Granted, I don't have numbers. But it sure looks like huge numbers perhaps most if not all the people at the rally stormed the Capitol. I am not talking a 1000. There were tens of thousands of people storming the building. The building was engulfed and that is a huge building. So when you say the overwhelming majority didn't make a move to the Capitol, what is that based on? You don't know. From the looks of the crowd in front of the Capitol, sure looks like the vast majority of th rally marched and stormed the Capitol. And those that did not enter the Capitol was because they could not get close enough.
Again, I am the first person to condemn the riots in the summer. The video of that chant of wanting dead cops was like a small group of maybe 20 people outside of that hospital. Disgraceful and wrong. No excuses. This is not the case here during the Trump Riot. It was not a few people tainting a peaceful protest. It wasn't 100 or a 1000. It was tens of thousands Perhaps a hundred thousand. I don't know the numbers. But the whole point was to storm that building.
Finally, I have talked to too many people that are were in favor of the riot. That the Capitol should have been burned down, civil war etc. There are far too many people like that.