor pontificating about what is best. Here is a guy who graduated in 2017 from Fordham Law. He has already left the US Attorneys office in Delaware. Before the US Attorneys Office, he was a member of a private law firm. So we have someone who was maybe has at most two years as a US Attorney acting like he knows what is best for prosecutors? It makes me laugh that this generation can have such big opinions without having an iota of experience and knowledge.

So in three years,this guy has had three different legal jo s and the Star Ledger thinks it is a good idea to print his garbage.
Found the Op Ed.

I looked this guy up and it is exactly what I suspected. A nobody who spent very little time as a prosecutor pontificating about what is best. Here is a guy who graduated in 2017 from Fordham Law. He has already left the US Attorneys office in Delaware. Before the US Attorneys Office, he was a member of a private law firm. So we have someone who was maybe has at most two years as a US Attorney acting like he knows what is best for prosecutors? It makes me laugh that this generation can have such big opinions without having an iota of experience and knowledge.

So in three years,this guy has had three different legal jo s and the Star Ledger thinks it is a good idea to print his garbage.
Maybe it’s an indictment on the concept that this is the best they can get? Maybe, maybe not. His activism if practiced is arguably a breach of the oath of office; we have a legislature to make laws, not prosecutors
Just read an op Ed from a prosecutor who says that prosecutors should equally split its resources between prosecuting and helping criminals. It’s a real movement.

Locally, our DA started the "Blue Guardian" Program. It was the only one of its kind in the state. Other Counties are asking us how they can launch one.

If an addict gets revived by an EMS or PD administered naloxone dose it is captured in a tracking system. A few days later a health care worker and police office arrive at the addicts door and try to intervene and get them into rehab.

There are various programs in NJ. The Attorney General has a program called "Helping Hands" in which police go arrest buyers of drugs and then offer them a choice to either go to rehab or enter the criminal justice system. Problem is that there is 90% recidivism rate within 6 months. So it really is a waste of taxpayers dollars. Moreover, we are busting users not dealers. Prosecutors are not social workers. I hate that idea and movement.

Now, if you want to now talk about legalization of drugs that is a different story. I think there is a discussion to be made to legalize all drugs. The money saved on drug enforcement alone would be enough to cover the costs of rehabs and programs. Far too much money is being spent in the losing war against drugs. You can legalize it, tax it and keep the money away from the drug lords. That is a discussion that is worth having. Not this social worker/law enforcement BS.

Portugal decriminalized all drugs in 2001. The crime rate has been cut by approximately 50%.
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