Let's help Jerry C again


Jan 1, 2003
Like we did last year I will be posting Jerry's human interest stories on the board.

The hits are very important for him so let's help the man who covers the Pirates better than any other reporter in the state.

Even if you have no interest just hit the link.

Thank you.


I have a five year old son enrolled in pre-K in a Monmouth County district. His first teacher who he thrived under was laid off due to budget cuts. His current teacher is ok but it’s not the same. Now the district is facing even more layoffs due to double digit budget cuts, so who knows who will be there next year. It’s remarkable how badly the Shore has gotten treated in the school funding formula.
As usual, Jerry's words are outstanding. Through the years, I interviewed over 100 Holocaust survivors. Their stories stay with me and remind me that we should never forget the horror of that time period, This reminder, hopefully, will strengthen our resolve to prevent other Holocausts in our lifetime.
And it helps Jerry to no end.

Clicks are the lifeblood for reporters now.
How special is Jerry? He spoke to Colin Tuesday for 90 minutes for our Trove interview. Some of which I will bring here in the next couple of days starting tomorrow.

No one talks that long for a internet interview, but that's Jerry and the reason I ask everyone to click on his interviews to help him.

Also a shout out to Colin. I can't imagine how long it will take him to complete the 3 part interview.

Thank you Colin and thank you Jerry.
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