Kevin Willard's salary


All Big East
Silver Member
Jul 18, 2004
After the school furloughed 150 employees today I think there needs to be some transparency on whether Kevin Willard has taken a pay cut. As the highest paid employee at the school he should be sharing in the sacrifices the Seton Hall community is making right now.

Perhaps he already has behind the scenes but if so it needs to be made public so it can be recognized and applauded. And if he hasn’t then he needs to step up. It’s the right thing to do.
After the school furloughed 150 employees today I think there needs to be some transparency on whether Kevin Willard has taken a pay cut. As the highest paid employee at the school he should be sharing in the sacrifices the Seton Hall community is making right now.

Perhaps he already has behind the scenes but if so it needs to be made public so it can be recognized and applauded. And if he hasn’t then he needs to step up. It’s the right thing to do.
I agree with you 100
After the school furloughed 150 employees today I think there needs to be some transparency on whether Kevin Willard has taken a pay cut. As the highest paid employee at the school he should be sharing in the sacrifices the Seton Hall community is making right now.

Perhaps he already has behind the scenes but if so it needs to be made public so it can be recognized and applauded. And if he hasn’t then he needs to step up. It’s the right thing to do.
If he did this behind the scenes and he announced he did that good deed to the world, people would be blasting him for announcing it...Work in silence.
I'm not sure what that has to do with my statement honestly . I'm not into discussing politics on this board . just my opinion.
He should be taking at least a 10% pay cut, probably closer to 20%.
After the school furloughed 150 employees today I think there needs to be some transparency on whether Kevin Willard has taken a pay cut. As the highest paid employee at the school he should be sharing in the sacrifices the Seton Hall community is making right now.

Perhaps he already has behind the scenes but if so it needs to be made public so it can be recognized and applauded. And if he hasn’t then he needs to step up. It’s the right thing to do.
Who are you to reach into another man’s pocket? Based on past practices I assume KW is doing his part but that is between him and the school.
Kevin has always been very generous with Seton Hall.

i never said he hasn’t been. Or that he isn’t now. He may have already done a lot behind the scenes related to my initial question. I’m saying they should make it public. The school just furloughed 150 people, the lack of caring on that is shocking to me.
i never said he hasn’t been. Or that he isn’t now. He may have already done a lot behind the scenes related to my initial question. I’m saying they should make it public. The school just furloughed 150 people, the lack of caring on that is shocking to me.
Don’t think there is a lack of caring at all, people are being furloughed everywhere it’s becoming the new normal unfortunately.
My quick hot take yes shu is private...if they are taking on furloughs, the school should do what is needed temporarily to help out across the board. So if that means that the athletic department would all need to take a pay cut for the time being then it should happen
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Actually the furlough is looked upon by many furloughed as a good thing. You collect unemployment, keep the university’s medical, dental, and vision benefits and collect an additional $600/week from the government for a period of time.
Like all of us, Kevin can deem to do what he wants with his salary. He has always stepped up to the plate for the Hall, much more than what is made public.
Most top-level employees at a university, the most highly compensated people there, are paid in such a way that it is understood they will give a percentage back via the institution’s various philanthropic campaigns. This is the way it goes in a normal year. This is why you will see them listed as leadership donor (at various levels) in the annual report. It’s just part of the deal. I can’t say if it’s a contractual understanding, but this Is the way it works everywhere. When you see a coach who backs a gift-matching challenge, this is built in to his deal (though in theory, a coach can voluntarily raise the stakes if he chooses).

When tough times come along — as historically rare as it tends to be — the expectation is also that these same people will be the ones to show that same leadership, this time in sacrificing. It’s more for the way it looks than anything else, though it is not entirely insignificant. A basketball coach is certainly not exempt from this shared sacrifice. If he has not taken a reduction in his pay, he most certainly ought to. And if he has, this is not the time for humility — especially, as I said, because it is mostly to show that sacrifices are being made at all levels. It should be known.
Lot of balls to virtue signal from a forum, reach into someone's pocket and demand earned money being taken from it. Coach has donated far more to this University than most ever will.

I am sure he is doing something, because he always does. Also sure its's not our business. The only bad optics here are from people who want to make it bad optics.
Lot of balls to virtue signal from a forum, reach into someone's pocket and demand earned money being taken from it. Coach has donated far more to this University than most ever will.

I am sure he is doing something, because he always does. Also sure its's not our business. The only bad optics here are from people who want to make it bad optics.
I am glad he has chosen to donate he has made far more in salary at the school than most ever will and that is a good thing
i never said he hasn’t been. Or that he isn’t now. He may have already done a lot behind the scenes related to my initial question. I’m saying they should make it public. The school just furloughed 150 people, the lack of caring on that is shocking to me.
Actually ... you started a thread in which the first para provided that its time for KW to step up and take a cut, suggesting he didn’t, rightly or wrongly. Then you said maybe he has taken a cut and things should be made public. So I think both topics (whether he should take a cut and disclosure of same) are fair topics.

Your first paragraph’s argument as to why he should take a cut is the strongest argument and really the only main arg. An important factor is what other similarly situated coaches are doing.

On other conditions may suggest he didn’t or shouldn’t take a cut. He’s already arguably underpaid and I understand that perf bonuses are a major component of his comp; he didn’t get a chance to achieve all of them (also recall the non-comp perks that were promised but are likely going to be delayed at best). Also, KW is an employee that continues (and must continue) to work, at least in substantial part; this is as opposed to an employee who can’t work from home, or an employee who is not needed to work from home or otherwise (like people I’m close to and feel really bad for). KW’s not an executive/top administrator that’s in charge of deciding which employees are essential., etc., which is what admins/execs are doing with regard to KW and other members of the athletic department - so, I think the theory is that people doing the cutting should take their own cut.

Am i right that a 20% cut for the remaining part of FY 20 would equate to KW forfeiting about 200K (pretax)? All-Thoughts on whether that’s a big # he should voluntarily or involuntarily forfeit? Does it make a dent in what needs to be saved right now?

I’m not sure what the right answer is, as well/succinctly said by Ldobbler. I think If I were advising him I’d consider: suggesting taking a cut and getting school to guarantee deferred comp memorialized in the books; he could presumably help with cash flow and he avoids unwanted and maybe (?) unwarranted criticism.

I’m sad to hear about seton hall family being furloughed....
I would hope that each of us, to the greatest extent possible, is reaching into his own pocket and contributing to worthwhile causes. I don't mean political campaigns, I do mean corporal and spiritual works of mercy. This should have been our goal long before Wuhan virus struck. I assume we are all chipping in when possible. Willard will do what he sees fit to do and needs no prodding from us, nor does he need anyone picking his pocket.
Lot of balls to virtue signal from a forum, reach into someone's pocket and demand earned money being taken from it. Coach has donated far more to this University than most ever will.

I am sure he is doing something, because he always does. Also sure its's not our business. The only bad optics here are from people who want to make it bad optics.

It's not earned money that he's already been paid. It's taking a certain % pay cut of FUTURE earnings, effective a certain date until the time comes when the university would deem it isn't necessary anymore.

And yes, it certainly is bad optics when a university is furloughing 150 employees, the president took a 20% cut and the board 10% but the basketball coach (the highest paid university employee) isn't sacrificing one bit. I don't know if he is or isn't. That part isn't my business. But I would hope he is.

This is the Seton Hall COMMUNITY, right?
No matter what KW does it's never enough, it isn't right, it coulda been better, yada yada. He donates a ton to SH and doesn't ask for any publicity or recognition for it. Enough already.

I attend a separate golf outing each year sponsored by Jay Judge's family. I can tell you that our Coach does not need to donate to this event because it's not SHU sponsored in any way.

He's there every year in a big way because he's a good guy and it raises a lot of money for a great cause.

Kevin also donates every year significantly to SHU and funds private challenges if we raise a certain amount etc. He doesn't always make public what he does at all which is classy and something I admire.

Anyone questioning what he should do, should also consider his sterling track record in being VERY generous not only with his money but his time too. Simply put he does a lot for SHU from a charitable perspective and that is a fact. I'm sure he is doing even more now - bank on it.
I am sure Kevin is doing his part... Here is a hypothetical maybe the school was going to pay him his NCAA bonus that is in his contract and he said thanks no thanks. We don’t know and quite frankly I don’t care. Is it bad optics that it was announced sure but who cares as long as they are doing what is needed.
I love it when people try & spend someone else's money.
You beat me to it. I was just about to post the same thing. It's ridiculous.

What if Willard took his whole salary and gave it to Holy Name hospital in Teaneck which was one of NJ's hardest hit areas for Covid-19? It's his money. He earned it. He can do as he chooses, as we can all do with our own money. Taking a pay cut is not a requirement.
It's not earned money that he's already been paid. It's taking a certain % pay cut of FUTURE earnings, effective a certain date until the time comes when the university would deem it isn't necessary anymore.

And yes, it certainly is bad optics when a university is furloughing 150 employees, the president took a 20% cut and the board 10% but the basketball coach (the highest paid university employee) isn't sacrificing one bit. I don't know if he is or isn't. That part isn't my business. But I would hope he is.

This is the Seton Hall COMMUNITY, right?

It is earned money, he earned his salary based on his past performance. Coaches, like pro athletes, earn their salary based on what they DID, not what they are going to do. That's the reality in the sports world.

Your comment is also nonsense. You just said he "isn't sacrificing one bit". But then you talk out of the other side of your mouth just one sentence later and say "I don't know if he is or isn't.". So you're going to chop him up and make him sound like a selfish jerk, but then disclaimer it by saying you don't know what he's actually doing? Do you write for the Star Ledger by chance?

TLastly, you wrap it up by saying "that part isn't my business". But you CLEARLY are making it YOUR business because you seem to have some desperate need to know what he's doing.Newsflash - Kevin doesn't do his charitable works or his good gestures for public grandstanding. Have FAITH in the man that he's doing the right thing. The administration feels the need to speak up to what they are doing themselves because THEY are the ones authorizing the furloughs, not Kevin.
A few things: This thread is not a referendum on whether or not Kevin Willard earns his salary or has a right to do what he wants with his money. Let's stipulate that he does earn it and can do what he wants with it.

But if anyone missed the fact earlier in this thread that in university life, the highest-paid people are compensated in such a way and with the understanding that they will, even in a normal year, be returning a generous amount to the institution through philanthropy. It's expected and, in many cases, written in the their contracts. This assures the university and its community that these key, visible people will be seen as leadership donors, which invites the average alum/fan/donor to line up behind that leadership and support these campaigns. You see this in one-time gifts to fund a project, matching gifts, etc.

This is a good system, but there is no getting around the fact that is is expected. And, to repeat, oftentimes, it is bound by contract.

Having said that, I can certainly appreciate the desire many have to do their philanthropy quietly or in anonymity. I have always appreciated that lesson from Jesus about when you gives alms, give quietly with one hand so that the other does not know (and that is a poor paraphrasing of a beautiful idea). My guess is that Kevin Willard is that sort of personality, and that elevates him in my estimation.

However, in a system that even in normal times demands the generous philanthropy of an entire university community to fund its operations and pay its highest salaries - especially on the athletic end at a school where if we're lucky, men's basketball funds itself - it is a practical imperative in a time of such crisis for every one of the highest earners to accept salary reductions and then willingly allow the university to reassure its community that everyone is making sacrifices. How on earth can they furlough employees making $40,000 if those who enjoy absolute financial security aren't dialing back a little bit from their $3.5 million? And again, let's stipulate that in his marketplace, he earns and deserves that salary. But if your university community finds itself in jeopardy, what good is it if you aren't doing your part to help it?

"To whom much is given, much is required."
Never realized how many sanctimonious people there were on this site. Who are any of us to lecture the coach on what he should do with the money he earned. I know KW fairly well and he is a generous man who has supported many causes including several SHU ones. My assumption is that he is participating in helping others during these trying times. However it is his choice and his alone what he does with his money. We should all just shut up and do whatever we feel is right for ourselves in this situation.
What in the world?

This is a no-win situation. Let's say he takes a cut of 20% off $3M. Then you're still going to have people trying to drag everyone to the same level by saying he can "afford" to do more. It's ridiculous.

Just like any company, the university has leadership and personnel responsible for the financials. It's on them to control this and position the university, not simply appealing to the good nature of the employees.

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