No Nike, no problem


All Big East
Gold Member
Jun 4, 2001
Lewes , Delaware
La Var Ball has introduced a shoe for Lonzo to hype. His " Big Baller Brand " shoes will come with two options, The deluxe shoe comes in a locking glass case and is autographed while the base shoe come with a tag of $495!!!!! ( $200 more for size 13 & 14) The deluxe goes for a cool G ! They also offer flip-flops for $200. Take that Nike.
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Should be popular with his family members. No one else will care unless UCLA made a side deal like they did with Anderson's Sister to get him to give his LOI.
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The above image works alone for this whole situation, and also to represent that the father seems to be a completely garbage person.
The flip flops are selling for $200.

It's a shame but Lavar has made me hate Lonzo, who for all intents and purposes might be a great kid.

I really despise this guy.
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This can't be true, has to be some type of joke.

I am actually laughing.
I feel like there has to be something more to this story that isn't being reported or that I simply don't understand. Because from everything I gather, it's difficult for me to comprehend just how a person can be such a first-class douchebag.
Who in their right mind is buying that shoe for $495?
People who can't afford them. I see them in lines in front of a sneaker store on 34th street. Until people wrap their heads around the difference between necessity and luxury, we're a country and population who live in debt. God help us all when the debtors come for payment.
People who can't afford them. I see them in lines in front of a sneaker store on 34th street. Until people wrap their heads around the difference between necessity and luxury, we're a country and population who live in debt. God help us all when the debtors come for payment.

If only the government would do more for us then we wouldn't have to make the hard decision between saving money to pay the doctor or buying $500 sneakers. If the government could give us free housing and free food and a free car and free gas then we could all buy $500 sneakers and get the 4K TV and the $800 smart phone not to mention cigs at $7 a pack.
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I'm curious who is the money man behind all of this. Maybe Lonzo is the next Lebron, maybe he's the next top 5 pick who only plays a few years in the league, anything is possible. Nike has a ton of money so they can gamble and put together a line of clothes and shoes for an 18 year old kid and if it doesn't work out so be it. Which UCLA alum is funding this? And why is that person not telling LaVar to shut up because he is killing the brand with every word he says.
If only the government would do more for us then we wouldn't have to make the hard decision between saving money to pay the doctor or buying $500 sneakers. If the government could give us free housing and free food and a free car and free gas then we could all buy $500 sneakers and get the 4K TV and the $800 smart phone not to mention cigs at $7 a pack.

don't...take...the...troll bait...
I feel like there has to be something more to this story that isn't being reported or that I simply don't understand. Because from everything I gather, it's difficult for me to comprehend just how a person can be such a first-class douchebag.
Screaming nonsensical opinions and otherwise acting like a loud ass is a pretty good way to make a buck the sports industry these days. I don't know or care about Lavar Ball, but I'd bet he understands this dynamic quite well.
The saddest part of all of this is that there will be people who will buy these sneakers and if he sells just 200,000 sneakers at $500 that's $100 million dollars and yes there probably are at least that many stupid people out there who will buy these sneakers .
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I know it's not right but I root against players like Ball and Duval because of their jackass, overbearing fathers.
Its absolutely right. Kid does poorly then we dont have to hear about their dads ever again. Oh well. The way of life.
I try to separate the two. That kid is bearing an awful cross right now.
That's the point. Forget about his obnoxious money grabbing father living vicariously through his son(s). The pressure he is putting on his oldest is stifling. Anything short of superstardom will be seen as failure. And right or wrong right off the bat he is going to be booed in every visiting arena he plays in and if he doesn't live up to the enormous hype then on his home court as well.
The saddest part of all of this is that there will be people who will buy these sneakers and if he sells just 200,000 sneakers at $500 that's $100 million dollars and yes there probably are at least that many stupid people out there who will buy these sneakers .
Within days of them being available, we'll hear of someone being killed for those sneakers. Withing a month, the over/under is 5
Lest we forget the "Wet" color scheme autographed shoes being sold by Balls for $995!!!! I think the "wet" is vomit.
The saddest part of all of this is that there will be people who will buy these sneakers and if he sells just 200,000 sneakers at $500 that's $100 million dollars and yes there probably are at least that many stupid people out there who will buy these sneakers .
I would not worry about this transpiring
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Assume that's directed at me, but you're the idiot! And I'm not being vague about that. Lavar Ball's Big Baller Brand is actually is selling a "wet color" shoe for $995 as reported in the Las Vegas Review Journal at page 12C on 5-5-17. That article stated, in part, as follows:

"A Lorenzo Ball autographed pair of the shoes, in the 'Wet' color scheme, are being sold for $995."

Nothing racist vaguely or otherwise in my factual post. Andre McCloud & his teammates would take issue with your opinion of me. You sir are the idiot. Case closed.
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I would not worry about this transpiring

The problem with those who dismiss the possibility that this shoe will sell is that you're thinking like a mature, intelligent adult who knows that no sneaker is worth that much instead of someone much younger who places a much higher value on the sneaker he's wearing despite its cost then you or I would.
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Or dad placing a bunch of orders to boost the numbers and hype.
Agreed. That is definitely possible. UCLA has a huge alumni base. I like to think if Isaiah came out with a shoe, even as ridiculously priced as this one, maybe something like 40-50 of our alums would purchase them to support the kid. With UCLA having a much bigger alumni base, even 500 is conceivable.
The little we know about LaVar Ball shoe sales sounds pitiful
By Mark W. Sanchez

May 8, 2017 | 2:00pm

“If you can’t afford the ZO2’S, you’re NOT a BIG BALLER!” LaVar Ball wrote upon the release of his son’s first sneakers. One weekend in, it sounds like the world has a Big Baller shortage.

The $495 shoe — a price so ludicrous that it draws stories like these, which is Ball’s intention in the first place — has been on “sale” since Thursday, as well as the other gear the Ball patriarch is hawking as his oldest son, Lonzo, prepares for next month’s NBA draft. There are no solid figures yet on how the shoe is performing, but the little that is available does not bode well for a sneaker whose only draw may be its outrageous price, a gimmick that can wear off.

Appearing on Fox Sports 1’s “Undisputed” on Monday, LaVar, whose trumpets know no end, was elusive and careful with his words whenever he was asked about the sneakers’ debut. He repeatedly dodged attempts by Skip Bayless to obtain any type of sale figures.

About five minutes into the interview, Ball offered the slightest bit of insight.

“I’ll give you a vague ballpark,” he said. “How bout 495.”

“You’ve had 495 orders?” Bayless asked.

“At least,” Ball offered, unclear about whether that baseline figure encompassed the entirety of sales from the Big Ballers website or just the signature sneaker.

What the website Nicekicks could glean from the figures was even less generous. On the first day of sales, when the shoes were on every website because of their price tag and hype was at its theoretical high, the Big Baller site recorded a total of 328 total transactions, according to Nicekick’s calculations — which includes the entirety of the site’s inventory.

From following the order numbers and inventory levels, the site tallied the Balls took in $157,685 on their debut. Which is a significant number, but a far cry from the billion LaVar Ball has mapped out on the goal, and a far cry from the millions they would rack up if Lonzo Ball signed with one of the main sneaker brands.

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