One calendar year difference in LA area

You will never grasp the idea that making changes today doesn't impact us for decades. We focus on changes today to impact 2050-2100. You can buy a beach house and enjoy it until you die.
More misrepresentation. Sure we can do things now, but we don’t have unlimited funds and I can question how material the impact might even be in 50 years.

And sure, spend $5 million knowing that the investment is going to disappear in a few decades. I am just not buying the doomsday predictions. The existential threat is China, Russia and Islamic terrorism….not climate change.
The market needs ROI. That's the problem with expecting the market to fix this on its own. There is no profit in helping mitigate a problem that is decades away. The only entities that has the incentive to do something now and governments.
I disagree. Innovation happens in a free market.
I am just not buying the doomsday predictions

Right. You ask where are the scientists and leaders, and I point out that they are small saying what is happening and what needs to be done and you just don’t buy it… because you don’t want to. It will never impact you personally so you don’t care if the projections are right or wrong.

The worst case scenario of me being wrong and the government spends billions to enhance our energy grid and adds wind and solar farms to support it all over the country is that we wasted money creating jobs, providing energy from sources that give us cleaner air and water… the worst case scenario of you being wrong is quite a bit worse.

I disagree. Innovation happens in a free market

The government is the one that can place the right incentives for it to work though, just like they did for oil companies when they needed breaks to make it profitable for them to explore and drill. Hell, oil and gas are still HEAVILY subsidized. An even playing field and renewables get a lot more attractive and favor in that alternatives are far better for the air, water and our health… it’s honestly crazy that this is even a debate.

But fossil fuel companies have spent Billions to convince people not to believe all of the scientists, and that we can’t possibly know what’s going to happen in the future, so it’s pointless to think about.
Right. You ask where are the scientists and leaders, and I point out that they are small saying what is happening and what needs to be done and you just don’t buy it… because you don’t want to. It will never impact you personally so you don’t care if the projections are right or wrong.

The worst case scenario of me being wrong and the government spends billions to enhance our energy grid and adds wind and solar farms to support it all over the country is that we wasted money creating jobs, providing energy from sources that give us cleaner air and water… the worst case scenario of you being wrong is quite a bit worse.

The government is the one that can place the right incentives for it to work though, just like they did for oil companies when they needed breaks to make it profitable for them to explore and drill. Hell, oil and gas are still HEAVILY subsidized. An even playing field and renewables get a lot more attractive and favor in that alternatives are far better for the air, water and our health… it’s honestly crazy that this is even a debate.

But fossil fuel companies have spent Billions to convince people not to believe all of the scientists, and that we can’t possibly know what’s going to happen in the future, so it’s pointless to think about.
You just can’t response differing opinions. I believe the role government should play is to ensure we have emery independence and that we have a portfolio of energy sources that mitigate risk from foreign threats. That priority should drive any government support or subsidies, rather than global warming predictions.

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