Last Night


All Universe
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2001

The declining behavior of the opposition party and the over the top cheering of the party in power may make for good TV, but decorum no longer exists. Dems hit a new low last night, from Al Green, to the no-shows, the walkouts, the signs and ping pong paddles. You can resist Trump, but is this the way to do it? Childish.

There’s more decorum in my granddaughter’s preschool.

That was long (no surprise), and did anyone stay up to watch Slotkin?
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If Trump is successful in balancing the budget, cutting waste, getting border under control, reversing some inflation, and ending all the wars. Big ifs in my opinion but all are possible, the Democratic Party will be set back and ridiculed for the foreseeable future. The current strategy goes against the majority of Americans, they are picking fights on the wrong side of the ledger.
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Most of what he said was good. Wasting his time on Pocahontas and the 360 year old in the social security system was a waste of time. For the next 4 years one of his talking points has to be how the democrats couldn't even unite to give a standing ovation to a 13 year old beating cancer, parents who lost their children, a gentleman who raised 40 something foster kids. They're resisting doing the right thing because they hate him. It was on clear display for the whole country last night.
Speech was a grand slam and democrats were a laughing stock with their childish signs and refusal to stand for any people recognized If Republicans didn’t stand for minorities recognized they would be called racists.The restistance is mad because closed the border, banned men in women sports,eliminated laughable foreign aid grants,etc.I think Democratic Party should consider a name change to Open Borders Trans Party.
I remember democrats talking about having adults in the room. That’s over. 1.7 trillion to fix the border half way, when all we needed was a new President. Party of rip offs.
Stephen A. Smith had a great piece with Chris Cuomo last night on News Nation last night before the speech. He is definitely not a suck-up to Trump but he laid out where Democrats continue to fail. What's the definition of insanity? When you run your entire campaign and policy on Orange Man Bad, without any vision and expect a different result.
Alexrod and Steele critical of the childish actions of resistance democrats last night.Any doubt that Jeffries is a clown not a leader was eliminated
I don’t like the dumb placards or walking out. But let’s get real. This lack of decorum started with the Republicans. With the “you lie” shout at Obama’s State of the Union and the constant heckling of Joe Biden during his speech.

I don’t think it does any good. You want to sit there is silence that’s fine. But, to those crying about what happened last night, did you criticize Republicans when they showed childish behavior during Obama and Biden?
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I don’t like the dumb placards or walking out. But let’s get real. This lack of decorum started with the Republicans. With the “you lie” shout at Obama’s State of the Union and the constant heckling of Joe Biden during his speech.

I don’t think it does any good. You want to sit there is silence that’s fine. But, to those crying about what happened last night, did you criticize Republicans when they showed childish behavior during Obama and Biden?
Agree just keeps getting worse and worse. Republicans stood when Obama and Biden walked into the room. Last night Dems didn’t even stand up. Then to not stand & applaud the young kid with cancer or any of the special interest stories very sad actually pathetic and childish. I get it though they are being exposed daily for taking advantage of the American people. War, border, waste, health etc…personally hope when a Democrat is elected republicans don’t repeat what happened last night. Bad look for the country, and an embarrassment to voters.
I don’t like the dumb placards or walking out. But let’s get real. This lack of decorum started with the Republicans. With the “you lie” shout at Obama’s State of the Union and the constant heckling of Joe Biden during his speech.

I don’t think it does any good. You want to sit there is silence that’s fine. But, to those crying about what happened last night, did you criticize Republicans when they showed childish behavior during Obama and Biden?
I don’t think anyone disagrees with you on that this isn’t the first time and I think we all agree on decorum. But you can’t deny, last night was atrocious on so many fronts. They took it to a new low.

A large number don’t show up
Al Green being so disruptive that he had to be removed
Refusing to stand when the President walked in the room
Elected officials walking out at different times
The placards, the signs, the tee shirts, the costumes, and the paddles
And failing to acknowledge heroes, victims of crime and a child suffering from cancer

It wasn’t just one or two isolated incidents. It was the entire Democratic contingent.

“When they go low, we go high”… Effing hilarious. Criticize Trump all you want, but they made a mockery of the institution last night.
This is why I left the Democratic Party to become an independent voter who leans right more often than not. I want nothing to do with any of these people right now hope the future makes me reconsider. Republicans are bringing in bright articulate new blood. Dems need to rid themselves of Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Bernie, AOC, Jeffries. Party is a mess in my opinion. Need to get back to their roots.
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I don’t like the dumb placards or walking out. But let’s get real. This lack of decorum started with the Republicans. With the “you lie” shout at Obama’s State of the Union and the constant heckling of Joe Biden during his speech.

I don’t think it does any good. You want to sit there is silence that’s fine. But, to those crying about what happened last night, did you criticize Republicans when they showed childish behavior during Obama and Biden?
The whatabout police will be all over you,

Personally I don't care about the shouting, the signs, etc. Not applauding a 13 year old kid who survived brain cancer??? Are you kidding me?
These are the people that are proud to stick the “Hate Has No Home Here”. On their lawns. Practice what you preach.
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The whatabout police will be all over you,

Personally I don't care about the shouting, the signs, etc. Not applauding a 13 year old kid who survived brain cancer??? Are you kidding me?
There behavior represents everyone who voted for them their base. All the haters out there want this behavior. Thinking guys posting here do not agree with this behavior but some are hard core so who knows. If I voted democratic I would be ashamed to be represented by these jackasses. They crossed the line last night.
The problem with what the democrats did, no one is talking about the crazy speech Trump gave. Does anyone believe that Doge saved 8 million billion dollars for transgender mice? I mean we can all agree that is absolute nonsense on its face. The lies and bs that was coming out of his mouth was incredible.
The problem with what the democrats did, no one is talking about the crazy speech Trump gave. Does anyone believe that Doge saved 8 million billion dollars for transgender mice? I mean we can all agree that is absolute nonsense on its face. The lies and bs that was coming out of his mouth was incredible.

I have no clue if any of this is true, but they showed their work, let's see if people dispute it.
This is why I left the Democratic Party to become an independent voter who leans right more often than not. I want nothing to do with any of these people right now hope the future makes me reconsider. Republicans are bringing in bright articulate new blood. Dems need to rid themselves of Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, Bernie, AOC, Jeffries. Party is a mess in my opinion. Need to get back to their roots.

I did the same. Used to be a registered Democrat, voted for Obama twice. Since then, the party has completely lost its way and embraced the radical woke left. It used to be a respectable party filled with decent ideas and good people. I changed my registration to Independent.
There behavior represents everyone who voted for them their base. All the haters out there want this behavior. Thinking guys posting here do not agree with this behavior but some are hard core so who knows. If I voted democratic I would be ashamed to be represented by these jackasses. They crossed the line last night.
Trump tried to cut billions in medical research grants. The executive order was just temporarily blocked (probably some woke DEI deepstate judge) but the point is the same. Clutching pearls over Democrats sitting and silence when life-saving cancer research gets cut seems hypocritical.

Trump tried to cut billions in medical research grants. The executive order was just temporarily blocked (probably some woke DEI deepstate judge) but the point is the same. Clutching pearls over Democrats sitting and silence when life-saving cancer research gets cut seems hypocritical.

That’s not the point. Every President is going to have policies that the opposition party disagrees. Show some decorum instead of acting like an idiot.
The problem with what the democrats did, no one is talking about the crazy speech Trump gave. Does anyone believe that Doge saved 8 million billion dollars for transgender mice? I mean we can all agree that is absolute nonsense on its face. The lies and bs that was coming out of his mouth was incredible.
It appears to be true, what makes you think it’s not. He’s right more often than not, the media drives the false claims but doesn’t back it up with any facts. Government waste is real, we pay $300 for the same hammer we can get at Home Depot for $14. Good luck defending the Federal Government spending habits, it’s a scam to filter money into the pockets of the political elite on both sides. No one knows better than Trump, I’m sure he was on the receiving side of things. Now he’s trying to clean it up and we are going to get mad because we want to give them more tax dollars. Trying to understand why you think this way. We are all in this together. Joe Biden tried to pass a bill for 1.7 trillion to get security at the Southern border this past year that’s a fact. He was going to cut the number of people entering our country in half. Blamed republicans for not passing it, a little leadership and no bill being passed Trump saved us 1.7 trillion. Border is secure in under 60 days. How do you dispute that?
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Democrats made such fools of themselves Tuesday night Their blind hate for Trump is greater than their love for their country.I love that the little kid’s father destroyed Maddow for her criticism of Trump presenting his son’s story.One day a week Maddow still probably mad about her salary one of the most overrated people on TVThe kid survived brain cancer Rachel even dykes should support that.
I did the same. Used to be a registered Democrat, voted for Obama twice. Since then, the party has completely lost its way and embraced the radical woke left. It used to be a respectable party filled with decent ideas and good people. I changed my registration to Independent.
In my lifetime - and if '09 is the year you graduated from college, then we are around the same age - the Democratic party leadership has never wasted an opportunity to marginalize the left wing of the party and/or treat it with anything than utter contempt. That goes for Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Hakeem Jeffries, and yes, even your guy Barack Obama. I have no idea how that guy earned your vote twice.

Where did this narrative that they've embraced the radical woke left come from? It's at complete odds with reality. Can you enlighten me? I could write a novel-length post about all the times mainstream moderate democrats stuck it to the left wing of their own party, but here are a couple recent, fateful examples.

1. The left was among the earliest groups questioning Biden's fitness for office, among others, and were told by Democratic leaders and the White House to basically shut up about it.
2. Kamala Harris spends the final leg of her campaign doing a speaking tour with Liz Cheney, trying to court the elusive "moderate republican" vote, squandering the temporary surge in interest in her campaign and demoralizing the progressive wing of the party.
3. After the 2024 election, party leadership focuses its anger on liberal groups for asking them to do more.

I think it speaks volumes that Elissa Slotkin was given the job of responding to the joint address. A former CIA analyst who worked for the National Security Council during the Bush administration, who spent time during her response talking about how great Ronald Reagan was. This is the radical woke left?

Slotkin also blamed the left for Harris losing, despite the Harris campaign spending its final weeks courting the endangered moderate, disaffected Republican. A totally absurd narrative that mainstream Democrats keep telling themselves, hoping to wish it into existence.

Honestly, the left could learn a lot from the far right in the US, who unlike the left have become the mainstream voice of their political party. There has never been a Tea Party of the left, and I have had a hard time seeing that ever happening.
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Bill Clinton's policies would probably be considered more right than left in 2025. The party drifted that much in a fairly short time.

Obama earned my vote as the change candidate coming off the endless warmongering and economic mismanagement of the Bush administration. In retrospect, I probably should have voted for Romney in '12 but the economic hole was so big that I gave Obama the benefit of the doubt. I don't like how he became a social justice warrior in his second term, which really kicked off the accelerated move to the far left of the party at large.

Slotkin giving the response the other night was a positive step. She started strong but then went into the same old tired Democratic talking points. Maybe they're learning something and can shift back towards the center, maybe they won't. She didn't move the needle but at least she didn't mention abortion, the trans nonsense, or global warming.
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Bill Clinton's policies would probably be considered more right than left in 2025. The party drifted that much in a fairly short time.
NAFTA, TANF, the Defense of Marriage Act, and the passage of the The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that partially repealed the Glass-Steagall Act that had placed regulations on the financial services industry. These things all happened during Bill Clinton's presidency.

What am I supposed to call that? It's certainly not left wing.
NAFTA, TANF, the Defense of Marriage Act, and the passage of the The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that partially repealed the Glass-Steagall Act that had placed regulations on the financial services industry. These things all happened during Bill Clinton's presidency.

What am I supposed to call that? It's certainly not left wing.

Exactly, that's my point. Those were mainstream Democratic policies at that time. Common sense, normal stuff. No Democrat could win a primary today with those policies. Would get blown out of the water. This is a great example of how far to the left the party has shifted and a big reason why I no longer affiliate myself with it. Common sense people today are in the middle or center-right.
Exactly, that's my point. Those were mainstream Democratic policies at that time. Common sense, normal stuff. No Democrat could win a primary today with those policies. Would get blown out of the water. This is a great example of how far to the left the party has shifted and a big reason why I no longer affiliate myself with it. Common sense people today are in the middle or center-right.
Mainstream Democratic policies that were essentially Republican policies. All right, then.

So how about those examples of how Democrats have capitulated to the woke, radical left?

In the meantime, here's a clip of Hakeem Jeffries complaining about how the left is so mean to him.

As far as I can tell, this man is an empty vessel, incapable of taking a position or speaking out on anything. He's really a perfectly fitting leader for the modern Democratic party.
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You're making my point for me. They WERE mainstream Democrat policies in the 1990s (and prior). You call them "Republican" because, in 2025, they'd absolutely be considered Republican policies due to the massive shift to the left in the D party since that time.

Joe Biden is the perfect example of a Democrat who capitulated to the far left. It was the only way he could have won the nomination, making a deal to box out Sanders. Then when he became president, he bent the knee as part of the deal and enacted the agenda of the left wing of the party. Joe Biden was a moderate Democrat most of his life, until he ran for president in 2020.
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You're making my point for me. They WERE mainstream Democrat policies in the 1990s (and prior). You call them "Republican" because, in 2025, they'd absolutely be considered Republican policies due to the massive shift to the left in the D party since that time.

Joe Biden is the perfect example of a Democrat who capitulated to the far left. It was the only way he could have won the nomination, making a deal to box out Sanders. Then when he became president, he bent the knee as part of the deal and enacted the agenda of the left wing of the party. Joe Biden was a moderate Democrat most of his life, until he ran for president in 2020.
Wrong. GLBA and NAFTA were championed by neoliberals. Cutting welfare benefits and banning same-sex marriage are inherently right wing. Nowhere in the rest of the world would these policies be considered even moderate. The US Democratic party, supposedly the party of the American left wing, is an outlier to most of the rest of the world by how conservative it is.

You seem to have a view of history of American socioeconomic policy that begins in the 1970s and ignores what came before. Do you think the New Deal was some kind of dystopian hellscape?

You're still just saying that the party became woke and left wing without listing any examples, like it's conventional wisdom or something. You think Kamala Harris barnstorming the country with Liz Cheney was a sign of how woke and left wing the party is?

For a glimpse at what the Democratic party has actually done, look no further than Chuck Schumer in 2016 bragging about how they're going to abandon their working class base in favor of affluent moderates. A disastrous strategy that they still haven't reversed.

And you've even admitted that the Democratic party conspired to tank Bernie Sanders' candidacy! Why would the party that capitulated to the woke left box out the only actual left wing candidate on the ballot?
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And you've even admitted that the Democratic party conspired to tank Bernie Sanders' candidacy! Why would the party that capitulated to the woke left box out the only actual left wing candidate on the ballot?
Because they crave power and that's an easy L in the struggle for power category. Half of America isn't voting for socialism.

09 is spot on, but I think the biggest thing is what democrat today is saying abortion should be safe, legal and RARE? Common sense is not common in the democratic party of today and I'm still a registered democrat. I just won't vote that way until they wake up. Trump is closer to being JFK-like than the overwhelming majority of today's democrats in office.
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Because they crave power and that's an easy L in the struggle for power category. Half of America isn't voting for socialism.
You sure about that? It's very easy to make a case that Bernie Sanders would have done better than Hillary Clinton in 2016. Certainly he would have been able to get 77,000 more votes than Clinton across Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Does he lose any states that Clinton won? I don't think so.
09 is spot on, but I think the biggest thing is what democrat today is saying abortion should be safe, legal and RARE? Common sense is not common in the democratic party of today and I'm still a registered democrat. I just won't vote that way until they wake up. Trump is closer to being JFK-like than the overwhelming majority of today's democrats in office.
You're mad that they stopped using some bromide about abortions? Who cares? They probably stopped saying it because it was out of step with modern public opinion.

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You're mad that they stopped using some bromide about abortions? Who cares? They probably stopped saying it because it was out of step with modern public opinion.

The rate of abortion rate is half of what it was when Clinton first used the phrase.
The initiatives pushed during the 90s to try and reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies worked.

Worrying about the phrasing used more than the results is just politics.

Though, where I would agree with SHUHoopsfan is that the reasoning behind the removal of the phrase was dumb.
They were not comfortable with saying that a woman who received an abortion did something "bad" (if it should be rare then it must be bad) They are so overly worried about offending anyone that they end up alienating far more people.

Democrats need to adapt to show that they are aligned with the middle.
The rate of abortion rate is half of what it was when Clinton first used the phrase.
The initiatives pushed during the 90s to try and reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies worked.

Worrying about the phrasing used more than the results is just politics.

Though, where I would agree with SHUHoopsfan is that the reasoning behind the removal of the phrase was dumb.
They were not comfortable with saying that a woman who received an abortion did something "bad" (if it should be rare then it must be bad) They are so overly worried about offending anyone that they end up alienating far more people.

Democrats need to adapt to show that they are aligned with the middle.
Merge, I disagree with your final point. The Harris campaign did run a campaign that tried to portray itself as centrist and it backfired. Since Trump became the Republican nominee in the 2016 election cycle, they've been trying to pick off moderate Republicans who they think will not tolerate Donald Trump because they believe their own hype about Trump being a threat to democracy. He consistently has approval ratings of at least 80% among Republicans!

It's an incredibly foolhardy strategy to think they can pick off enough Republicans to offset constantly demoralizing the progressive wing of the party, and it's also very illuminating to see some of the loudest liberal voices of centrism try desperately to rewrite the story of the 2024 campaign.

For those unaware, Matt Yglesias is one of the most influential liberal pundits around, and quite possibly the most read of all writers by Democratic leadership. He was also one of the most prominent voices who denied Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline. He's wrong all the time, but the Dems still listen to him.
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The Majority of the Democrats Party has always been centrist. This goes through Biden and even Harris. The problem with the Democratic Party is that the loudest and most social media savvy politicians happen to be far left. The far left is the biggest problem that the Dems have. They abandoned Hilary Clinton in 2016 and voted for Jill Stein. Florida was lost and hence the election was lost to those people who voted for Jill Stein. The far left did not come out for Harris as well. But Harris lost more so because she was a bad candidate.

The right wing media has done an amazing job labeling all Dems left wing radical nuts. That’s a fallacy. But Dems got caught up in cancel culture ie Al Frankin being a victim of it. The Dems need to reclaim their identity.
But it is time that Schumer steps down and they need a younger more charismatic pols.
Shapiro, Newsome, Beshear are all going to be good candidates for 2028
The Majority of the Democrats Party has always been centrist. This goes through Biden and even Harris. The problem with the Democratic Party is that the loudest and most social media savvy politicians happen to be far left. The far left is the biggest problem that the Dems have. They abandoned Hilary Clinton in 2016 and voted for Jill Stein. Florida was lost and hence the election was lost to those people who voted for Jill Stein. The far left did not come out for Harris as well. But Harris lost more so because she was a bad candidate.
The claim that "the left" and Jill Stein cost Clinton the election is false.

Jill Stein (and/or Gary Johnson) did not cost Clinton the 2016 election. See here:

Maybe Hillary Clinton would have been better off not running a bad campaign and taking the swing states she lost for granted?

And it's really not true that Harris would have won any swing states if all Stein and Cornel West voters had voted for Harris instead, though that hasn't stopped people from claiming this anyway.

You correctly note that the right wing media has successfully labeled all Democrats as radical left wing nuts, and then you take a page out of their book and blame the far left anyway! Come on! Kamala Harris didn't lose the election because AOC gets lots of people to watch her on Instagram live. It doesn't make any sense.

And for all the talk of "moderates" not wanting a far left candidate, why is Bernie Sanders ranked as the most popular politician among self-described moderates?

This is at odds with what you and SHUHoopsFan are claiming.
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In my lifetime - and if '09 is the year you graduated from college, then we are around the same age - the Democratic party leadership has never wasted an opportunity to marginalize the left wing of the party and/or treat it with anything than utter contempt. That goes for Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Hakeem Jeffries, and yes, even your guy Barack Obama. I have no idea how that guy earned your vote twice.

Where did this narrative that they've embraced the radical woke left come from? It's at complete odds with reality. Can you enlighten me? I could write a novel-length post about all the times mainstream moderate democrats stuck it to the left wing of their own party, but here are a couple recent, fateful examples.

1. The left was among the earliest groups questioning Biden's fitness for office, among others, and were told by Democratic leaders and the White House to basically shut up about it.
2. Kamala Harris spends the final leg of her campaign doing a speaking tour with Liz Cheney, trying to court the elusive "moderate republican" vote, squandering the temporary surge in interest in her campaign and demoralizing the progressive wing of the party.
3. After the 2024 election, party leadership focuses its anger on liberal groups for asking them to do more.

I think it speaks volumes that Elissa Slotkin was given the job of responding to the joint address. A former CIA analyst who worked for the National Security Council during the Bush administration, who spent time during her response talking about how great Ronald Reagan was. This is the radical woke left?

Slotkin also blamed the left for Harris losing, despite the Harris campaign spending its final weeks courting the endangered moderate, disaffected Republican. A totally absurd narrative that mainstream Democrats keep telling themselves, hoping to wish it into existence.

Honestly, the left could learn a lot from the far right in the US, who unlike the left have become the mainstream voice of their political party. There has never been a Tea Party of the left, and I have had a hard time seeing that ever happening.

There is a lot of truth here, but neither the radical right or radical left have it right. The radical left ideology, however, is more repugnant to most than that of the right, thus the beating at the polls last November. Clinton and Obama were smart to govern to the center. One only has to look at what Murphy (a liberal Democrat) has done to NJ in the past 8 years with bail reform, just to name one issue.
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The Majority of the Democrats Party has always been centrist. This goes through Biden and even Harris. The problem with the Democratic Party is that the loudest and most social media savvy politicians happen to be far left. The far left is the biggest problem that the Dems have. They abandoned Hilary Clinton in 2016 and voted for Jill Stein. Florida was lost and hence the election was lost to those people who voted for Jill Stein. The far left did not come out for Harris as well. But Harris lost more so because she was a bad candidate.

The right wing media has done an amazing job labeling all Dems left wing radical nuts. That’s a fallacy. But Dems got caught up in cancel culture ie Al Frankin being a victim of it. The Dems need to reclaim their identity.
But it is time that Schumer steps down and they need a younger more charismatic pols.
Shapiro, Newsome, Beshear are all going to be good candidates for 2028
The problem is the Centris Democrats too often cave to the extreme left of the party. Look at how they voted on the transgender sport legislation. They all lined up on the issue that 80% of the country does not support.

Right wing media? You mean fox and Newsmax. What other network would you call right wing? The vast majority of MSM and cable news lies left. That’s not debatable.

Shapiro right now is the most logical candidate. He’s moderate and governs with common sense. Newsom has a horrible record as governor. But if you like tall guys with greased back hair, he’s your guy. Please explain why you think he is a good candidate?

It’s more than the candidate though. Exactly what are the key Democrat policies?

If you ask someone on the street what Trumps policies are you’re probably going to get:

- Border security/immigration
- Tarriffs
- Government efficiency
- Negotiate peace in Ukraine and Gaza
- Extend tax cuts
- investment in U.S. jobs

Name the top 5-6 Democrat policies.
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