More Rutgers financial stuff. In this issue: last year‘s bowl appearance.

Let’s stop with the RU waste money nonsense. Do you honestly think that one can roll Temple on the cheap? My understanding is that Temple’s DoorDash annual bill isn’t even $400k and consequently it has no chance against that power down south. You get what you pay for……

Nice satire.

Can someone calculate Door Dash cost/points scored? Rutgers spent a lot for 16 points. Temple probably had a much more efficient door dash to points return for their 14 points!
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$1.8 million. It wasn’t a game we were ever going to win, but losing our starting quarterback, both are number one and number two wide receivers, both our number one and number two running backs to injury certainly didn’t help us at all. Our two main offensive weapons are a true freshman quarterback and a true freshman running back.
That's one of the points I made yesterday regarding injuries. They're going to happen in football. It's a violent sport.

But when you have physical mismatches they are far more likely to happen. What lower level offensive line is going to stop premier rushers from hitting the QB and running backs all game long?
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What has been lost in this conversation is the simple fact that in the majority of schools in the Power 5 conferences Athletics is the dominant power on campus and the school’s Presidents put little constraints on the way money is spent and how much is spent and this is especially true in state supported colleges like RU.
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$1.8 million. It wasn’t a game we were ever going to win, but losing our starting quarterback, both are number one and number two wide receivers, both our number one and number two running backs to injury certainly didn’t help us at all. Our two main offensive weapons are a true freshman quarterback and a true freshman running back.
Fresno State lost its QB to an ankle injury last night. You might have a chance next weekend.
What has been lost in this conversation is the simple fact that in the majority of schools in the Power 5 conferences Athletics is the dominant power on campus and the school’s Presidents put little constraints on the way money is spent and how much is spent and this is especially true in state supported colleges like RU.
Keep in mind the athletic budget at RU is 2% of the total budget.
That's one of the points I made yesterday regarding injuries. They're going to happen in football. It's a violent sport.

But when you have physical mismatches they are far more likely to happen. What lower level offensive line is going to stop premier rushers from hitting the QB and running backs all game long?
Apparently ours since the protection was fairly decent yesterday.

But you’re not wrong to your larger point. Connecticut only has 105 on the football team due to title IX limitations. Michigan has 140.
Fresno State lost its QB to an ankle injury last night. You might have a chance next weekend.
I hate to see any player get hurt how much so I’m sorry to hear that. Fresno State kicked the crap out of us last year at their place. although we upgraded our talent considerably, with all the injuries wins are going to be hard to come by this year. I don’t think Fresno State will be one of them, but we will see.
Apparently ours since the protection was fairly decent yesterday.

But you’re not wrong to your larger point. Connecticut only has 105 on the football team due to title IX limitations. Michigan has 140.
lmao. yes very decent protection in your 100pt loss. and yea, its definitely those extra 40 guys on the practice squad that enabled michigan to squeek by 😂
lmao. yes very decent protection in your 100pt loss. and yea, its definitely those extra 40 guys on the practice squad that enabled michigan to squeek by 😂
Wow, weird post. First Connecticut didn’t lose by 100 points. Second i’m sure you’re right and Jim Harbaugh is wrong. They don’t help the team at all. Lol. Troll better.
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Wow, weird post. First Connecticut didn’t lose by 100 points. Second i’m sure you’re right and Jim Harbaugh is wrong. They don’t help the team at all. Lol. Troll better.
uconn football is the real troll.
Wow, weird post. First Connecticut didn’t lose by 100 points. Second i’m sure you’re right and Jim Harbaugh is wrong. They don’t help the team at all. Lol. Troll better.
Getting a bit defensive? C’mon, you see what everyone else can see. UCONN football is a pipe dream. An expensive one thst they are trying to fund thru buy games and as noted above is risking injury to the players. The strategy for trying to build the program up might be sound but how does UCONN expect to build up talent as you say if UCONN goes another 1-11, 2-10 season? The entire premise of a UCONN revival is that Jim Mora is the coach. If he can’t show some progress soon, there is no credibility.
Wow, weird post. First Connecticut didn’t lose by 100 points. Second i’m sure you’re right and Jim Harbaugh is wrong. They don’t help the team at all. Lol. Troll better.
59 was the largest margin of any FBS game this week.
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In regards to title IX is there any exception given to schools sponsoring football given their isn’t a female counterpart? Or if you have football you need to have 85/63 female scholarships to offset?

assuming no exceptions which is why patriot league doesn’t offer scholarships.
In regards to title IX is there any exception given to schools sponsoring football given their isn’t a female counterpart? Or if you have football you need to have 85/63 female scholarships to offset?

assuming no exceptions which is why patriot league doesn’t offer scholarships.
Nope, no exceptions which really hurt men’s olympic sports or forced schools to either downgrade or drop football. Not really fair to the guys.
Getting a bit defensive? C’mon, you see what everyone else can see. UCONN football is a pipe dream. An expensive one thst they are trying to fund thru buy games and as noted above is risking injury to the players. The strategy for trying to build the program up might be sound but how does UCONN expect to build up talent as you say if UCONN goes another 1-11, 2-10 season? The entire premise of a UCONN revival is that Jim Mora is the coach. If he can’t show some progress soon, there is no credibility.
I think it’s fair to say that if Jim Mora can’t rebuild UConn football, it can’t be rebuilt.
59 was the largest margin of any FBS game this week.
Golly, I wasn’t aware of that.:rolleyes:

So far this season in Connecticut has lost QB1, WR1, WR2, RB1, RB2. Our offensive last week were a true freshman quarterback and a true freshman running back and we were playing against the number four rank team in the nation. Even if we were entirely healthy it would’ve been an immense challenge. depleted as we were everyone expected the score to be whatever Michigan wanted it to be.
Doesn’t Title IX only relate to scholarship numbers? Both schools have 85 scholarship football
I believe title IX requires that you provide the same opportunity regardless of gender. So if you’re carrying 85 scholarship athletes and 55 non-scholarship athletes in football you have to pride equivalent opportunities to women.
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Jim Mora had 3 straight losing seasons at UCLA to end his tenure. Are you saying that UConn is an easier job to be successful than UCLA?
Don’t get seduced by using percent of RU’s total budget but what was the actual spending in actual dollar terms . For the 2021 fiscal year RU athletics spent $118 million and ran up a $73 million dollar deficit . For the 2022 - 2023 fiscal year RU’s total budget is $5.1 billion but I don’t know if that’s for all the campuses or just New Brunswick.
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Jim Mora had 3 straight losing seasons at UCLA to end his tenure. Are you saying that UConn is an easier job to be successful than UCLA?
I think it’s overall record was something like 46 and 33. Has anyone match that as an overall record since he left? I don’t think so.

I think being the University Connecticut football coach is in a lot of ways one of the hardest jobs in the nation because the program has fallen so low and has at least one poster on this site loves to point out Connecticut fans expectations are high. In fact Jim Moro’s went so far as to say that he took the job because it was hard.

As I said above Jim mora can’t fix this program I’m inclined to believe it cannot be fixed. Not that he’s perfect, but he brings the attitude effort and intensity necessary for success. I guess we will see. But not this next weekend. This next weekend we’re going to get our asses handed to us again.

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