One of the few things we agree on. While it's hard to predict the course of history the reasons for entering WW1 escape me and had we not entered into the European War there is a decent likelyhood that the rise of Hitler and WW2 never occurs.Originally posted by Old_alum:
Finally, a favorite. If US/Wilson did not enter WWI, then seems that a stalemate would be the probable result. No Versailles, no Hitler?? I suspect so. WW I was the silliest war ever (The Guns of August - Tuchman).
Woodrow Wilson is an enigma. Considered the great liberal of the early part of the 20th century because of his promoting workers rights and health issues as well as the League of Nations. Yet he was a staunch segregationist, praised the KKK, and opposed the sufferagette movement and also took us to War for no particular reason. I guess none of our Presidents or leaders were perfect. Afterall Thomas Jefferson wrote that "all men are created equal" while being a slave owner.
Tom K