Trump & Christie

Really, so you're calling it bravado? So tell me, were you one of those New Jerseyan standing in Jersey City cheering the fall of The Towers?
Trump has either shown he is light on sanity or has a lower opinion of the voters needed to win the nomination than anyone else. It is like he has a bucket list of outrageous shit to say and no matter what it us, it doesn't matter.
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It seems to me that with so many candidates running that they are all making outrageous statements just to get a headline. For example Christie saying that he would shoot down Russian military planes over Syria (does WW3 sound like a good idea to you?). Or Jendal imposing a no fly zone in ISIS territory ignoring the fact that they have no air force or planes. Trump of course says whatever comes into his mind correct or not, inflammatory or not. Yet he never admits to being wrong about anything. Of course the attacks on Mexicans, or McCain or Muslim American's. Yes with his own eyes he saw Muslims celebrating in Jersey City on 9-11. Want to bet he was no where near JC on that date. Or was it on TV even though no network has any such footage. Well at the time I did work in Jersey City and was there on 9-11. Now I can not claim that I was in every square inch of the City on that date or any other, but I do drive thru areas with a Muslim population & saw no celebrations whatsoever nor did I see the Donald either (LOL).

The point is that this campaign gets more and more absurd every day. The attack in Paris gave rise to knee jerk reactions with no thought behind them. Yes let's bar all Syrians from entry except of course Syrian Christians (Sen. Cruz) since there has never been a Christian Terrorist. Isn't that correct ? The sad thing is that despite all his playing up his celebrity & insensitive comments Trump may well be the best of the GOP candidates. And by the way I do not believe we should allow any Syrians in at this time for security reasons but not with a religious qualification which violates our American heritage.

Tom K
Tom, do you really think Trump is the best possible Republican candidate? Really?

I like to think that right now he is appealing to a large segment of the population that wants to hear someone who is not a politician and has similar thoughts that they do. As we get closer to the primaries as more candidates drop out he will come back to the pack and eventually disappear. It does seem like every issue that comes up creates polarizing rhetoric from both sides. It really is sad.

I have been fortunate to have gotten to know several leaders in the Lehigh Valley who are of Syrian and Lebanese descent. I believe Allentown is one of the largest if not the largest Syrian community here in the US. it's fascinating to me to hear their views on the middle east, Isis, and US politics, through their lens. Quite frankly, it makes me mistrust the media even more after hearing their views.

I agree with you, that I don't see anything wrong with pausing right now with regards to accepting the Syrian refugees. Obama's behavior over the past couple weeks has been abhorrent. He's trying to paint this as a partisan issue on International stages, even though almost 50 Democrats crossed over to support the proposed legislation. tone deaf and divisive.
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Tom, do you really think Trump is the best possible Republican candidate? Really?


No I think of the Republicans Kasich would make the best President and that is why he would never get their nomination. To get the GOP nomination one has to kiss up to the religious fundamentalists, the gun lobby and other extremest special interests. the Dems to some extent are similar as the left wing & Sanders candidacy is forcing Clinton to move in that direction on some issues. As to Trump I have no idea what he would do as President since he has been on every side of each issue at one time or another. But despite all his off the wall comments he might lead from a more centrist position as long as his ego doesn't get in the way (OK we both know that's impossible). The thought of Cruz, Carson or Sanders actually being elected is scary in my view. FWIW Carson is the scariest of the lot to me.

Tom K
No I think of the Republicans Kasich would make the best President and that is why he would never get their nomination. To get the GOP nomination one has to kiss up to the religious fundamentalists, the gun lobby and other extremest special interests. the Dems to some extent are similar as the left wing & Sanders candidacy is forcing Clinton to move in that direction on some issues. As to Trump I have no idea what he would do as President since he has been on every side of each issue at one time or another. But despite all his off the wall comments he might lead from a more centrist position as long as his ego doesn't get in the way (OK we both know that's impossible). The thought of Cruz, Carson or Sanders actually being elected is scary in my view. FWIW Carson is the scariest of the lot to me.

Tom K
Clearly the evangelicals carry a lot of votes, but Trump is ahead and I don't think he's actually kissing up or appealing to them. I'm with you on Kasich though. My scary list is actually the top four vote getters...Hillary, Sanders, Trump or Carson. Call me crazy, but for me, Integrity, Leadership (someone that can unite, get things done and be a visionary), and Experience all matter. None of those four come anywhere close on all of those categories in combination. I don't think Carson is scary (you must be falling prey to that main stream He's a bright and accomplished guy and everything I've heard from the Hopkins people that I know and trust is nothing but praise for his brilliance and leadership. You can't aspire to the loftiest job without having any political experience or having not run a large organization.
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Kasich's Judeo Christian Vales Dept lost me. I was a fan till that one. But he obviously had no shot. He and Jeb are the biggest ho hums on the trail. Very surprising.

If 85 said the things Carson has said, we would all chuckle when we read his posts, even if he performed brain surgery. Trump is out of his mind.

The repub nominee will be Romney. Too late for him in NH, but he kicked ass in a recent poll there. He is the guy the party will call on.

Trump has lost it.
I would take Romney at this point. He ran Mass very well and did a good job and could also have credibility on repairing the failed health care law.

Trump and Carson are nuts. Hillary is in George Soros pocket as well as a bunch of middle east donors. Sanders just wants to give everything away. I'm scared - very scared.
LOL, this post. You really think the Repubs will put someone up against Hillary whose ass she will kick. Romney, please give the Repubs some credit? They may be off the deep end, but they are not stupid.
The odd thing is that Carson gets caught making stuff up and his poll numbers drop. Trump gets caught making stuff up & his poll numbers keep going up. Maybe he can do no wrong in the eyes of the electorate.

Tom K
While I do think Hillary is the most qualified to become President of any of the announced candidates, I do think she is very beatable if the GOP picks the right candidate. The reason has nothing to do with e-mails or Benghazi or any other specific (or manufactured) issue. It has more to do with why she lost to Obama in 2008 or why Gore lost to the George W. Bush in 2000. A factor that no one talks about. She is not likable (nor was Gore). There are still enough people who are not as concerned with the issues as they are with whether or not they like the candidate. Personality still counts and it can swing an election.

Tom K
LOL, this post. You really think the Repubs will put someone up against Hillary whose ass she will kick. Romney, please give the Repubs some credit? They may be off the deep end, but they are not stupid.
What candulidate would have a better shot at hillary? Trump. Carson. Cruz. Rubio. Romney is a far better choice and has a simple message lots will believe. picked the wrong guy last time and we are all paying the price. I am not a fan. I just think the first three named above have little chance in a general election and the party elders know this. With bush and kasich gathering as much excitement as a Hanson reunion, they crave new blood and will pull out all stops to defeat those three (i omit Rubio cause I don't think he has a chance).

There is alot of time. But the polls have had the non establishment guys in the lead and the establishment guys know these guys can't win and and don't want them gaining any more power. Trump had a chance and could right his ship but what he is saying now is too much. His supporters don't care what he says but it won't fly in the pres election.
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While I do think Hillary is the most qualified to become President of any of the announced candidates, I do think she is very beatable if the GOP picks the right candidate. The reason has nothing to do with e-mails or Benghazi or any other specific (or manufactured) issue. It has more to do with why she lost to Obama in 2008 or why Gore lost to the George W. Bush in 2000. A factor that no one talks about. She is not likable (nor was Gore). There are still enough people who are not as concerned with the issues as they are with whether or not they like the candidate. Personality still counts and it can swing an election.

Tom K
gore didn't even care his home state and plus the whole Florida thing was a big clusterbuck, i truly believe in years of presidential elections there should be federally mandated style of ballot; one system for all
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What candulidate would have a better shot at hillary? Trump. Carson. Cruz. Rubio. Romney is a far better choice and has a simple message lots will believe. picked the wrong guy last time and we are all paying the price. I am not a fan. I just think the first three named above have little chance in a general election and the party elders know this. With bush and kasich gathering as much excitement as a Hanson reunion, they crave new blood and will pull out all stops to defeat those three (i omit Rubio cause I don't think he has a chance).

There is alot of time. But the polls have had the non establishment guys in the lead and the establishment guys know these guys can't win and and don't want them gaining any more power. Trump had a chance and could right his ship but what he is saying now is too much. His supporters don't care what he says but it won't fly in the pres election.
You should run Romney's That's actually an interesting strategy. Disagree on Rubio though. I think as others fall by the wayside he is likely to emerge as the leader and a very strong opponent.

Beginning to think that the Trump support it's really all about being anti-Hillary. Tom is right. At the end of the day she is highly unlikable.
Rubio would be branded the repub Obama cause of his lack of experience and not get past it. Trump is not about being anti Hillary, it is about being sick and tired of being sick and tired - at pols, at media, at our place in the world, at our place at home.

My wife is a diehard leftie. She wanted Hillary 8 years ago. She is not impressed by Obama and she supports Trump for now. Hill would be her second choice. She worked for the govt for many years and was crazed by the waste and hypocrisy and wants to tear it down and build it again.
In my view, Carson, Cruz and Sanders are the top three scariest potential presidents of anyone on either side.
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Such a sad state of affairs when the leading candidates are whackos like Trump, Carson, Cruz, Sanders and one completely devoid of character and integrity in Hillary.

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