Long Hurley interview

Great interview. Interesting to hear him talk about the jobs he turned down (Rutgers twice, Marist, Lakers) and that he tried to quit UConn on his 2nd day. He's a very unique individual who is completely driven (obsessed?). His family gives him some balance and it all goes into making him the best coach in college.

Pleased to see him talk about Contracts as a way to fix the yearly Free Agency. He said the fans are eventually going to tune out if the players change every year. Securing players into 2-year contracts may be the only way to put some guardrails on the transfer epidemic.
Great interview. Interesting to hear him talk about the jobs he turned down (Rutgers twice, Marist, Lakers) and that he tried to quit UConn on his 2nd day. He's a very unique individual who is completely driven (obsessed?). His family gives him some balance and it all goes into making him the best coach in college.

Pleased to see him talk about Contracts as a way to fix the yearly Free Agency. He said the fans are eventually going to tune out if the players change every year. Securing players into 2-year contracts may be the only way to put some guardrails on the transfer epidemic.
A guy with a family name that maybe inflated his rutgers assistant chance but losing that gig when bannon regime ended, changed him with his time at st. Benedict's.
Danny talks about his decision to not try to play overseas from about the 18:30-19:30 mark.

He said when they played their last game at Seton Hall, Adrian Griffin and him were preparing for the Virginia combine. AG prepared with double and triple sessions in the Rec Center and Weight Room while Danny did double sessions at Paulie's and The Hall.
I liked dan as a player. Lots of jc wiseass guys families had summer homes where i lived and i liked those guys and saw dan the same way. Great coach obviously. He is really a strong guy to be so honest about himself. 1000% behind him.
Always appreciated Danny. Better player than given credit for. We get a picture of the drive for success and absolute stark dread of not succeeding. Those qualities in a young person without life perspective are dangerous. In an experienced adult with perspective, they propel him forward. Lots of successful coaches are built the same way. Fascinating interview.
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