This guy was a leader of young men at multiple programs

Amazing how everyone on this thread has taken the comments in the video completely out of context. The senator said back when he was growing up, parents might have used a belt.

But not as an alternative to medicine, which in context of his comments, is what he was referring to.

It was a dumb comment from him, but not that big of a deal.

If a child is struggling and the parents and their doctor feel a medicine will help and they are comfortable with that, great. I hope the child is helped.

I don’t yearn for a time when the parents could just whip the child with a belt and tell them to sit down and stop being so uppity instead.
Amazing you went from just a threat, to now getting hit and you’re acting like it’s the same thing. Downplaying getting whipped by a belt like it’s perfectly normal parenting just because you thought Tubberville said something else.
I said my thoughts above.
You want to think this guy said use a belt in all circumstances …. Ok, have at it, your prerogative and besides you don’t really have a say in the issue anyhow nor do I
This thread took on a life of its own. If you can’t see the perspective of Tubervilles age and where he grew up, his comments about discipline and comparing it to the overprescribing of medications to children, then you’re missing the boat on this one.

RFK has positioned himself as someone who will question norms. If he can do that from his position with the name recognition that will be a good thing. We need to question the use of food additives, the risks of ultra processed foods, over prescribing medications, understanding childhood diseases that have proliferated.
This thread took on a life of its own. If you can’t see the perspective of Tubervilles age and where he grew up, his comments about discipline and comparing it to the overprescribing of medications to children, then you’re missing the boat on this one.

If he wants to argue todays children are not disciplined enough, that’s fine.

I personally just wouldn’t agree that medicine is being used as the alternative to discipline. About 5% of children are prescribed stimulants and it’s not like that 5% have parents that just gave up on discipline and thought a drug would do the job… though we can just write off his comments as hyperbole, not to be taken literally.

RFK has positioned himself as someone who will question norms. If he can do that from his position with the name recognition that will be a good thing. We need to question the use of food additives, the risks of ultra processed foods, over prescribing medications, understanding childhood diseases that have proliferated.

I agree, it’s just a shame he is so willing to jump into the conspiracy theories. His valid points about foods and pharma would be easier to take seriously.
If he wants to argue todays children are not disciplined enough, that’s fine.

I personally just wouldn’t agree that medicine is being used as the alternative to discipline. About 5% of children are prescribed stimulants and it’s not like that 5% have parents that just gave up on discipline and thought a drug would do the job… though we can just write off his comments as hyperbole, not to be taken literally.
15 million children taking psychiatric drugs and IMO too readily prescribed in many cases. The other issue that RFK keeps bring up is why these childhood diseases (diabetes, ADHD, food allergies, depression, etc.) have proliferated.
I agree, it’s just a shame he is so willing to jump into the conspiracy theories. His valid points about foods and pharma would be easier to take seriously.
He stirs the pot, that’s for sure, but he asks a lot of provocative questions that get dismissed and end up being respected later on. IMO, the net/net is that he is positioned to make a difference.
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Let's do a character check on Tommy Hawley Tuberville, while head coach at Ole Miss, sought to stop fans being prominent with any imagery of the Confederate flag because he felt he could not get the preferred African-American student athletes in recruitment

said at Ole Miss, they will have to take me out of here in a box, signed at Auburn the very next week

While hosting a recruits at dinner at Texas Tech, brokered his next head coach chance with Cincinnati, got up and left the recruits at dinner and was named head coach at Cincy the next day

Was involved with a former broker from Lehman Brothers, 7 investors defrauded out of nearly $2 million, Tuberville settled a lawsuit in undisclosed terms and the broker got a 10-year jail sentence

Founded a charity, raised money, did not put money towards charitable activities and then cooked the numbers to the IRS

He flip flopped on use of white nationalists to gin up GOP extremeists and then reconsidered days later

Takes advantage of poorly written requirement in Alabama on residency when he has a legal address at a beach community in Florida
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Sounds like a typical NCAA coach and politician, which is what he was/is. What's your point?
IMO, the net/net is that he is positioned to make a difference.

That's fair and I'd tend to agree overall. I still think he has a chance to do some good, and approach difficult conversations that others wouldn't be willing to touch. He has a chance to do some good and I hope he does.
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That's fair and I'd tend to agree overall. I still think he has a chance to do some good, and approach difficult conversations that others wouldn't be willing to touch. He has a chance to do some good and I hope he does.
I didn’t see his hearing, but do hear the opening statement and a few of the exchanges (the one with Bernie…lol). He came across in a very lucid and credible way.
don't like pills, but sometimes chemical imbalances need to be treated. risk reward like any medical issue.

but how can anyone condone the fear of violence? there are so many other ways. its not what you do as a parent in that moment, it's what you do in all the other moments.
but how can anyone condone the fear of violence? there are so many other ways. its not what you do as a parent in that moment, it's what you do in all the other moments.
SMH the fear of violence is a good thing in so many ways. People don’t mess with a guy the size of Ike because of fear of violence. He may not ever do anything but people don’t mess with a guy that size for a reason. Most high school wrestlers don’t get bullied. You can achieve peace through strength
Against a child? Shameful, but it does excite you.

Maybe you'll boycott Chris Rock. It must completely shock you this passes for comedy. Weird thing about comedy is what makes most jokes funny is people can relate to them.
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SMH the fear of violence is a good thing in so many ways. People don’t mess with a guy the size of Ike because of fear of violence. He may not ever do anything but people don’t mess with a guy that size for a reason. Most high school wrestlers don’t get bullied. You can achieve peace through strength
this is one of the dumbest comments i've ever seen. were talking about parenting. violence has no place there sorry. nice household you must have.
this is one of the dumbest comments i've ever seen. were talking about parenting. violence has no place there sorry. nice household you must have.
No the argument people are making is stupid because people are taking Tubervilles comment of getting a whip and being told to sit down as if the kids is being brutally beaten with the belt 100 times in a row to the point of serious physical harm. Those are the dumbest comments. Disciplining your child with smack or a whip (not 100 whips) is a lot different than beating your child. I mean after all, that is what we were talking about from the beginning.
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No the argument people are making is stupid because people are taking Tubervilles comment of getting a whip and being told to sit down as if the kids is being brutally beaten with the belt 100 times in a row.

No, he was implying that attention deficit disorder can be treated with a belt… it cannot, and certainly does not address the underlying issue.
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No, he was implying that attention deficit disorder can be treated with a belt… it cannot, and certainly does not address the underlying issue.
1. I have no doubt most diseases are over diagnosed, that includes attention deficit disorder is over diagnosed in this country.
2. He was implying disciplining your child. citing an example of what was used when he was a kid.

For years people been talking about parents trying to be their kids friends instead of their parents. His point was when you don't discipline and the kid doesn't focus, how about trying that first. We're too quick to just say here's a pill take that. He never implied a belt solves attention deficit disorder. The issue is there's real where attention deficit is real and there's other cases where we're just throwing pills at kids because it's the easy thing to do. If you can't admit we have a pill pushing problem in this country we will never see eye to eye. And pushing pills on such under developed bodies is more dangerous than an adult.
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For years people been talking about parents trying to be their kids friends instead of their parents. His point was when you don't discipline and the kid doesn't focus, how about trying that first. We're too quick to just say here's a pill take that. He never implied a belt solves attention deficit disorder. The issue is there's real where attention deficit is real and there's other cases where we're just throwing pills at kids because it's the easy thing to do. If you can't admit we have a pill pushing problem in this country we will never see eye to eye. And pushing pills on such under developed bodies is more dangerous than an adult.

Again, we’re talking about 5% of kids. Not insignificant, but probably not worthy of the over generalization about “kids these days” needing a belt instead of medication.

And a belt =/= discipline. There are alternatives.
My children are growing up with discipline without the need for a belt. If it gets to the point where I feel I need to hit my kids, then I have failed as a parent.

And while I think the about overprescribing is a valid concern, I haven’t seen any parents who are desperate to get their kids medicated or doctors pushing medication… so of the 5%, what is the ratio of valid use?

It was just a dumb comment from Tubberville. All he needed to say was that he is concerned about overprescribing medications for children and no one would have taken issue with it.
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And a belt =/= discipline. There are alternatives.
My children are growing up with discipline without the need for a belt. If it gets to the point where I feel I need to hit my kids, then I have failed as a parent.
That's what defines failure as a parent? Hate to tell you but you likely come from a great lineage of failures.

And while I think the about overprescribing is a valid concern, I haven’t seen any parents who are desperate to get their kids medicated or doctors pushing medication… so of the 5%, what is the ratio of valid use?
This is a joke right? Parents don't run to the doctors and say I need a pill, but when they go in and a doctor prescribes it, how many say no. That's the concern. And it's not just ADHD. ADHD is just 1 of many examples.

It was just a dumb comment from Tubberville. All he needed to say was that he is concerned about overprescribing medications for children and no one would have taken issue with it.
And the people taking issue with it are twisting his words. At no point did he say invest in belts. There would be Trump belts on sale if he did. LOL Would you prefer the guy rewrite his own history
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Again, we’re talking about 5% of kids. Not insignificant, but probably not worthy of the over generalization about “kids these days” needing a belt instead of medication.

And a belt =/= discipline. There are alternatives.
My children are growing up with discipline without the need for a belt. If it gets to the point where I feel I need to hit my kids, then I have failed as a parent.

And while I think the about overprescribing is a valid concern, I haven’t seen any parents who are desperate to get their kids medicated or doctors pushing medication… so of the 5%, what is the ratio of valid use?

It was just a dumb comment from Tubberville. All he needed to say was that he is concerned about overprescribing medications for children and no one would have taken issue with it.
yup. why does the child "need the belt"? doesnt have the wherewithal to look in the mirror.
No, he was implying that attention deficit disorder can be treated with a belt… it cannot, and certainly does not address the underlying issue.
Yea!!! Exactly!!! that’s what he said, we got him!! Cure every case with a belt was his point.

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