Requiem on tv now

With 4 in 12 years of the NBE, the original BE won how many? 7 between 1979-2013?

Connecticut 3 (their 2014 was AAC)
Syracuse 1
Villanova 1
Georgetown 1
Louisville 1
The recent Nova/Uconn NCs just as impressive for the league. We dont have the depth we used to have, but 4 out of the last 9 is great. Doing that after we died, lofl!!!
In hindsight, what a wrong take by ESPN essentially making that to be a death of a conference. Anything but.
Yes, completely ridiculous by ESPN. And so arrogant..."if we're not broadcasting them they surely must be dead".
ESPN essentially forced that breakup. ACC likely will be done by 2030.

I haven’t read too much into it, but I know Pitino has brought up about the Big EAst and ACC doing some type of merger. Not a crazy idea, but way too many teams right now.