Rutgers softball players say they were physically, emotionally abused

"Rutgers" is an old dutch word that means 1. career killer 2. misfortune 3. unprecedented losing streak.
In all seriousness, NPR ran a piece a couple years ago about how Chinese immigrants use slang to navigate the streets of New York, and in the podcast version on This American Life, the person interviewed said that Rutgers Street is known as Garbage Street. The written piece explains a little bit more, even if the answer isn't as satisfying as you might hope.
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I would love the temple AD and I think that would make a lot of sense if Patt is let go.
I'll bet, but Pat Kraft wouldn't touch that job with a fifty-foot pole right now. He simply wouldn't have to, and to be honest, neither would any up-and-coming AD who was trying to make all the right moves for his or her career. No AD is going to want Schiano shoved down their throat as their first hire, nor are they going to want to have to answer to one clownish booster who seemingly calls the shots - the same guy who was so hot for Hobbs to hire Chris Ash.
I'll bet, but Pat Kraft wouldn't touch that job with a fifty-foot pole right now. He simply wouldn't have to, and to be honest, neither would any up-and-coming AD who was trying to make all the right moves for his or her career. No AD is going to want Schiano shoved down their throat as their first hire, nor are they going to want to have to answer to one clownish booster who seemingly calls the shots - the same guy who was so hot for Hobbs to hire Chris Ash.
Great points. Folks should remember that Hobbs was hired to put out the fire that was RU sports (basketball scandal, AD scandal, football mess and other messes let alone fund raising). Ash was essentially hired already and they told Hobbs to talk to him but he was the hire that was already determined (Hobbs had no say). Hobbs should have cleaned it up and left on a high note in retrospect before the RU curse got him. He's a lawyer and law school dean first and foremost, administrator second and AD further down the list. Retirement from his AD life beckons sooner that he thinks I believe.
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Great points. Folks should remember that Hobbs was hired to put out the fire that was RU sports (basketball scandal, AD scandal, football mess and other messes let alone fund raising). Ash was essentially hired already and they told Hobbs to talk to him but he was the hire that was already determined (Hobbs had no say). Hobbs should have cleaned it up and left on a high note in retrospect before the RU curse got him. He's a lawyer and law school dean first and foremost, administrator second and AD further down the list. Retirement from his AD life beckons sooner that he thinks I believe.
The basketball scandal was long before hobbs replaced the female ad....this is the main issue the highest point of admin the president school board and internal counsel failed the institution...pernetti wanted to have some discipline put on rice he was told to off and Rutgers has had a lack of vetting past that point
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RU football & basketball athletes get physically abused by opponents on a regular basis. Has to be emotionally draining for them too.
Great points. Folks should remember that Hobbs was hired to put out the fire that was RU sports (basketball scandal, AD scandal, football mess and other messes let alone fund raising). Ash was essentially hired already and they told Hobbs to talk to him but he was the hire that was already determined (Hobbs had no say). Hobbs should have cleaned it up and left on a high note in retrospect before the RU curse got him. He's a lawyer and law school dean first and foremost, administrator second and AD further down the list. Retirement from his AD life beckons sooner that he thinks I believe.

Hobbs reportedly raised $100 million for RU athletics. And, some have said Pikiel's buyout is substantially lower if Hobbs departs. Getting rid of Hobbs in the short term could torpedo any progress they have made in basketball.
i'm a rutgers fan and rumor is hobbs may be gone on Saturday and all of this stuff is leaked now because big donors are mad about how he's handled football and schiano (rightly so)..for example, why did this stuff just come out now if it happened in July..Just weird. never a dull moment in RU land..I just hope as a bball fan that if he is let go, we get someone who is on the same page as Pike (Pike loved Hobbs I think)..I would love the temple AD and I think that would make a lot of sense if Patt is let go.

Agree. Seems like a coordinated hit on Hobbs.
There is one thing politicians, business executives , professional and collegiate coaches , sports executives, players, college or pro , entertainment celebrities and a myriad of others never learn and that is that the cover- up proves to be worst then the offense and they would have been better off admitting to the offense .
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Though it seems it’s coming to light. This might be the “reason” but the Hobbs/Schiano situation is at the heart of why he’s not long for the role. If Schiano comes, he’s likely a peer to the AD which Hobbs doesn’t endorse.
Crazy thing is, Schiano got Rutgers to mediocrity in a bad football conference. The Big East only had a very small handful of schools who actually knew how to play football, the other schools were added (including Rutgers) because they could pick out a football in a picture of only footballs. The Big Ten is better at football than the Big East was. I see a major meltdown on the banks when their knight in shining armor our falls off his horse and flat on his face! Don’t they realize that no one is beating down Schiano’s door to have him head up their program, college or pro? There’s a reason for that! Also, why hire a search firm if you know who you want and no one else is interested in the position? Major waste of money there but then so is Rutgers athletics as a whole.
Abuse at Rutgers goes back further than Rice! It’s a time honored tradition on the banks! Did they forget about Bannon and the naked free throws!? Just having to attend Rutgers is abuse enough, why do they feel the need to punish these poor kids further?
Kids left from that

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