Police Shootings


All World
Gold Member
Jul 18, 2001
Murphy signed into law a bill that will now require the Attorney General’s Office to investigate all cases in which a person died from police. These matters were investigated by the County Prosecutors. This is another example of how people with little knowledge got a bill passed but this time from the far left.

The thinking goes that County PROSECUTOR’S work closely with local municipalities and therefore are not independent enough and these serious matters require independent review by the AG. This has superficial appeal. But in reality, it’s bad policy

1) when investigating a police involved shooting death, all prosecutors and investigators are queried as to whether they know the officers involved. If they are, they are not assigned the case.

2) All of these cases are presented to the Grand Jury for their determination whether there is sufficient evidence for an indictment

3) Any case not presented to the grand jury is reviewed by the Attorny Generals office already

4) AG is not staffed to do these investigations. How will they respond in the middle of the night to a shooting in Newark? They are just not staffed for this.

This is a stupid idea pushed by people who do not have a clue of How things work in NJ and are influenced by what they see in other states. Moreover, Murphy signed this bill over the objection of his own Attorney General!
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Murphy signed into law a bill that will now require the Attorney General’s Office to investigate all cases in which a person died from police. These matters were investigated by the County Prosecutors. This is another example of how people with little knowledge got a bill passed but this time from the far left.

The thinking goes that County PROSECUTOR’S work closely with local municipalities and therefore are not independent enough and these serious matters require independent review by the AG. This has superficial appeal. But in reality, it’s bad policy

1) when investigating a police involved shooting death, all prosecutors and investigators are queried as to whether they know the officers involved. If they are, they are not assigned the case.

2) All of these cases are presented to the Grand Jury for their determination whether there is sufficient evidence for an indictment

3) Any case not presented to the grand jury is reviewed by the Attorny Generals office already

4) AG is not staffed to do these investigations. How will they respond in the middle of the night to a shooting in Newark? They are just not staffed for this.

This is a stupid idea pushed by people who do not have a clue of How things work in NJ and are influenced by what they see in other states. Moreover, Murphy signed this bill over the objection of his own Attorney General!
And you are surprised? This guy is pissing off liberals he is so liberal. And the AGs office is probably more political than the prosecutors office is so it won't help and if anything just slow things down. The guy is a complete menace so far.

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