speaking of pieces of trash...here's some of
@flconticello 's greatest hits:
"This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in my life. If you can't follow what's happening...the dems call this over a year ago. See Bill Meher video from his show WISHING for ANYTHING to tank the market and economy. Thanks what this is whether you want to believe it or not."
"This is pretty comical. Considering canceling the greatest college sporting even of the year for risk of catching a cold. SMH."
"This is an absolute joke. Let's all go hide in our bunkers over the sniffles."
"As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine! -shiva ayyadurai....Check out his Twitter"
"Guy has multiple PhD's in immunology and the study of these viruses. People need to open their eyes to what the MSM actually is and their motives. The info they're dishing out will turn out to be as accurate and truthful as Russian collusion. I know politicians or media had nothing to do with the virus however they are certainly fanning the flames of the situation to tank the economy and stock market which they've been praying for for 3 years."
"CDC is politicized. I prefer to trust independent sources"
"Look at his qualifications. I've personally talked to a physician neighbor who wholeheartedly believes this is way overblow . You can choose to believe what you want. I chose not to treat this like the end of days."
"What draft... everything will be pushed back by this ridiculous case of the sniffles. Never seen anything more overhyped. You realize, media has mentioned Coronavirus over 50,000 times in the past month while Ebola was mentioned only 1700 times at the time."
"Swine flu accounted for over 12k deaths an no media hype. This is 1000% political."
"Well maybe I'm blessed. But seems that over 80% exhibit MILD symptoms. Should 80% of the population be punished for the less that the 20% that are susceptible? Make your own choice... that the point of a free society isn't it?"
"What!?!?? Are you trying to imply a virus like the cold virus is something you can't be cured from? It's a coronavirus...same class as the common cold. Stop perpetuating this nonsense."
"I don't believe anything coming from the mainstream media. If we've learned nothing else the past 3+ years is that they will blatantly lie, manipulate or distort the truth and when called out refuse to accept accountability. The hyping of this virus is 100% political. SARS, MERS, Ebola were FAR worse and didn't get a fraction of the media hype."
"agreed...that is why the 3% number is ludicrous. What they were saying is when this all shakes out it will be much closer to Flu numbers."