Louisville escort speaks to ESPN, former players and recruits confirm parties and one admits he had sex: http://es.pn/1LlzFnj

Adam Zagoria @AdamZagoria 23m23 minutes ago
Minnesota coach Richard Pitino to OTL: "I can say 100 percent sure w/zero doubt that Rick Pitino knew nothing about these alleged incidents"
Can't see how Pitino survives this. If Louisville has any integrity, Pitino should be fired.
Well, to be fair, at Florida, Jesse probably didn't encounter prostitutes because the athletic department hired female students for recruits and players (called Gator Getters during Palmer's time, now called the Swamp Squad).Ricky P keeps a priest around because he sins a lot! lol
This morning my wife was watching GMA and that idiot Jesse Palmer was asked if he ever heard of anything like this (prostitutes trying to woo new recruits) and he said he had never heard anything like this ever. Total BS! This stuff has gone on forever but usually folks don't get caught or do it so openly like this. Somehow Slick Rick will get a pass here and the assistant coach will take the fall and say Ricky knew nothing. That's how it works.
You mean the same conference that brought you the UNC scandal??How happy is the ACC that they took the renegade programs of Syracuse and Louisville into their fold.
You are correct. That is the far bigger issue with people at UNC and among alumni.Mark my word, unc will not pay a severe penalty with the NCAA. As weird as it sounds , I understand that it's more of an issue that the college and university accreditation board would be involved with.
UConn must be enjoying this. How did the ACC take a school like louisville over UConn.