All of us lived through a massive boom from the tech industry... all of which started from commercialized government research projects.
Really? All of Which.
Yes, the internet had its roots in DARPA net, a government network. It floundered for 25 years until the private sector took over and made the internet into something.
Are you truly saying the government started the tech industry? Then again, Al Gore invented the internet and so perhaps you are right.
Look, I understand there is role for Government in business. It's a small role.
This little spat started when I reacted to your clean energy and stimulus post. Let's not lose sight of that.
The stimulus was a colossal misuse of taxpayer dollars. You'll are worried about a $12M parade while you are calling for another $800B of pork.
Alternative energy will be here when the free market can support it.
You are the student of economics. You should know that any industry that is subsidized ends up with inflated prices. I was guessing that based on your posts that you in Higher Ed. You should know more than anyone then that your industry has been subsidized by Uncle Sugar. The day of reckoning is on the horizon for higher ed. Check out the discount rate trends for tuition. The availability of government loans has subsidized the industry, saddled kids with debt they can can never pay back, garnered democratic votes, and inflated university payrolls. Higher Ed is the next bubble and it was largely caused by the government.
Shrink the government, get them out of the way.