Great...hopefully this doesn't go beyond nj.com and into the national media. Looks like we snatched defeat from the jaws of victory yet again with regards to what could have been a nice story.He's the head of campus ministry!!
Thanks be to God, finally the Church is starting to haul in clerics who lead the faithful astray. "Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Cor.6:9-10
"...Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved." (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2357).
Kingdom of God sounds like a pretty lousy place. Glad I won't be inheriting it.Thanks be to God, finally the Church is starting to haul in clerics who lead the faithful astray. "Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Cor.6:9-10
"...Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved." (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2357).
Stick with the New Testament Jimmyd, it will take you places!
That was an early Church discipline. There is a distinction between a Church discipline and a doctrine. Disciplines can change. Doctrines do not.
Thanks be to God, finally the Church is starting to haul in clerics who lead the faithful astray. "Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Cor.6:9-10
"...Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved." (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2357).
Amazing how the church is so quick to act on a priest who posts on Facebook. Yet hides and covers those priests who commit crimes against children. It's the hypocrisy that is so disturbing. When we talk about pick and choosing what religious doctrines to follow, the Church does that in much more serious matters.With all due respect to my fellow Seton Hall friends and family:
1) Seton Hall is a Catholic university. If you had/have an issue with the Catholic faith, perhaps attending a Catholic university wasn't the best idea.
2) if you indeed are a practicing Catholic - or aspire to be one - you can not simply pick and choose what you "agree with." The Catholic faith is not a la carte. Have some humility - before automatically assuming the 2,000 yo faith founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles is "wrong," perhaps spend some time understanding it first.
3) Dont have a knee jerk and naive response to the Warren Hall situation - based on a single tweet of HIS. He patently didn't get removed just for one post. He had a long history of agitating against church teaching. Being a good priest isn't about making kids think you are "cool," it's about ministering to their spiritual health. Frankly, a read through his tweets raise some serious questions about his ministerial suitability as well as personal maturity.
Furthermore, for the legion of self-ascribed management experts on this board, which organization would ever tolerate a high profile and influential representative consistently and publicly contradicting it's stated principles? The shocking thing isn't that Hall was removed yesterday, it's frankly that he lasted this long thumbing his nose at the church.
It's a reach at best to point towards a few obscure passages as God condemning homosexuality but whatever, maybe the earth is flat and we didn't evolve from apes. Bottom line it will be awesome if we get Derrick on campus as an advocate for the Gay & Lesbian community in Pirate Blue. That's something we can all support!
2) if you indeed are a practicing Catholic - or aspire to be one - you can not simply pick and choose what you "agree with." The Catholic faith is not a la carte. Have some humility - before automatically assuming the 2,000 yo faith founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles is "wrong," perhaps spend some time understanding it first.
I hate these discussions on this board. However the one thing I will say is that one of the things I am most proud of learning at Seton Hall in numerous Catholic history classes is that this statement is pretty much totally incorrect.
I'm not the praying type but if there is a god, he will have Derrick Gordon come to SHU and Derrick will continue to publicly talk about growing up around ignorant Catholics that are more interested in transferring pedophile gay priests from church to church, than embracing all people. As an SHU alumni it will be great to see SHU connected to the gay and lesbian community via Derrick. Awesome just awesome.
Regarding your point about choosing a catholic university, I think I, like most 35-45 year old alumni, only recently realize how ignorant catholic church leaders can be so live and learn...
Jimmyd and the gay pirates has a ring to it. Keep your $20k and take gordon with you.