Obama - Greatest embarrassment in US history

Mar 18, 2017
Let's look at this moron's famous quotes through this I'll-fated 8 years.

We won’t negotiate with terrorists.
I have visited all 57 states.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Yemen is the Middle Eastern model of democracy.

ISIL is a junior varsity team.

They didn't mean "death to America" in the way you thought it meant.

I only heard about Hillary Clinton's email account when I saw it on the news.

I do not deserve the Nobel Peace prize.

Tell Vladimir I can be more flexible after I win the next election.

The Taliban is not a terrorist organization

I just heard about Gruber before I came to this press conference.
Clapper gave me wrong Intel. It’s his fault.

I promised to end the war in Iraq and I did.

I never ordered the Taliban swap it was Hagel
Not even a smidgen of corruption
I only found out about it when I saw it on the news.

I will have the most transparent administration in history.

I have Shovel ready jobs.

The IRS is not targeting anyone.

Benghazi was about a movie.

If I had a son.

I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".

You didn't build that.

I will restore trust in Government.

The cops acted stupidly.

I am not after your guns.

The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk.

It's not my red line it is the worlds red line.

Whistle blowers will be protected
We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks, with interest.

I will close Gitmo.
I am not spying on American citizens.

ObamaCare will be good for America.

You can keep your family doctor.
Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period.

We'll put it on C-Span.

Your taxes will not go up unless you make more than 250K a year.

I will cut the deficit in half in 3 1/2 years or this will be a one term proposition.

The recession is over.

I'm not an ideologue.

We will get to the bottom of this.
I will not sign the NDAA bill.
Reverend Wright

Bill Ayers

no lobbyists in my administration.

I'll go through the budget line by line.

Fast And Furious.

I've never met the uncle I used to live with.

I Barack Hussein Obama pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America

My mom and Saul Alinski are the two greatest influences in my life.
Global warming threat is the biggest issue on Americans minds.

Cuba is our friend.

Gun control is like car cannot stop them all but you should make laws to try.

We are winning in Syria.

We are winning in Iraq.

We are winning in Afghanistan.

We are winning at Pebble Beach, thirty six holes.

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What is the point of this post? Obama hasn't been president for almost 6 months. He is now history.
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Other than trying to distract us from all the fun we are having on the Don Jr email thread , what is the point of this thead?

Perhaps you could try to get through on Hannity's call line to rehash all this crap.
We all know that acadamia will crown him as the greatest when he will go down as not so good.


Distract who exactly?

Having fun and getting nowhere. Keep going.

I dislike Hannity, so perhaps you can watch your CBS, MSNBC, and CNN to boost their ratings. They sure need it.
Obama ran up the debt as well and much more incompetence.

Another 8 years of this a-hole and we would be Venezuela.
Instead, it looks like we're on track to be that in just eight months.

Obama was a long way from perfect, but we're seeing national humiliation on a scale now we could've never previously imagined.
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Instead, it looks like we're on track to be that in just eight months.

Obama was a long way from perfect, but we're seeing national humiliation on a scale now we could've never previously imagined.
We see national humiliation because the lobbyists don't have the long-term connections to the President that they have always enjoyed. They need a new President who will fold for them. This is all about money, nothing else. I honestly don't think any of the news outlets, lobbyists, or any other corrupt group would care about Russian involvement if the government fit their agenda. Just like there is no words from Black Lives Matter on the female NYC cop last week, because it doesn't fit their agenda.
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we're seeing national humiliation on a scale now we could've never previously imagined.

Please expand on this, if you could. I keep seeing this out there and it doesn't make any sense to me. I did not vote for Trump yet I don't believe he is humiliating the nation.
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We see national humiliation because the lobbyists don't have the long-term connections to the President that they have always enjoyed.

That is not even remotely close to being accurate. .

This is all about money, nothing else. I honestly don't think any of the news outlets, lobbyists, or any other corrupt group would care about Russian involvement if the government fit their agenda.

I strongly disagree with that. Trump's campaign (and now Trump himself) is being investigated by the FBI and now a special prosecutor for months. I don't think they give a rats ass about money... and sure news outlets will want to make money covering the story, but they are not creating the story.
I strongly disagree with that. Trump's campaign (and now Trump himself) is being investigated by the FBI and now a special prosecutor for months. I don't think they give a rats ass about money... and sure news outlets will want to make money covering the story, but they are not creating the story.

Everything in big business and big government is about money. To think it's not is foolish, 100% foolish. Do you think they got everyone involved in the collusion between CNN and the Democratic Party? If they were concerned about ethics, I'm sure they could have dug more and found more. If they were concerned about ethics they would care more about what Hillary's emails were about. It's not about ethics, it's about money. Let's go after Trump because he has the power to do things we don't want him to do and we stand to lose a lot of money. It's not about the money the news networks makes. It's about the money the major powers and major players stand make or lose.
It's not about ethics, it's about money. Let's go after Trump because he has the power to do things we don't want him to do and we stand to lose a lot of money.

Our intelligence community makes decisions based on money from lobbyists that Trump doesn't like, yet employees in large numbers?

Are you serious?

CNN is not investigating Trump. Our intelligence community is investigating Trump.
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Please expand on this, if you could. I keep seeing this out there and it doesn't make any sense to me. I did not vote for Trump yet I don't believe he is humiliating the nation.

1. His twitter feed is a disgrace. It is humiliating that the "leader of the free world" would say the things he says and you have even commented on that here several times.

2. His joint press conferences have included other world leaders have literally rolled their eyes at him, and looked baffled at the words coming out of his mouth.

3. Allowing his daughter to sit at the table at the G20 in his place.

I could go on... but this is a nice brief synopsis about how much of the rest of the world views us/him.

Our intelligence community makes decisions based on money that lobbyists that Trump doesn't like, yet employees in large numbers?

Are you serious?

CNN is not investigating Trump. Our intelligence community is investigating Trump.
You make it sound like there's never been corruption within our own politics and our own system til Trump. Our government has been making decisions for wrong reasons for decades.

Nobody is saying CNN is investigating Trump. There are major players, major lobbyist, and other major powers that run the show in Washington. To think our intelligence, our senators, congressmen, walk into a new meeting with clear minds and clear hearts with the average American in mind is flase. Those major groups set the narrative of what goes on. You obviously don't understand the influence money and the say multibillionaires have. And whether it's CNN, FOX, MSNBC, they don't just report down the middle. Their sponsors have an influence.
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1. His twitter feed is a disgrace. It is humiliating that the "leader of the free world" would say the things he says and you have even commented on that here several times.

2. His joint press conferences have included other world leaders have literally rolled their eyes at him, and looked baffled at the words coming out of his mouth.

3. Allowing his daughter to sit at the table at the G20 in his place.

I could go on... but this is a nice brief synopsis about how much of the rest of the world views us/him.

Sorry, I don't agree with the hysterical take of a foreign journalist. The US isn't bending over to the globalist power brokers? Great, that's actually a good thing for us.

I don't care about his twitter feed. He says what's on his mind, unfiltered. You're just not used to it. It's a distraction and meant for the mindless sheep in the media to consume.

His joint press conferences have been fine. Again, that's the rest of the world not being used to a guy who doesn't sugarcoat and give canned diplomatic lines that end up having zero effect on anything.

His daughter sitting in for him was a bad look, but it's not humiliating.
And whether it's CNN, FOX, MSNBC, they don't just report down the middle. Their sponsors have an influence.

You say this like it is a bad thing. It is neither bad nor good. It just is.

Weak minds are victims. Strong minds filter out bias and look for facts. Every person on Piratecrew can do it. Some choose not to.
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You say this like it is a bad thing. It is neither bad nor good. It just is.

Weak minds are victims. Strong minds filter out bias and look for facts. Every person on Piratecrew can do it. Some choose not to.
I agree that we all should use our bullshit filters when citing any of these "MSM" organizations, but it is bad. What about truth in advertising? "Americas most trusted news", "fair and balanced", "real news"...I'll give Trump credit for calling out fake news. It may be an unwinnable battle, but he is right.
Sorry, I don't agree with the hysterical take of a foreign journalist. The US isn't bending over to the globalist power brokers? Great, that's actually a good thing for us.

I don't care about his twitter feed. He says what's on his mind, unfiltered. You're just not used to it. It's a distraction and meant for the mindless sheep in the media to consume.

His joint press conferences have been fine. Again, that's the rest of the world not being used to a guy who doesn't sugarcoat and give canned diplomatic lines that end up having zero effect on anything.

His daughter sitting in for him was a bad look, but it's not humiliating.
Agreed..another over reaction from Merge because he can't get over Trump winning. No credit for actively meeting with dozens of world leaders in many cases for several hours, rather than 15 minute superficial photo ops? Or would you prefer a President that spends his time on late night talk shows, meeting with Al Sharpton and about humiliation.
I agree that we all should use our bullshit filters when citing any of these "MSM" organizations, but it is bad. What about truth in advertising? "Americas most trusted news", "fair and balanced", "real news"...I'll give Trump credit for calling out fake news. It may be an unwinnable battle, but he is right.

This is 2017 not 1947 when I had to wait for the New York Herald to post the early edition to tell me what happened yesterday. If I can find it on the internet or on cable, it is part of the MSM.

Ever since I spent money on My Pillow and did not get the best sleep ever I have been unfazed by slogans. Fox news just changed it's slogan. It does not make me want to watch them more or less. The content is what matters.

The President struggles to differentiate between Fake news and news he doesn't like. It undermines his case.
The President struggles to differentiate between Fake news and news he doesn't like. It undermines his case.

Trump "struggles to differentiate" on purpose.

Look how many people here simply say "it's fake" or "I trust nothing ________ says".

This past election has successfully cemented the fact that people believe that everything is false. Except for what they want to be true.

To paraphrase George Orwell: "It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of truth (words)."
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You say this like it is a bad thing. It is neither bad nor good. It just is.

Weak minds are victims. Strong minds filter out bias and look for facts. Every person on Piratecrew can do it. Some choose not to.

There's a point where strong minds cannot take advantage of weak minds. A strong minded financial advisor cannot take advantage of a weak financial minded person with a lot of money. Realtors and inspection people can't show a home to people and say everything is okay when the house has a ton of problems. There will be consequences such as a lawsuit. You can't just chalk it up to strong mind over weak mind.

In America each individual has 1 vote. An educated vote and an uneducated vote have the same power. The ability to take advantage of weak minded individuals because you have a ton of money and a ton of influence is wrong. And that goes for foreigners and American born.
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This is 2017 not 1947 when I had to wait for the New York Herald to post the early edition to tell me what happened yesterday. If I can find it on the internet or on cable, it is part of the MSM.

Ever since I spent money on My Pillow and did not get the best sleep ever I have been unfazed by slogans. Fox news just changed it's slogan. It does not make me want to watch them more or less. The content is what matters.

The President struggles to differentiate between Fake news and news he doesn't like. It undermines his case.
If you're going to tout yourself as legitimate news and you're not, you suffer the consequences. No surprise the public's favorability rating of the MSM has plummeted. You reap what you sow.
If you're going to tout yourself as legitimate news and you're not, you suffer the consequences. No surprise the public's favorability rating of the MSM has plummeted. You reap what you sow.

Interesting. Seems more of the public trusts the MSM than Trump. Newspapers & TV. Dems and Independents at least. Seems this is a Republican and Conservative problem.

Although, I bet a bunch of people on here will say this poll is "fake news".

The question becomes how do you trust the polls especially since the election? There was all that talk of people will respond to the polls in favor of Hillary and vote Trump. Everyone laughed it off as ridiculous, but that's what appears to have happened. So the question is now do people respond to these polls truthfully?

If you are attempting to be fair you can't TRUST anyone in the media or politcs. That's sad.
Agreed..another over reaction from Merge because he can't get over Trump winning.

I am a liberal and therefore unable to opine?

The president of the united states tweeted an insult about a TV show host bleeding from the face. If you think that is not beneath the office and an embarrassment, then nothing I say would convince you otherwise.
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The question becomes how do you trust the polls especially since the election? There was all that talk of people will respond to the polls in favor of Hillary and vote Trump. Everyone laughed it off as ridiculous, but that's what appears to have happened. So the question is now do people respond to these polls truthfully?

If you are attempting to be fair you can't TRUST anyone in the media or politcs. That's sad.

National polling was fairly accurate. Clinton won the popular vote by 2% which was within the margin of error of the majority of the pollsters.
National polling was fairly accurate. Clinton won the popular vote by 2% which was within the margin of error of the majority of the pollsters.

I guess you believe tens of millions of people changed their vote in the last 10 days. She had a double digit lead. This election was black and white for people from the beginning. They knew who they were voting for. I do believe some people changed their mind in the final days, not tens of millions.
I guess you believe tens of millions of people changed their vote in the last 10 days. She had a double digit lead. This election was black and white for people from the beginning. They knew who they were voting for. I do believe some people changed their mind in the final days, not tens of millions.

What are you talking about?

The majority of polls polls typically showed her with a 2-4% lead going into election day... Their margin of error would be somewhere around 3% typically - and the far majority of pollsters were within that margin.
I am a liberal and therefore unable to opine?

The president of the united states tweeted an insult about a TV show host bleeding from the face. If you think that is not beneath the office and an embarrassment, then nothing I say would convince you otherwise.

Do you think the dealings with Monica Lewinsky were beneath the office and an embarrassment? Maybe we should judge Presidents by their policy.
What are you talking about?

The majority of polls polls typically showed her with a 2-4% lead going into election day... Their margin of error would be somewhere around 3% typically - and the far majority of pollsters were within that margin.

If you read my posts I was talking about 10 days before the election. 12-14% lead that dropped at the end. Do you really believe tens of millions of people changed their minds in the last 10 days? Yes election night it was between 4 and 6% but I don't see tens of millions changing their mind in the last 10 days to get down to that number
If you read my posts I was talking about 10 days before the election. 12-14% lead that dropped at the end. Do you really believe tens of millions of people changed their minds in the last 10 days? Yes election night it was between 4 and 6% but I don't see tens of millions changing their mind in the last 10 days to get down to that number

The election was remarkably close.

Trump won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin by less than 1% of the popular vote. He lost New Hampshire by less than 1%.

Flip those states and we are discussing the Presidency of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Do you think the dealings with Monica Lewinsky were beneath the office and an embarrassment? Maybe we should judge Presidents by their policy.

Yes? It was a huge embarrassment.... and yes I think Trump is an embarrassment on Policy as well as he has shown he doesn't most policy. Who knew healthcare could be so complicated... right?

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