The bank sent a letter when the suit was opened to cover their ass because this became public. Up until that point, they did nothing to claim they suffered a loss due to fraud. This is the same as someone enforcing a law that never gets enforced to prove a point. A circus comes into town at MSG and they temporarily tie a horse to a street sign until the truck can get out of the way. That is probably a violation (can't park that horse there based on a law that was written in 1812) but no one was hurt and no one would prosecute that violation. This is clearly bigger but the party that could have gotten hurt did not sue or charge fraud. This is huge government overreach by a Democratic prosecutor who announced to the world she was going after Trump and a Democratic appointed judge. Nothing more nothing less. I'm not saying I agree with Trump's business practices - but most people who do business with him know how he operates and they can choose to take the chance or not. That is what happened here and the bank decided to take the chance but they also had lots of opportunities to mitigate their risks which they did. $340M penalty is just ridiculous. Why would anyone want to do business in NY after this? And why people aren't upset about this ruling is that they hate Trump. It makes zero common sense. No party lost money here or was defrauded.