The Red Hen

Her father has been off the rails lately - but that's not what he said. He didn't say the owner followed her, he said the owner "organized an effort" to heckle sanders.

She may have been heckled, I have no idea... but tying that to the owner seems like something her father would have no clue about and is just trying to hurt their business.
As I said dont know if true, and her dad is a little whacky, but seems the owner was definitely heckling in street per his quote and have seen nothing in press to say what he said is not true:

“In fact, a little known part of this story, is that after Sarah and her husband left and the family relocated to a restaurant across the street, the owner of the Red Hen then organized an effort to go and scream at them from the sidewalk at the other restaurant,” Huckabee claimed in an interview on “The Intelligence Report with Trish Regan.”

“Finally, one of Sarah’s in-laws, who happens to be very liberal, it’s her brother-in-law, went out in the street and said, ‘Look, Sarah’s already left. She didn’t stay for obvious reasons. She’s had all she needs tonight. The rest of us are trying to have dinner. I’m a liberal. I’m not a Trump supporter. But you guys aren’t helping our cause,’” Huckabee went on to say. “So, it wasn’t just what happened in the Little Red Hen restaurant, it’s what happened ongoing by the owner of that restaurant.”
but seems the owner was definitely heckling in street per his quote

I had taken his quote to mean that she organized a group to go after Sanders but not that she actually did.

Just seemed unlikely given the quotes from the owner about how she avoids confrontation.
Could be wrong there though.
Her father has been off the rails lately - but that's not what he said. He didn't say the owner followed her, he said the owner "organized an effort" to heckle sanders.

She may have been heckled, I have no idea... but tying that to the owner seems like something her father would have no clue about and is just trying to hurt their business.

Yeah, let's just dismiss it out of hand. No left-leaning business owner who just threw a government employee out of her restaurant (driving in from home to do so) would ever do that.
Yeah, let's just dismiss it out of hand. No left-leaning business owner who just threw a government employee out of her restaurant (driving in from home to do so) would ever do that.

I didn't dismiss it out of hand. It may have happened.

He said the owner organized an effort to heckle her.That is the part that I am questioning for a few reasons.
1. Was it the owner or a group of employees?
2. How would he know if the owner organized it?
3. Huckabee has been a bit crazy lately. I liked him years ago.
Ironic post of the year.

How so?

Literally this same thing happened to the vice president in 2012 and conservatives applauded it at the time.
It did not blow up in the media. It was never mentioned on this board.

Now conservatives are outraged by the behavior? Please.
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How so?

Literally this same thing happened to the vice president in 2012 and conservatives applauded it at the time.
It did not blow up in the media. It was never mentioned on this board.

Now conservatives are outraged by the behavior? Please.

The irony is that a person on the left thinks that the right has cornered the market on hypocrisy. The whole "they go low, we go high" crowd is now haranguing people and their families at dinner. Of course, the opposite situation is also ironic.
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The irony is that a person on the left thinks that the right has cornered the market on hypocrisy. The whole "they go low, we go high" crowd is now haranguing people and their families at dinner.

Trump's rhetoric is unacceptable and bad for our country. It is not "going low" to make sure those who support him understand what he is doing.

"Yeah, you're rapists, and animals — drug dealers, rapists, and animals," she says. "Even the president of the United States says so."

Yes, she is crazy. Yes, Trump has a responsibility to ensure stuff like this is not the norm.
I agree with you about his rhetoric, but it's still "going low" to disrupt people who have no effect on policy -- at dinner with family. It doesn't "make them understand" anything, it's just poor form.

A good friend of mine was a Chris Christie staffer. Great guy, but you couldn't say anything negative to him about Christie. Christie signed his checks, and also used questionable rhetoric -- should he have been made to understand that Christie was a creep?
I agree with you about his rhetoric, but it's still "going low" to disrupt people who have no effect on policy -- at dinner with family. It doesn't "make them understand" anything, it's just poor form.

A good friend of mine was a Chris Christie staffer. Great guy, but you couldn't say anything negative to him about Christie. Christie signed his checks, and also used questionable rhetoric -- should he have been made to understand that Christie was a creep?

Politics has always been divisive around family. I generally would be against discussing the topics and in my experience it it has always been the conservatives wanting to start the conversations. Very anti Obama and aggressively pro-Trump. (last family golf outing even had someone wearing Trump Socks and a MAGA hat) I am sure all of our experiences here will be a little different here.

but no, I would generally say people shouldn't talk about someone like Christie who I was not a fan of.. but I do believe Trump is different.
Trump's rhetoric is far more dangerous than anything Christie ever said.
How so?

Literally this same thing happened to the vice president in 2012 and conservatives applauded it at the time.
It did not blow up in the media. It was never mentioned on this board.

Now conservatives are outraged by the behavior? Please.

Business as usual. Hypocrites, you know the type.
The irony is that a person on the left thinks that the right has cornered the market on hypocrisy. The whole "they go low, we go high" crowd is now haranguing people and their families at dinner. Of course, the opposite situation is also ironic.

I am against heckling public figures in general as it does no good and just makes the people doing it look ignorant, so I can somewhat see it at public events, but I feel when people are alone at dinner with their family (and in this case not even a policy maker) I believe they should be totally off limits.
Politics has always been divisive around family. I generally would be against discussing the topics and in my experience it it has always been the conservatives wanting to start the conversations. Very anti Obama and aggressively pro-Trump. (last family golf outing even had someone wearing Trump Socks and a MAGA hat) I am sure all of our experiences here will be a little different here.

Of the left leaning posters on this forum you are one of the more reasonable. You have your views and beliefs that are generally well supported with logic, research, and facts. We get a little heated on this board here but on the whole I think we keep it measured. Having the opposing viewpoints keeps things honest. Years ago I was Ann Coulter's board and all it was was people preaching to each other's choir. No expansion of thought occurred.

It sounds like your views may be in the minority in your family and I could see where that would be a problem.

If you are saying that your family members wear the socks and hats to a family outing then I feel for you. If they do that for the purpose of annoying you, then that is even more sad.

I have no bumper stickers, no buttons, no hats. After elections are over, I don't like seeing them for either party.

I do not share you experience that conservatives are the only ones that like to start conversations. I think people like to start these conversations when they think they are in the company of like minded viewpoints. When they discover that is not case, it can get awkward. A friend of mine regularly blurts out "Trump's an asshole" at dinner when we are out. Those at the table are typically on both sides of the aisle and we all quickly try to divert the conversation. It would be the same if it were said about the other side. No place for that kind of thing.
Literally this same thing happened to the vice president in 2012 and conservatives applauded it at the time.

Are you referring to Biden and the bakery?

If so, that is not apples and apples.

The baker was asked by a Biden staffer to host a campaign stop and refused.

Probably because it’s completely fake news. Nice try though.

lol please. Store owner refused Biden stopping at his store for political reasons and was celebrated for it.
They don't need to be identical to compare them.
lol please. Store owner refused Biden stopping at his store for political reasons and was celebrated for it.
They don't need to be identical to compare them.

How so?

Literally this same thing happened to the vice president in 2012 and conservatives applauded it at the time.
It did not blow up in the media. It was never mentioned on this board.

Now conservatives are outraged by the behavior? Please.

Two diametrically opposed statements from you.

Yeah, not even close to being the same, LOL.
Q: How is an elephant like a banana?
A: They’re both grey. Well… except the banana.
Two diametrically opposed statements from you.

Yeah, not even close to being the same, LOL.

Fine. not literally the same.. but it is close enough to where celebrating one and enraged at the other just seems a little off.
I think people need to realize that we all need each other regardless of political affiliation. In order to have a successful country you need Liberals and Conservatives working together because they will always exist. "Conservatives run things and Liberals invent them," is a quote that always sticks with me. Not to mention most people are somewhere in the middle, or have elements of both philosophies as part of their world view.

That's why I think the demagoguery of someone like Trump or Maxine Waters is so dangerous; they implant the idea that the other side is "the enemy" or "un-American" or "deplorable." They don't argue on fact why a certain action is deplorable or un-American, they just throw that blanket statement of emotion to categorize the entire group. They don't take time to react to something and form a coherent response, they instantly attack the second they smell blood. This emotional reliance has taken over political discourse today and facts and reason get thrown out the window - and both sides are equally guilty.
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I think people need to realize that we all need each other regardless of political affiliation. In order to have a successful country you need Liberals and Conservatives working together because they will always exist. "Conservatives run things and Liberals invent them," is a quote that always sticks with me. Not to mention most people are somewhere in the middle, or have elements of both philosophies as part of their world view.

That's why I think the demagoguery of someone like Trump or Maxine Waters is so dangerous; they implant the idea that the other side is "the enemy" or "un-American" or "deplorable." They don't argue on fact why a certain action is deplorable or un-American, they just throw that blanket statement of emotion to categorize the entire group. They don't take time to react to something and form a coherent response, they instantly attack the second they smell blood. This emotional reliance has taken over political discourse today and facts and reason get thrown out the window - and both sides are equally quilty.
Agree that we should leverage diversity of thought, but the partisan contention started well before Trump emerged. (See 15% Congress approval). Trump manipulates the system and feeds off having a villain, but he’s attacked both Dems and Reps, and anyone else for that matter, if it suits him.
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Agree that we should leverage diversity of thought, but the partisan contention started well before Trump emerged. (See 15% Congress approval). Trump manipulates the system and feeds off having a villain, but he’s attacked both Dems and Reps, and anyone else for that matter, if it suits him.


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