My perspective

class of 68

Gold Member
Dec 26, 2002
whitney point new york
I came to SHU in the fall of 1964 on a men's basketball scholarship. For our younger readers SHU was the first college to make HEADLINES in 1960 when 2 players, Hicks and Gunther, were caught shaving points for gamblers and because of that the Board of Regents put several sanctions on the program..

Games would have to be on east coast, no in season or post season tournaments for several years, etc.

I will admit that this hurt recruiting and the quality of players who came to the Hall was not as gifted as many of our opponents at that time. We played hard for Coach Regan and tried to represent the University well.

SHU is still a hard place to sell to recruits. A nice campus but very small compared to some other places-

If you drive up South Orange Avenue from the Parkway your first impression is not favorable---and several other things.

I live near the Syracuse Carrier Dome and they can bring a player in and tell them on a bad night you will play in front of 20-22,000 fans, on a good night 35,000- W can not compete with that.

WHAT I want from SHU is to be competitive in the league on a regular basis- Hopefully with 5 minutes to go in most games we have a chance to win- Some years top third, most years 4-6 spot. Make sure the kids who stay 4 years are coming out with a meaningful degree. Players not getting into trouble and making headlines and that kind of stuff.

I think the roster we had this year is closer to Big East caliber players in total then we have had recently BUT I feel that the coaching staff needs to make changes- Whether coaches themselves or how the team executes an offense.

Finally IF the rumor is true that Coach Willard was looking at the Holy Cross position HOW can he be kept as our coach? His loyalty is now in question and we have to bite the bullet and replace him.

Edited for easier reading.

This post was edited on 3/26 8:37 AM by Halldan1
Well stated fellow 1968 Grad. Enjoyed all the games at Walsh during the time you and team played with passion and hustle.
It's nice to hear from someone who has" been there done that". Very nice perspective.
Thanks Class of 68.

Well said.

The truth is the fa base is not only loyal but also reasonable in terms of its expectations.

All the attempts to rundown the fan base from the core iof so called insiders is not only mean spirited, it's also misinformed.
Nice post Dad. Because of you I have been a die hard Hall fan my whole life and remember fondly all the trips to South Mountain Arena, Walsh, Brendan Byrne and now The Rock, especially for the alumni games. Lets hope The Hall can get back to some sort of relevance and stay there for awhile...

I still can't believe how this year ended. I remember us talking at the hotel after the Xavier game when IW came back and we thought The Hall was finally back in the NCAAs...whoops.

P.S. why didn't you play at Kentucky?...LOL

This post was edited on 3/25 6:00 PM by dcPirate
I'm guessing that Class of 68 went to St. Mary's HS, Manhasset, NY[where he reffed intramural games with Jimmy Corcoran]! Your points are well stated, and well received on this site. That, in itself, is commendable. And those were good times back then! Remember the near Bonaventure blockbuster upset [went into OT, only to lose] on a cold weekday night in 1968. They were 3rd in the nation and undefeated at the time. That would have been headline news throughout the country, had it happened. And we were right there! Tie game, with the pill, end of regulation-John Suminski drives, the shot is blocked, and OT just didn't work out-Oh, the memories!!
Thanks dc pirate-----the drives down from upstate NY--the early dinner (a few times with Kevin Foley)--the game itself---the chance for me to play a few minutes---the long ride home---some GREAT family bonding times!!!!!!
andover joe you are correct I was a Saint Mary's graduate and YES the Bonaventure game was a great one (if it was a March Madness it would be the #16 seed knocking off the #1 seed) plus on the St Bonaventure team was another LI St Mary's graduate----trivia time do you remember who it was?
Is the Holy Cross story just unsubstantiated rumor? Did "someone from Holy Cross" contact Willard? If so, this is a classic mole hill.
Originally posted by dcPirate:
Nice post Dad. Because of you I have been a die hard Hall fan my whole life and remember fondly all the trips to South Mountain Arena, Walsh, Brendan Byrne and now The Rock, especially for the alumni games. Lets hope The Hall can get back to some sort of relevance and stay there for awhile...

I still can't believe how this year ended. I remember us talking at the hotel after the Xavier game when IW came back and we thought The Hall was finally back in the NCAAs...whoops. P.S. why didn't you play at Kentucky?...LOL

This post was edited on 3/25 6:00 PM by dcPirate
I am glad to see I am not alone in inspiring SHU fandom on a son. I hope mine forgives ALOTTAPAIN
I appreciate the perspective, and respect the pedigree, but if Dayton, Gonzaga, Butler, and Providence can, "why not Seton Hall?" I'm not buying that the small urban campus can't compete. Top-shelf players have come, and we've had nice complementary players, over the years, too. The right coach can, and has, have success here.
Originally posted by donnie_baseball:
I appreciate the perspective, and respect the pedigree, but if Dayton, Gonzaga, Butler, and Providence can, "why not Seton Hall?" I'm not buying that the small urban campus can't compete. Top-shelf players have come, and we've had nice complementary players, over the years, too. The right coach can, and has, have success here.
Bingo. If you play the victim you will be a victim.
Willard is by far and away the worst coach the basketball program has ever had but for some unknown reason to man they are going to stick with him for at least another 2 years. Next year's record won't matter either. No hope with this program anymore. It will be the same next year. Beat up on the patsies, be around the middle of pack around late January, and then the typical lose 8 of the last 10, and the excuse machine will keep rolling at the end of season. Rinse, repeat, rinse. Same garbage.
I agree completely with your arguement and well stated .When you keep telling yourself you can't it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and when you accept failure you're destined to fail. What SH needs is that leader who adopts the philosophy that failure is never an option in any endeavor at SH , including athletics .
Wonderful post Jerry - All your points are spot on! I want to make sure that you also know that I really value the friendship we have made over the past seven or eight years revolving around both our love for SHU basketball! GO JERRY! GO PIRATES!
+ 1 Seton, ALOTTAPAIN, BUT, a few wonderful memories that keeps my son and I coming back and in the not so distant future my grandsons.

Bill Somerset gave up 6 inches and 110 pounds to Lanier, but held his own in the paint.

Who was the AA-honorable mention Power Forward on Bonny's? One of that guy's hard-fouls on Somerset almost ignited a riot.

BTW is Bourbon still your drink of choice?

This post was edited on 3/27 4:34 PM by Old_alum
I believe it was Bill Butler.

This post was edited on 3/27 11:38 AM by deheremike

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