Rayshard Brooks murderer charged w/11 counts

Bobbie Solo

All World
Dec 31, 2003
Bayonne Leave It Alone
Felony murder, two types of aggravated assault & others. Prosecutor gave a very detailed breakdown of the “why”, with lots of new info presented as well. Second officer got a few smaller charges too.

I don’t know how many people will even see this that aren’t part of the bootlicker hive mind here, but’s working.
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Felony murder, two types of aggravated assault & others. Prosecutor gave a very detailed breakdown of the “why”, with lots of new info presented as well. Second officer got a few smaller charges too.

I don’t know how many people will even see this that aren’t part of the bootlicker hive mind here, but’s working.
Well we know what the base of this board will say in retort, DA is a snowflake and the lib dems made this happen
Well we know what the base of this board will say in retort, DA is a snowflake and the lib dems made this happen

Don’t worry about what they say man. It’s all clownshoes over there. Just be happy that maybe justice will be served here. Still a long road ahead for this case & the whole movement.

They’re making a big deal that this one other cop is going to be a states witness. I assume bc it’s such a rarity.
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Don’t worry about what they say man. It’s all clownshoes over there. Just be happy that maybe justice will be served here. Still a long road ahead for this case & the whole movement.

They’re making a big deal that this one other cop is going to be a states witness. I assume bc it’s such a rarity.

Clownshoes is a skinny white punk staring down a SWAT team member and thinking that he's intimidating. Why didn't you poke him in the chest, or spit in his face? Are you 40 yet? Almost, right?
Felony murder, two types of aggravated assault & others. Prosecutor gave a very detailed breakdown of the “why”, with lots of new info presented as well. Second officer got a few smaller charges too.

I don’t know how many people will even see this that aren’t part of the bootlicker hive mind here, but’s working.

The jock sniffing welfare leach calling people bootlickers. Priceless
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Felony murder, two types of aggravated assault & others. Prosecutor gave a very detailed breakdown of the “why”, with lots of new info presented as well. Second officer got a few smaller charges too.

I don’t know how many people will even see this that aren’t part of the bootlicker hive mind here, but’s working.

Good luck getting murder charges on a cop who went by protocol for 30 minutes and the interaction went sideways because the felony child abusing animal passed out drunk in a drive thru couldn't follow instructions. Good society that we put a good person on trial for a scumbag like that.
Good luck getting murder charges on a cop who went by protocol for 30 minutes and the interaction went sideways because the felony child abusing animal passed out drunk in a drive thru couldn't follow instructions. Good society that we put a good person on trial for a scumbag like that.

I found it pathetic that the MSM tried to make this dope a sympathetic figure by saying he was going to celebrate his daughter's birthday the next day. Really? Then why was he passed out drunk as a skunk in a Wendy's drive thru late on the night before? Some father...
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Well, now the justice system will go to work.

Bottom line here is this: If the suspect simply complies with the drunk driving arrest, he is alive today. You can't fix stupid.

I agree with that. I do believe the cop was justified in shooting him once he pointed the taser at the cop.
The additional facts of kicking him, standing on his shoulders and not providing any medical attention were news to me though. I'd think the cop has some responsibility there.
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I agree with that. I do believe the cop was justified in shooting him once he pointed the taser at the cop.
The additional facts of kicking him, standing on his shoulders and not providing any medical attention were news to me though. I'd think the cop has some responsibility there.

Agree on all counts. He should not be, and hopefully won't be, convicted of murder. But he should answer for other lesser charges.
Agree on all counts. He should not be, and hopefully won't be, convicted of murder. But he should answer for other lesser charges.

I'm not even sure what other charges he should answer for. The fact is protocol was followed and a DUI arrest was in order. The perp got violent, an officer has to be able to defend himself. Is the perps lengthy rap sheet not in consideration here as well for completely instigating a violent confrontation?

I truly hope every cop walks away.
I agree with that. I do believe the cop was justified in shooting him once he pointed the taser at the cop.
The additional facts of kicking him, standing on his shoulders and not providing any medical attention were news to me though. I'd think the cop has some responsibility there.

I guess you are a bootlicker now. LOL.

God forbid we all look at something objectively! Follow the narrative, don't you know?
Neither of these cops will ever face conviction. Prosecutor responded quickly to pacify the snowflakes by overcharging. They will both lose their jobs and turn around and sue for their jobs, damages and wages And the city will eventually settle with them. It makes good theater though.
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I'm not even sure what other charges he should answer for. The fact is protocol was followed and a DUI arrest was in order. The perp got violent, an officer has to be able to defend himself. Is the perps lengthy rap sheet not in consideration here as well for completely instigating a violent confrontation?

I truly hope every cop walks away.
Maybe you should just walk away. Crawl back in moms basement.
Lol it’s fascinating that you never post anything of substance at all. At least the other posters stand by their opinions. All you add is “go crawl in your moms basement”... “good try” ect, ect.
Look I’m not going to constantly repeat myself on here and I don’t need to constantly satisfy you guys. At the end of the day the people that matter DA, Chief of Police both agree that it was unnecessary And in this case a felony. And only one of of us can end up on the right side of history and I really don’t think it’s going to by you guys so I don’t pay too much attention to you guys. Hard Stop
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Maybe you should just walk away. Crawl back in moms basement.

Owned my house since 27 in a great town where we love our police force Snowflake. Just finished 18 holes as well at a beautiful course, are you triggered little boy?
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Owned my house since 27 in a great town where we love our police force Snowflake. Just finished 18 holes as well at a beautiful course, are you triggered little boy?
Awesome man that’s truly fantastic!! What course? I love golf. And don’t worry Keep posting as much as you want. So I can just show my kids what kind of person they shouldn’t be.
Awesome man that’s truly fantastic!! What course? I love golf. And don’t worry Keep posting as much as you want. So I can just show my kids what kind of person they shouldn’t be.

You should have them aspire to be Rayshon Brooks.
Lmao you show your kids Piratecrew forums? That's really weird. I'm gonna assume you're one of those parents whose telling the kid they're the opposite gender at age 3....good luck with that.
Yes I’m going to show them pirate crew forums. Wow that went way over your head. Not shocked though. You didn’t answer what course??
Look I’m not going to constantly repeat myself on here and I don’t need to constantly satisfy you guys. At the end of the day the people that matter DA, Chief of Police both agree that it was unnecessary And in this case a felony. And only one of of us can end up on the right side of history and I really don’t think it’s going to by you guys so I don’t pay too much attention to you guys. Hard Stop

What side of history? On what issue? America ended slavery over 150 years ago. Equal protection under the law is enshrined in the US Constitution. Sure, there are a few wackos and kooks out there who are still racist, but they're a minuscule minority. America is a fair, kind and welcoming country of law abiding citizens from every background.

On the other hand, if you're talking about authoritarian government, the thought police, political correctness, social media mobs and cancel culture, that's not a society I want to live in. I'm confident I'm on the right side of that history.
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What side of history? On what issue? America ended slavery over 150 years ago. Equal protection under the law is enshrined in the US Constitution. Sure, there are a few wackos and kooks out there who are still racist, but they're a minuscule minority. America is a fair, kind and welcoming country of law abiding citizens from every background.

On the other hand, if you're talking about authoritarian government, the thought police, political correctness, social media mobs and cancel culture, that's not a society I want to live in. I'm confident I'm on the right side of that history.
If the constitution were upheld as its written we wouldn’t be in the current situation we are in.
If the constitution were upheld as its written we wouldn’t be in the current situation we are in.

This is true on many counts, as politicians of every stripe have stepped all over the constitution over the years.

Are you saying black folks aren't treated equally under the law? I don't agree with that.
This is true on many counts, as politicians of every stripe have stepped all over the constitution over the years.

Are you saying black folks aren't treated equally under the law? I don't agree with that.
So we disagree on that point.
Atlanta is a hot mess right now. Where is the local leadership? Policing and community engagement are local issues. This is going to be like a Freddy Gray case all over again.Now police are walking off the job as well; can’t wait to see the crime statistics at the end of the year.
How not to respond to a police office who is arresting you.

(Second video in the link)

Of note is that the newspaper reported "I got him!" i.e with an exclamation point. Didn't sound like an exclamation point to me.



I think it is more likely that Brooks knew he was going back to prison rather than being fearful of being shot by the police.

Does Rayshard Brooks have a criminal history?

Brooks had previously been convicted of False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children, the Daily Mail reported

He had reportedly pleaded guilty to charges dating back to August 2014.

The dad-of-four was sentenced to one year in prison and six on probation for one count, and 12 months for each of the three other counts.

After a revised sentencing, he was sent back to prison in July 2016.

In December 2019, a warrant was issued for his arrest, which was revoked a month later.

Was Rayshard Brooks on probation the night he was shot?
Reports indicate Brooks was on probation the night of his death.

Documents cited by the Mail indicate Brooks would have been jailed if he was arrested for a DUI.

The sobriety test Rolfe and Brosnan administered registered Brooks' blood-alcohol level at .108 percent.

The legal limit is .08.

An autopsy by the Fulton County Medical Examiner ruled Brooks' death a homicide.

I think it is more likely that Brooks knew he was going back to prison rather than being fearful of being shot by the police.

Does Rayshard Brooks have a criminal history?

Brooks had previously been convicted of False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children, the Daily Mail reported

He had reportedly pleaded guilty to charges dating back to August 2014.

The dad-of-four was sentenced to one year in prison and six on probation for one count, and 12 months for each of the three other counts.

After a revised sentencing, he was sent back to prison in July 2016.

In December 2019, a warrant was issued for his arrest, which was revoked a month later.

Was Rayshard Brooks on probation the night he was shot?
Reports indicate Brooks was on probation the night of his death.

Documents cited by the Mail indicate Brooks would have been jailed if he was arrested for a DUI.

The sobriety test Rolfe and Brosnan administered registered Brooks' blood-alcohol level at .108 percent.

The legal limit is .08.

An autopsy by the Fulton County Medical Examiner ruled Brooks' death a homicide.

Cruelty to children, battery, what an upstanding citizen, add battery to a uniformed officer.
At the end of the day the people that matter DA, Chief of Police both agree that it was unnecessary And in this case a felony.

Not quite true. COP has little to do with it at this point. It will be up to a grand jury and if it goes to trial, it will be a jury.

I put decent odds he is not convicted of murder. The good news with that is that citizens of Atlanta and other cities will have another opportunity to go on a evening shopping spree for free TVs and booze.

Regarding the "Standing on shoulder" it looked more like he as standing on his left foot and pressing on the shoulder (perhaps the arm) with his right foot.

I have not seen any video or push of the alleged kick.
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Cruelty to children, battery, what an upstanding citizen, add battery to a uniformed officer.

While the cruelty children is disturbing, it is not germane to the situation. The officers had no knowledge of that and even if they did it should not alter how they handle the arrest.

The battery to the uniformed officer on duty is germane. The firing of the taser is an additional aggravating matter. The officer was hit by the taser by an individual who just moments before assaulted him.

However, there is an argument that he was running away when shot and therefor not an immediate threat. I am curious what the first office knew about his past record. at 4:45 in the bodycam video he runs his license through their system. It does not seem like anything like that came back because he makes no mention of it to the second officer when he arrives on scene.

You've been pretty hard on people drinking and then getting in the car in the past, no?
I have sympathy for Brooks, I don't like to see people killed, especially when it could have been avoided.
I have had the usual roadside encounters with police, many years ago even some not-driving-related. Even some where I might have been inebriated. But no matter how shitfaced I was, with next to no judgement, I've never thought, "hey I should go for the cop's weapon."
What side of history? On what issue? America ended slavery over 150 years ago. Equal protection under the law is enshrined in the US Constitution. Sure, there are a few wackos and kooks out there who are still racist, but they're a minuscule minority. America is a fair, kind and welcoming country of law abiding citizens from every background.

This is very misguided. even back in the 1830s we knew that law wont change anything related to culture. Racism in culture is very real issue. i am not on the far left spectrum that the guys are here, but your assessment that its just a few kooks out there who are racist is wrong. your definition of racist by that matter is wrong. law has nothing to do with it. people are denied loans for the color of there skin, home ownership is wildly disproportional, black people are given more years for same crimes, etc. the stigma will likely never go away. this is the exact reason that the most sane course of action was to send all free slaves to Liberia. it was too expensive. they would never, and have not had equal footing.

an entire half of the country that is outwardly racist in the south, midwest, parts of the north. thats not a few cooks. the rest still practice racist policies, thoughts, culture. how many african americans live in your neighborhood? how many congressmen are non white?

america is not fair and the step is for people like you to start understanding and listening to why that is. im just shocked you actually wrote those words.
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an entire half of the country that is outwardly racist in the south, midwest, parts of the north. thats not a few cooks. the rest still practice racist policies, thoughts, culture. how many african americans live in your neighborhood? how many congressmen are non white?

america is not fair and the step is for people like you to start understanding and listening to why that is. im just shocked you actually wrote those words.

100% false.