NCAA Brackets


All American
Feb 11, 2013
I read the Sunday Ledger story about the guy who ran an $800,000 survivor pool. That is, he ran it till the Feds shut him down, took his money and made his life miserable.

As someone who participates in Super Bowl pools, NCAA pools and survivor pools, you always think about being the one guy in a million who gets arrested for illegal gambling. The reality is the Feds aren't looking for nickel dimers like me; they want big fish.

Which made me wonder -

1. Has anyone entered one of these types of pools where the buy in was $100 or greater?
2. Did you ever enter a pool so big that neither you, nor your contact, really knew the person actually running the pool?
I haven't been in any huge ones, but was in a somewhat large office pool that was squashed because someone ran to corporate and claimed we were "gambling." They later tried to put an end to our fantasy baseball league, but my boss (surprisingly) defended us to the suits by saying it was good for morale,. Which it was.

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