New Look - Black Background/White Type

CT Pirate

Gold Member
Mar 30, 2010
Anyone else having an issue with the new background on threads? Being an ad agency guy, I have always recommended to clients not to use knock out type - especially in body copy. Very difficult to read especially in long form. Maybe there is a setting that I switched it. I'm old so that may be the case. Finding it very difficult to read this am.
You may have changed your style. Go to preferences and make sure the style is selected as light.
Yes, background changed, black and white, no longer SHU blue colors on thread page. Also change to Rivals logo, among other things.

Have not tried to change colors.
You may have changed your style. Go to preferences and make sure the style is selected as light.
IMO if you reset to light it is harder to read. The way it was is better. Didn't know my IT dept worked for Rivals lol
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I'll reach out to Rivals and try to get the blue back for threads. The way it is now is very difficult to differentiate old threads from new ones.
They launched a new concept and redesign to coincide with new platform activiations
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I like the new look. Now if they could make this website move like I’m not running AOL dialup, that would be great.
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I'll reach out to Rivals and try to get the blue back for threads. The way it is now is very difficult to differentiate old threads from new ones.
Maybe these are different things but I think it pretty easy to tell what has been read and what hasn't been.

I haven't been on in a few days but I can pretty clearly see the line between the last unread (including new content) and the last thread that has been seen with no new content.

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