Once again, an under-educated response. The subject of this thread is about "Karens", not your ability, or lack thereof, to raise a child with a partner. My statement, once again, is exemplary of the majority, it's not the subject of it.
No one is talking shame. The point is, you can't understand the minority viewpoint and vice versa. "Karens" are being shamed because they should be. The statement I've quoted below is the most uneducated statement I've read on this board in a very long time. Can you imagine having the police called on you because you, as a child, are selling lemonade, having a family bbq, or bird-watching? Who are Karen's being frightened by? Minorities? The government? This is fringe tinfoil hat territory. Go about your life like a reasonable person.
"Actually "Karen's" and "Neil's" are those who are frightened into submission and lash out at those who want to get on with everyday life."