Read this


Jan 1, 2003
I do not come to this board ever. In fact I don't even wish for its existence. It was set up by Snaketom for those that wanted to discuss what is happening in the world. Tom is now gone.

Recently I have been getting correspondences about the content that is well over the top. I have no intentions of reading the threads to verify as I already spend upwards of 8 hours a day on the free board and Trove. If this continues the board will disappear. Your call. Last and only warning.
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Dan, there is one poster that is sucking the life out of the board with multiple threads and multiple responses to his own posts. And every post is an attack on another poster, a meme or articles from fringe sources with nonsense comments. think it’s pretty easy to figure it out.
Post the info here with examples. I will read them one time and make a decision.

If a second poster does the same then the board will be deleted. I do not have time to put up with this. I run this entire site by myself and it's already incredibly time consuming.
Dan, there is one poster that is sucking the life out of the board with multiple threads and multiple responses to his own posts. And every post is an attack on another poster, a meme or articles from fringe sources with nonsense comments. think it’s pretty easy to figure it out.
You are correct!
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I’ve done Nothing wrong

I can’t control the crazy replies to my posts
No one likes you and you’ve destroyed any and all discourse on this board. It truly used to be a source of discussion. Now it’s polluted with you acting like a complete ass, but hit ignore and there’s nothing left of the board because you’ve ruined every discussion, every post.

The funny thing is, I’ve had contact through linked in, zoom calls, and in-person interaction with people you would say are adversaries on this board and they are all fine people. Complete opposite ends of the spectrum on the debate here.

No one here would ever share a beer or a conversation with you. I’d challenge you to find just one person, one.

It’s sad that someone had to bug HallDan to ask for your removal. Hand on heart, it wasn’t me. But I support the sentiment. Banning you is useless though because you are so bat shit crazy, you’ll be back. But know, you’re not welcome.
No one likes you and you’ve destroyed any and all discourse on this board. It truly used to be a source of discussion. Now it’s polluted with you acting like a complete ass, but hit ignore and there’s nothing left of the board because you’ve ruined every discussion, every post.

The funny thing is, I’ve had contact through linked in, zoom calls, and in-person interaction with people you would say are adversaries on this board and they are all fine people. Complete opposite ends of the spectrum on the debate here.

No one here would ever share a beer or a conversation with you. I’d challenge you to find just one person, one.

It’s sad that someone had to bug HallDan to ask for your removal. Hand on heart, it wasn’t me. But I support the sentiment. Banning you is useless though because you are so bat shit crazy, you’ll be back. But know, you’re not welcome.

Sami stalks me with personal insults for no reason.

Does he own the board?
Thank you Sir.
Hands down, Proud NJ Sports Fan has ruined the board.

Doing some searching and it looks like he has deleted his posts.
He’s mass-deleting thousands of posts but the people who have shared this board and others for years knows he’s ruined it over the last 3 months. It’s very clear.

And there will not be a single point/poster on the other side of that debate.
Hands down, Proud NJ Sports Fan has ruined the board.

Doing some searching and it looks like he has deleted his posts.

Just because you disagree with Discussion is ruining the board?

Sounds like you’re just pro censorship
Sad that you’re resorting to silencing a fellow Hall fan. There aren’t many of us
Yeah, it's Proud NJ Sports Fan, most definitely.

Dan, I understand your frustration with this board, and maybe you're aware of this already, but I believe one big reason Snaketom created this board in the first place was so that it kept the overtly political stuff off the Trove and the free basketball board. People complained about the political content on the forums that were supposed to be about basketball discussion. That's my recollection, anyway - I was a lurker back then.

If this board is deleted, the political stuff could seep back onto those forums instead. If that happens, people are going to complain about it again and history could repeat itself. It could end up making your job as a moderator more difficult.

I won't miss this board if you decide to delete it, but I just want to make the point that it could lead to unintended consequences. You can tell people to keep politics out of it, but seems like it inevitably comes up. It's human psychology and people tend to get pretty heated about this stuff when they see something they disagree with.
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Dan everyone appreciates the hard work you do on the basketball boards.If you conclude you need to terminate this board I understand.The only suggestion I can offer is that you consult 3- 5 members on the board who you know and trust will be objective in considering banning a poster to make it more of a consensus decision.I have been on this board for about 10 years ,but you don’t know me personally so I would not be one of the posters you would consult.I would think with the 3-5 fair minded posters consulted the right decision would likely be made.
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Starting right now no one is going to be banned. But the first legitimate complaint I get where a poster breaks the rules here then he/she will be permanently banned.

I hate banning posters. But sometimes I have no choice.

I stay away from politics, religion and the like because those issues are so incendiary. Especially on a message board where there is little accountability. That why I do not come here even though I like all of you have strong personal feelings.

Bottom line.....If anyone here sees a rule broken email me. I will then make a final and permanent ruling.
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I have enjoyed LOTS over the years. There are plenty of posters that I disagree with on almost every topic. However, they have always kept it to a civil back and forth.

However, the most unifying belief that all of us have here is that Proud NJ Sports Fan has ruined LOTS with his incessant posts. At one time he posted 15 of the last 20 posts. He is an absolute stain to this board.
PNJSF is a fraud, always has been.. came to the board originally saying he was a fan of both Rutgers and SHu and all this Bs and I called him out on it with evidence and he ran away and stayed on the Rutgers board where it was obvious he was just a Rutgers idiot…. Now he comes back here and he’s ruining this board with his craziness and im
Sure he’s doing it to troll and on purpose… he’s no friend of ours.
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I will keep an eye out with your help readers. I had no idea what was going on here until I got a bunch of emails in the last two days.

Debate civilly if you will. But troll the board and you will be banned. No second chances.

One and done!
it comes with the territory of a message board. sometimes people need to be banned. fwiw this board gets a ton if action even compared to the hoops chat sometimes
As you all know I started this page over20 years ago as a place where posters could have intelligent conversations on non sports related topics. I am retired from Pirate Crew put still check this page occasionally. The one thing that jumps out at me is that those criticizing Proud NJ Sports Fan are from both sides of the political fence, so it is not a ideological left vs right battle. That should be considered. in whatever decision Dan makes. It is sad but one person can destroy the best intentions of a message board such as this.

As you all know I started this page over20 years ago as a place where posters could have intelligent conversations on non sports related topics. I am retired from Pirate Crew put still check this page occasionally. The one thing that jumps out at me is that those criticizing Proud NJ Sports Fan are from both sides of the political fence, so it is not a ideological left vs right battle. That should be considered. in whatever decision Dan makes. It is sad but one person can destroy the best intentions of a message board such as this.

Well said.
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As you all know I started this page over20 years ago as a place where posters could have intelligent conversations on non sports related topics. I am retired from Pirate Crew put still check this page occasionally. The one thing that jumps out at me is that those criticizing Proud NJ Sports Fan are from both sides of the political fence, so it is not a ideological left vs right battle. That should be considered. in whatever decision Dan makes. It is sad but one person can destroy the best intentions of a message board such as this.


Thanks Tom, we love you. It looks like the poster in question has really quieted down over the last couple days and it appears he gets the message now. I agree it is sad that this one individual can destroy the intentions of this message board. God bless.
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@Halldan1 Please see below. I think below is a good example. The poster in question posts multiple times and just replies off his own posts or no one replies/has already ignored. You can tell other posters find this annoying. I know this board might be important to this poster's life but this is straight up annoying. Please action accordingly if appropriate. Thank you in advance. This poster has been annoying for a long time.

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