So Then Increase All Taxes....


Noun: An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
Ahh,,,Obama has made no compromise yet....did I miss something? The compromise has been by the Gang of Six which he was steadfast against up until now. In my book, it's either that's a flip/flop or getting on the bandwagon because he can't get anyone to compromise on his own.

Merge, I know you're trying to give credit to BO for anything, but let's be honest. He's done very little to get both parties to work together.
This post was edited on 7/21 8:14 AM by HALL85
I believe he has done as much, if not more than any other sitting president in regards to a debate over the debt ceiling.

I never even praised Obama for this plan. You felt you needed to make sure Obama gets no credit, even though no one suggested he should?

I am suggesting that he would sign this plan, and is publicly supporting it to get people on board that this might be the best option that could pass.
Obama set his requirements, and they seem like there is a chance they will be met. (assuming that the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire for the wealthy)
Originally posted by Merge:
I believe he has done as much, if not more than any other sitting president in regards to a debate over the debt ceiling.
LOL. "The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means 'The buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit."

Originally posted by Merge:
Obama set his requirements, and they seem like there is a chance they will be met.
Obama and the Dems have NEVER put forth ANY plan.

Originally posted by Merge:
(assuming that the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire for the wealthy)
Ah, the old communist redistributionist class-warfare rhetoric rears its ugly head yet again. Doesn't seem like the Coburn plan does that really.
He was right then, and he is right now.

We have had failure of leadership for many years which lead to this problem. Being a dissenting voice on a bill that will pass is a political statement. Nothing more.

in 2011 we have an actual threat of default that did not exist in 2006. Why do you think those situations are similar? especially from the view of a senator vs. the president?

and your right, the democrats did not put forth a plan that has a 0% chance of passing like the republicans. How dare they not waste their time! I think 6 people sitting in a room trying to nail down something that would pass is MUCH more effective in a case like this. Obama laid down his requirements and they are working to come as close as they can.

I believe the Coburn plan assumes a baseline that the tax cuts for the wealthy do expire, and are extended for the middle class. I understand you don't like a progressive tax, you ave made that point clearly although it is not going to change anytime soon.
Well we've beaten this to death.

It's just a shame all of this has to be determined by political hacks Obama, Reid, and Boehner.
Originally posted by SPK145:
Well we've beaten this to death.

It's just a shame all of this has to be determined by political hacks Obama, Reid, and Boehner.
Sadly true...three guys that can't speall "leadership" much less demonstrate it. Modern day version of the Three Stooges.

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