
May 29, 2001
A few weeks ago I didn't even know who she was, but after watching her actions in South Carolina and listening to her being interviewed on Meet the Press this AM I could not be more impressed with Nikki Haley. Also very impressed by the way she answered questions about the Donald. "his tone is unacceptable". Could this be the GOP VP candidate this year. Who knows but I just might prefer her over the 16 announced presidential candidates on the GOP side.
Tom K
Her presence of a ticket wouldn't matter, as nothing can boost the presidential hopes of those 16. However, it is refreshing to see someone on the Republican side living in the 21st century. The entire party needs a makeover if they ever hope to land in the White House again. Whatever happened to common sense on the Republican side? Being against something just because Democrats are for it is foolish thinking. In case anyone hasn't noticed, the majority of Americans are interested in moving forward and not backwards. For this reason the 2016 election is already in the bag for the Democrats. I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton but would vote for her because Democrats tend to favor legislation that is good for all Americans instead of just some of them. Inclusion is better than exclusion every single time.

By the way, I just found an interesting U.S. Marriage statistic. Out of all the gay marriages that have taken place in America so far (and there have been lots of them), not one single person has been harmed. So much for gay marriage being the ruination of America. That type of bigoted thinking simply isn't needed anymore since marriage equality is now the law in America and will be until the end of time. It's amazing how Republicans keep focusing on an issue that is no longer an issue when it will only serve to hurt their political aspirations. Love is better than hate. Any true Christian can tell you that.
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Haley is a conservative who uses common sense and tries to seek common ground. That's uncommon in today's politicians from both party's. As to why some politicians keep harping on gay marriage is beyond me when there are so many issues that are much more important to our nation.

As to the Republican VP choice in retrospect it won't be Haley. The GOP will have to put Rubio on their ticket in order to salvage some of the harm Donald Trump has done with Hispanic voters.

Tom K
you aren't seeing the whole picture with her. She is simply yet another hypocritical opportunist politician. She knew she couldn't come out & defend the flag again, and also saw that she could capitalize on this opportunity and raise her profile. It sounds like you fell for her BS like she was hoping. She's simply another corporatist Republican, and since she's an Indian-American woman, she also falls under the Republicans oh-so-lovely "token" wing of the party. Here's how she really feels quoted just last October, less than a year ago:

Republican Gov. Nikki Haley defended the Confederate flag’s presence on South Carolina’s statehouse grounds, declaring in a debate Tuesday that the flag isn’t an issue because “not a single CEO” has complained about it.

Parting ways with Democratic challenger Vincent Sheheen, who called for the flag’s removal, Haley acknowledged that the flag was a “sensitive issue” but rejected the notion of removing it.

“What I can tell you is over the last three and a half years, I spent a lot of my days on the phones with CEOs and recruiting jobs to this state,” Haley said. “I can honestly say I have not had one conversation with a single CEO about the Confederate flag.”

Conceding that South Carolina had suffered an image problem in the past, Haley asserted that the state had moved beyond those days.

“But we really kind of fixed all that when you elected the first Indian-American female governor,” Haley said. “When we appointed the first African-American U.S. senator, that sent a huge message.”

talk about tone-deaf and clueless. If that doesn't make your stomach turn a bit, or at the very least lose the enthusiasm you just showed for her, then I don't know what else to say. Those lines embody so much of what is wrong with our politicians, especially many Republicans. Yeah great job took a killer to murder 9 black people in your home state while flaunting the flag in pictures to finally change your mind. how brave.
I have been arguing about the flag in my small Southern town of 840 people, some of who have now taken to flying the Confederate flag. Believe it or not, some of them are slowly starting to see the light. A sad reality is that some of these folks don't know any black, so they haven't gained that perspective. I just shared a photo with them on Facebook of Michigan-born Confederate flag wavers Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. It's pretty clear the flag doesn't represent Southern pride to those guys. I also explained that there are so many other things to be prideful about in the South (and there are), which is why my wife and I moved here.

As Americans and human beings, no one should feel the need to defend everything about their "heritage." My father had extreme racist views, enough so that he was angry with one of my sisters for dating an Italian (I'm not sure why my non-racist mother ever married him). It would have been his preference for his three children to grow up thinking like him. Instead we rebelled. My dad came around to see the light in his final years. It's a shame he didn't earlier because he was otherwise a great guy who would have had a better life with his children. I'm not sharing this story to denigrate my deceased father, but rather to point out that people need to be honest about the bad things, learn from them, and move on. The Civil War is one of the most uncomplicated chapters in U.S. history. It was about slavery. The fact that it would create financial hardship for many Southerners does not matter because slavery was never right in the history of the world. Also, a person's civil rights should never come down to "state's rights" in the land of the free. American children are taught about the reason for the Civil War in the fourth grade and are taught correctly. The Confederate flag was the emblem of the Southern states, who needed their own flag now that they were no longer a part of the Union. When they were defeated in the war and rejoined the Union, that flag should have disappeared because it no longer served a purpose. One nation, one flag. It is not a complicated matter. Amazingly, I saw a "Causes of the Civil War" forum yesterday that had more than 300 replies when at most it should have two total posts.

Regarding other crucial issues in America, I think the most important one is poverty and has been for a long time. In the school district where I work the poverty level is above 40 percent. This number is rising due to low income housing in our district. I deal with children every day who have little or nothing. If you think of this issue and say "not my problem" then you are part of the problem. We need to make our political leaders, our candidates, and our media address this topic as vociferously as they did the gay marriage issue. Yet when I log onto Facebook I see plenty of rainbows and nothing about poverty. Does poverty even have a symbol? Enough is enough. It is time to turn the page on that non-issue and focus on the complex issue of poverty. These people have waited their turn long enough. And don't anyone even dare suggest poor people are lazy and need to "pick themselves up by their bootstraps" when no bootstraps exist. These people are not statistics and every family's story is different. Not addressing their plight is the reason I stop short of calling America a truly great nation. There are no easy solutions as this problem will not be "fixed" in our lifetime. Children not yet born are destined to live their entire lives in poverty or end up incarcerated just because they were born poor. That isn't right and needs to be addressed.
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So what are you saying bobbie? Once someone makes a decision on an issue they can never change their mind. That's ridiculous. As we become more aware of additional facts or circumstances change, of course we can change our minds. For example many of us supported President Bush decision to invade Iraq based on what we were told about WMD. but opinions changed when it became apparent that there were no WMD and that we were trapped in a bad situation. How about public opinion changing on gay marriage as people started giving it more thought.? And lets not kid ourselves if public opinion did not change on this issue it would have never even gotten as far as the Supreme Court much less become the law.

As far as Nikki Haley is concerned, you learn about people when they have to react to a crisis. She reacted and did so admirably. And by the way the real issue here was not the flag but how to treat people properly and with respect.

Tom K
The whole confederate flag "issue" is a typical American media-created circus that distracts us from the real issues in this country. Then the politicians latch on and the sheep follow the herd. For a lot of folks, I'm sure the confederate flag stands for Southern pride. In fact I have no doubt about that. There are many people who don't see it as "racist," just as there are some who do. Like it or not, this flag is part of our history. I do agree with those who say it shouldn't grace official government buildings (one nation, one flag as JIMSOULS said). However, we should be tolerant of differing views. The bottom line for me is this isn't a major issue but a case of political correctness overreaching.
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It is a symbol of slavery however and slavery is not something we as a society should be sentimental about. Yes it is part of our history but it has no place on Governmental buildings.

Tom K
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you guys are kidding yourself if you think for a second she evolved on the issue and simply changed her mind. come on man. She did what she had to b/c she would look bad nationally if she didn't. You give her entirely too much credit. And for the record, the same thing is true for Obama imo re: gay marriage. He clearly was always for it (he said as much many years before he was anybody) & just waited to announce it when it was politically expedient.

I honestly can't believe you're falling for her BS after reading the quotes I posted. And even if she did change her mind b/c of the shootings...jesus, that's just as sad. THAT'S what you need to see happen before you realize what a symbol of hate the flag has always been?
The whole confederate flag "issue" is a typical American media-created circus that distracts us from the real issues in this country. Then the politicians latch on and the sheep follow the herd. For a lot of folks, I'm sure the confederate flag stands for Southern pride. In fact I have no doubt about that. There are many people who don't see it as "racist," just as there are some who do. Like it or not, this flag is part of our history. I do agree with those who say it shouldn't grace official government buildings (one nation, one flag as JIMSOULS said). However, we should be tolerant of differing views. The bottom line for me is this isn't a major issue but a case of political correctness overreaching.
I'm in agreement with 09 on this. Total over-reaction by the media and it distracts us from the real issues that need to be fixed. Also agree the flag has no place on the statehouse, but the grandstanding by Walmart, the NCAA and others was hypocrisy at it's best.

I agree with JIM as well in that we have a poverty problem and I also would like to see solutions that migrate us away from a welfare state that creates a disincentive to get training and work. The wealth gap has widened dramatically under Obama and I would like to see two Presidential candidates who have actual plans.
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White people aren't qualified to tell black people what they should or shouldn't be offended by. It's amazing how some people think they can speak on behalf of minorities, gays, women, the poor, and the uninsured when they are none of those things and therefore can't even imagine how these people think, react to, and feel about the issues that affect them. But they talk on their behalf anyway, when what they really need to do is shut up and listen to people in these situations. Shut up, listen, and learn. They still won't UNDERSTAND how these people feel, but they will gain needed perspective and be able to empathize with them and take the fairest policy stance. If only some of the loose cannons running for president would do this. Instead they just oppose what the other side wants. Stupid.
I honestly can't believe you're falling for her BS after reading the quotes I posted. And even if she did change her mind b/c of the shootings...jesus, that's just as sad. THAT'S what you need to see happen before you realize what a symbol of hate the flag has always been?

It really makes no difference to me what her motivation was. All that matters is that she did the right thing.

Tom K
I have been arguing about the flag in my small Southern town of 840 people, some of who have now taken to flying the Confederate flag. Believe it or not, some of them are slowly starting to see the light. A sad reality is that some of these folks don't know any black, so they haven't gained that perspective. I just shared a photo with them on Facebook of Michigan-born Confederate flag wavers Ted Nugent and Kid Rock. It's pretty clear the flag doesn't represent Southern pride to those guys. I also explained that there are so many other things to be prideful about in the South (and there are), which is why my wife and I moved here.

As Americans and human beings, no one should feel the need to defend everything about their "heritage." My father had extreme racist views, enough so that he was angry with one of my sisters for dating an Italian (I'm not sure why my non-racist mother ever married him). It would have been his preference for his three children to grow up thinking like him. Instead we rebelled. My dad came around to see the light in his final years. It's a shame he didn't earlier because he was otherwise a great guy who would have had a better life with his children. I'm not sharing this story to denigrate my deceased father, but rather to point out that people need to be honest about the bad things, learn from them, and move on. The Civil War is one of the most uncomplicated chapters in U.S. history. It was about slavery. The fact that it would create financial hardship for many Southerners does not matter because slavery was never right in the history of the world. Also, a person's civil rights should never come down to "state's rights" in the land of the free. American children are taught about the reason for the Civil War in the fourth grade and are taught correctly. The Confederate flag was the emblem of the Southern states, who needed their own flag now that they were no longer a part of the Union. When they were defeated in the war and rejoined the Union, that flag should have disappeared because it no longer served a purpose. One nation, one flag. It is not a complicated matter. Amazingly, I saw a "Causes of the Civil War" forum yesterday that had more than 300 replies when at most it should have two total posts.

Regarding other crucial issues in America, I think the most important one is poverty and has been for a long time. In the school district where I work the poverty level is above 40 percent. This number is rising due to low income housing in our district. I deal with children every day who have little or nothing. If you think of this issue and say "not my problem" then you are part of the problem. We need to make our political leaders, our candidates, and our media address this topic as vociferously as they did the gay marriage issue. Yet when I log onto Facebook I see plenty of rainbows and nothing about poverty. Does poverty even have a symbol? Enough is enough. It is time to turn the page on that non-issue and focus on the complex issue of poverty. These people have waited their turn long enough. And don't anyone even dare suggest poor people are lazy and need to "pick themselves up by their bootstraps" when no bootstraps exist. These people are not statistics and every family's story is different. Not addressing their plight is the reason I stop short of calling America a truly great nation. There are no easy solutions as this problem will not be "fixed" in our lifetime. Children not yet born are destined to live their entire lives in poverty or end up incarcerated just because they were born poor. That isn't right and needs to be addressed.

That's a good post, Jim, honestly. Go ahead and blindly vote Democrat, I'm sure it will all get fixed. Hasn't the poverty issue been mostly resolved, since Obama has been in office? Some of those poor kids "could be (his) son." It's all about priorities, and the poor, except for those who can be bribed and bussed to the polling centers to vote Democrat, are of little concern to EITHER party.

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