NJ Goes Green

This is good I think although paper straws suck
plastic straw outrage was a diversion by the cup makers. thanks for serving my iced coffee with a paper straw inside a plastic cup and lid, starbucks! bought them a few years of cover.

i made that up but secretly i believe it.

these kind if bills are good
While I actually agree with the concept, this is not something that should be mandated by the state. This forces higher costs on businesses, which will be felt by consumers. How is a restaurant supposed to offer take out if you can't package the food to take home?

This is what the left wants. Big government, never ending restrictions, regulations and changing every law to suit their agenda. They are the enemy of freedom.
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While I actually agree with the concept, this is not something that should be mandated by the state. This forces higher costs on businesses, which will be felt by consumers. How is a restaurant supposed to offer take out if you can't package the food to take home?

This is what the left wants. Big government, never ending restrictions, regulations and changing every law to suit their agenda. They are the enemy of freedom.
While I actually agree with the concept, this is not something that should be mandated by the state. This forces higher costs on businesses, which will be felt by consumers. How is a restaurant supposed to offer take out if you can't package the food to take home?

This is what the left wants. Big government, never ending restrictions, regulations and changing every law to suit their agenda. They are the enemy of freedom.
its tough to see it just as that. its two end of the spectrum that have a difficult middle ground.

this can prop up the industry that offers alternatives and likely kill the big nad corps that produce the plastics... are they foreign? is this an opportunity for domestic brands to shine?

what would your alternative be? gotta do something about the enviroment
its tough to see it just as that. its two end of the spectrum that have a difficult middle ground.

this can prop up the industry that offers alternatives and likely kill the big nad corps that produce the plastics... are they foreign? is this an opportunity for domestic brands to shine?

what would your alternative be? gotta do something about the enviroment

I don't think there needs to be an alternative mandated by the state. If businesses want to reduce plastic consumption, great. But it shouldn't be mandated.
While I actually agree with the concept, this is not something that should be mandated by the state. This forces higher costs on businesses, which will be felt by consumers. How is a restaurant supposed to offer take out if you can't package the food to take home?

This is what the left wants. Big government, never ending restrictions, regulations and changing every law to suit their agenda. They are the enemy of freedom.

If people would just do the right thing, we wouldn’t need the government. I don’t want big government. I don’t want any government... but I also want a society of responsible people which unfortunately is not a possibility.

Sometimes we need the government to step in and say driving 100 miles an hour isn’t your right, or companies aren’t allowed to dump their toxic waste into our water supply. Etc etc etc...

Everyone knows plastic and styrofoam are bad for the environment and yet we have been rationalizing using it for decades because no one is forcing us to stop using it... so the government is stepping in.
I don't think there needs to be an alternative mandated by the state. If businesses want to reduce plastic consumption, great. But it shouldn't be mandated.
of there is no regulation than no business will. thats why were here. every business acts in the disinterest of the environment. its been proven. they lost their freedoms. have a profitable business just dont nuke the environment.

every boomer+ owned business has been crushing the enviroment in return for financisl efficiency
of there is no regulation than no business will. thats why were here. every business acts in the disinterest of the environment. its been proven. they lost their freedoms. have a profitable business just dont nuke the environment.

every boomer+ owned business has been crushing the enviroment in return for financisl efficiency

What's wrong with the environment?
cant tell if this is serious but well start with 50% decline of the earths wildlife over last two generations.

Deforestation and excess development is the biggest issue for me.
Deforestation and excess development is the biggest issue for me.
yea theres a zillion. deforestation has to do with above. i just started there. air and water pollution, depleting our resources, climate going bonkers and the ice caps getting washed, the soil is going downhill, our absurd waste thats being dumped into the ocean,

it tends to be a liberal issue, and this board leans anti liberal, but this is a real issue. we are trashing our own home. the earth was here long before humans.
Basically a good bill - a rarity for the NJ legislature.
The timing sucks.
Why paper bags, too, if microplastics are the problem? Paper bags are biodegradable/recyclable.
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yea theres a zillion. deforestation has to do with above. i just started there. air and water pollution, depleting our resources, climate going bonkers and the ice caps getting washed, the soil is going downhill, our absurd waste thats being dumped into the ocean,

it tends to be a liberal issue, and this board leans anti liberal, but this is a real issue. we are trashing our own home. the earth was here long before humans.

With you on pollution, resource depletion and ocean waste.
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You call it "going out of the way," most of us call it modern life, post-industrial revolution. You can turn in your car first.
some of it is modern life for sure. some of it is excess. and money. youd be seeing a lot more electric cars driving around if big oil wasnt trying to make it difficult. even traditional auto manufacturers gave in. but oil lobbying is doing everything in its power to stop it. some might call that going out of the way.
Related it is kind of interesting that carbon emissions are down around 12% over the last 10 years in the US
with greater population etc.Yet climate change alarmists say world will end in 10 years if we don’t eliminate
fossil fuels which they claim are causing increased temperatures.Now I only have 2 degrees so maybe some PhD
can explain the emissions decreasing and temperature going up ,but emissions cause higher temperatures ?
AOC probably has an article in a scientific journal explaining this seeming contradiction, but I have been unable
to find it.The 2 top physicists at that conservative university Princeton have continually stated climate change
is normal and the alarmists are a joke, but being from that right wing university still causes some not to believe
Related it is kind of interesting that carbon emissions are down around 12% over the last 10 years in the US
with greater population etc.Yet climate change alarmists say world will end in 10 years if we don’t eliminate
fossil fuels which they claim are causing increased temperatures.Now I only have 2 degrees so maybe some PhD
can explain the emissions decreasing and temperature going up ,but emissions cause higher temperatures ?
AOC probably has an article in a scientific journal explaining this seeming contradiction, but I have been unable
to find it.The 2 top physicists at that conservative university Princeton have continually stated climate change
is normal and the alarmists are a joke, but being from that right wing university still causes some not to believe
did you copy and paste this from something? that format is suspect lol
No I did not SHUSA .I am retired so I have opportunity to read and research issues.I would advise
you do that also before taking uneducated cheap shots,
No I did not SHUSA .I am retired so I have opportunity to read and research issues.I would advise
you do that also before taking uneducated cheap shots,
what are you talking about? i was talking about your format which is clearly bonkers. typically youll see that happen when you copy and paste from different email clients, browsers, computer programs like word, pages, ai, pdf.

im very educated on the issue. and since you completely ignored what i was talking about and deflected im starting to think it was some sort of copy paste.

chill out.
what are you talking about? i was talking about your format which is clearly bonkers. typically youll see that happen when you copy and paste from different email clients, browsers, computer programs like word, pages, ai, pdf.

im very educated on the issue. and since you completely ignored what i was talking about and deflected im starting to think it was some sort of copy paste.

chill out.

Nah. All his posts are like that for some reason. Probably just hits enter every once in a while.

It’s on brand with the nonsensical ranting though.
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Ok I apologize SHUSA My bad.
np. and fyi if you do not see it on your end, this is what your comment looks like:


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