What’s the benefit to being a season ticket holder and dealing with mandatory fees and whatnot? Honest question
Stubhub - Nova @ SHU
Truthfully, I don't think there is any benefit anymore unless you are at a high Pirate Blue contribution level.
As a holder, I used to receive the following as the two main benefits:
1. Annual Welcome package with some decent coupons and a small gift
2. Annual Season Ticket Holder's Holiday Party
3. Opportunity to buy parking for the season at a slight discount
4. Some % discount off of the rack rate ticket prices
5. A separate portal to buy and sell tickets with other season ticket holders, free from TicketMaster's clutches.
#1 and #2 are both long gone. I don't leverage #3 because I prefer not to park in the lots that are eligible. #4 has value if you are attending the majority of the games. #5 doesn't exist anymore. Can still sell through Ticketmaster, but the option to buy from that portal was a nice perk, you knew you were buying and selling with die hards; prices were fair and fees were minimal.
So honestly, if you take out the Pirate Blue contribution level-specific rewards, I think being a season ticket really has no value at all unless you can guarantee yourself that you're attending enough games that buying them all at a discount makes sense. I continue to be one because I like my seats, am a creature of habit, and I want to continue the tradition of having them.