We should have a group here black lives dont matter...amazes me we have this sect here that feels the african american race in our country has been handled well enough by our society up to this point and that nuclear families are the cure all. I truly question many here on how comfortable they are with african americans, yeah i know kpolice let it be known he donates more than me a month.
Pirate 64 i empathize with the fact that your families came here as foreigners and didnt speak the language and had to learn it over time perhaps. Your families were not forced labor that came here. From then to now caucasian stereotypes have diminished vs what blacks, asians and hispanics have to deal with let alone any middle east or indian people constantly. This is unfortunate for all but worse for our african americans. Many here are just stuck in their upper middle class or better white picket fence bubbles and feel our african americans have gotten a good enough fair shake but if they had nuclear families everything would be fixed....this isnt a left or right thing to me or a blue or red state thing, this is what is acceptable and what is not acceptable and currently how african americans are accepted on a macro level in our country is not acceptable to me...cue the hall85 solutions reply....my point is i would like to have in this thread people accept that african americans are sadly not thought of and not on equal footing to each of you and the ongoong content on these threads prove it, this isnt political its just inferred facts
But why have African Americans been leapfrogged by Asians, Indians, Pakistanis and now Hispanic Americans?
Stories: My Hispanic landscaper, 15 years ago was the bottom rung. He dug the holes. Now he has 2 trucks on the road. Gomez Landscaping. Family business.
Korean green grocer in Manhattan . HS kid behind the counter studying as she bundles my Friday night tulips.” When do you close?” I ask. “ We don’t close”. ” My grandmother comes in later with my brother who works the night shift” Then my parents come in in the morning “ Family.
Dunkin Donuts in Manasquan. Indian family owns all the Dunks around.
Brothers, sons, daughters. The family works them as an efficient team.
For 60 years the African American community has received more govt focus and funding than these groups but has not found a way to break through.
These other groups could have blamed whitey and were probably looked down on as “ the help” by many whites. But somehow they overcame that.
Black lives matter and especially baby black lives. Least of our brethren. But why then are so many black kids -75% - born to unwed mothers whose fathers abandon their families.
Face that problem head on and we might start making real progress.