The firing of Comey sends a message down to every single agent that you mess with the President and you you will be dealt with. It is a chilling effect upon anyone who is looking into this matter.
My head might be in the sand, but yours is stuck up your partisan ass.
Isn't that always the case as well with a special prosecutor that can be fired by the president??
The obstruction of justice claim seems dubious based on Comey's testimony and actions.
Trump should be investigated on any possible collusion with Russia, that's the much bigger issue. Should that be done by a special investigator like Mueller, who only days before being named special investigator was meeting with Trump about becoming head of the FBI and is subject to the whims of the president or should it be done by a bipartisan congressional committee in which Trump has no control over?
Makes me laugh that people like you would probably hang a guy like John Gotti on the word of his underboss the Sammy the Bull Gravano who killed over 20 people and lied hundreds of times. Yet, Jim Comey's testimony you have problems with. This is laughable.
SPK, you are just repeating talking points of the White House. If you are not very troubled with what you have seen so far, is baffling.
You attacked me first...and don't lecture me about caring for this country because you don't know jack. Keep making up your own facts in your alternate reality world. It seems to work for you.It is this type of comment that shows your colors. It is those who do not have the facts nor the law on their side always rely on an ad hominem attack. I could care less of what you think of me. But, Stand up for your country for God's sake.
The key is collusion with Russia and the election. Obstruction of justice is important as well but no one, not even Comey, believes that to be the case. How can you prosecute when your prime witness refutes that?
Isn't this one of those ad hominem attacks you so detest, LOL?
You don't have any problems with Comey? You sure did 7-8 months ago.
Aren't they all untrustworthy?
The key is collusion with Russia and the election. Obstruction of justice is important as well but no one, not even Comey, believes that to be the case. How can you prosecute when your prime witness refutes that?
Again, I have a problem with how Comey handled things. No doubt about that. However, the fact that I believe he made bad choices doesn't mean he is untrustworthy. I believe what he has to say and never questioned whether he was telling the truth. I had a problem with how he decided to go about his job. Those are two different things.
While the collusion is certainly very important, so is the obstruction. In law enforcement, it's the cover up that will get people in trouble in terms of evidence. Not necessarily the underlying crime.
If you ask me, Obama's people need to be coming before the special prosecutor explaining why they did nothing when they knew all about the Russian hacking well before the election. Oh... of course they thought that Clinton was going to win then. What phonies and hypocrites.
You had me until you said "Obama's lofty ideals" Seriously, it makes no sense why they didn't pursue this earlier.Obama made a mistake by not revealing this investigation into Russian hacking into the DNC. I would imagine in his lofty ideals that he did not want step on the scales of the election and look too partisan. However, that is BS. They knew that the Russians hacked into the DNC, then they should have revealed that. Obama made numerous mistakes and this is just one of them.
You had me until you said "Obama's lofty ideals" Seriously, it makes no sense why they didn't pursue this earlier.
The most effective piece of evidence on the obstruction charge is what, Comey's testimony - seemingly validated by Sessions to some degree yesterday - and then Trump's interview with Lester Holt? I doubt that's enough.
WAPO now trying to create news that the probe is widening.
why would you think that?
You think from everything that has come out so far that the special prosecutor wouldn't be required to investigate potential obstruction?
The subject of the investigation has nothing to do with the obstruction charge. Obstruction is obstruction regardless of the subject of the investigation.
The subject of the investigation has nothing to do with the obstruction charge. Obstruction is obstruction regardless of the subject of the investigation.
Cern is our closet attorney. Perhaps he can weigh in.
The way it was reported was fine. The special prosecutor in charge of the investigation into Russian involvement in the election is now investigating Trump for possibly attempting to obstruct the same investigation. The scope widened when Trump fired Comey. Not sure why you have an issue with that? Seems silly.
Will be interesting to see if US and Russian military/ intelligence were sharing information that enabled them to take out the Isis leader yesterday.