Trump Town Hall


All Universe
Gold Member
Jan 6, 2006
Anybody watch? Oof. Not going to do him any favors with undecided voters.
Actually, It’s hard for me to believe that there is an undecided voter out there.
I'm one of them haha.
So although you apparently thought Trump didn’t perform well during the town hall, this has not not moved you To vote for Biden. Question then is what will?
So although you apparently thought Trump didn’t perform well during the town hall, this has not not moved you To vote for Biden. Question then is what will?
Why only two choices?
Doesn't mean you need to be a sheep if you don't like either choices.

Depends where you live. Not really a huge deal in NJ.

Here we can decide if we want our vote to count towards or against Biden's margin, or go for a protest vote for a 3rd party. I think that would be a mistake in a purple state though.
Depends where you live. Not really a huge deal in NJ.

Here we can decide if we want our vote to count towards or against Biden's margin, or go for a protest vote for a 3rd party. I think that would be a mistake in a purple state though.
There is an argument to be made about continuing to reward bad behavior by both parties. If the electorate doesn’t care, why should politicians change their behavior.
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Doesn't mean you need to be a sheep if you don't like either choices.
Well that is what I did last time as not a huge fan of Trump personally or Hillary. So I voted for some 3rd party candidate, but in the end it was worthless as 99% of the country never heard of the candidate.

I live in NJ, so as someone else said in this thread who I vote for only matters in how much the victory margin will be for Biden in NJ this election.
There is an argument to be made about continuing to reward bad behavior by both parties. If the electorate doesn’t care, why should politicians change their behavior.

Yeah I get that, but at the end of the day if you live in a purple state you might not like our choices but you are going to get one of them and have an opportunity to actually have a say in which one.

If you really don't care at all, then third party would make sense.
So although you apparently thought Trump didn’t perform well during the town hall, this has not not moved you To vote for Biden. Question then is what will?

I am still evaluating. To be honest, I change nearly every day. On one hand, I know Trump is unfit and looks to enrich himself before anything else. On the other, I believe some of his policies are great for the country. I know Biden is a good man, but believe he has lost it mentally and I'm not a fan of electing establishment politicians. I am also worried about him being pulled to the left by the radical goons.

For me it's really going to end up how I feel once it comes time to actually fill out my mail-in (so stupid BTW) ballot.
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I am still evaluating. To be honest, I change nearly every day. On one hand, I know Trump is unfit and looks to enrich himself before anything else. On the other, I believe some of his policies are great for the country. I know Biden is a good man, but believe he has lost it mentally and I'm not a fan of electing establishment politicians. I am also worried about him being pulled to the left by the radical goons.

For me it's really going to end up how I feel once it comes time to actually fill out my mail-in (so stupid BTW) ballot.
So on one hand you know one candidate is unfit for office and the other is a good man. On one hand you think Biden has lost it mentally, but Trump is not a genius and has repeatedly made gaffes like the numerous mistakes that he made during the town hall. I would say Trump has lost it mentally but I don't think he ever had it to begin with. You know Trump looks to enrich himself, but you have the fear that Biden will be puled to the radical left in which there is absolutely no sign of this.

ISn't It clear that the moderates took control of the Dem party in a landslide. It is just the far left have the big mouths. Biden is and has always been a moderate. From what you post, the clear choice is Biden.
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That's the decision I have to make. If I think Biden will stay a moderate, I'll vote for him. If I think he is just a figurehead for a party that has moved so far to the left over the years, then I'll vote Trump.
That's the decision I have to make. If I think Biden will stay a moderate, I'll vote for him. If I think he is just a figurehead for a party that has moved so far to the left over the years, then I'll vote Trump.
I can't believe how anyone would think that it is plausible that Joe Biden is some kind of trojan horse for the left wing of the Democratic Party.

Because when I look at Biden, his campaign surrogates, and the Democratic Party platform, all I see and hear is contempt for the left and their ideas. There's no mention of the Green New Deal or Medicare for All in the party platform - Joe Biden doesn't support these things and he never will. He has let Trump and Trump campaign surrogates frame him as some kind of a socialist ideologue, and now Biden has to dedicate part of all his speeches to assure skeptical voters that he does not support banning fracking.

This is the guy who supported the repeal of Glass-Steagall, supported the invasion of Iraq, supported (and often co-authored and co-sponsored) various "tough on crime" bills throughout his career as a senator from the most business-friendly state in the country. By the way, his successor in the senate, who is a friend of Biden's and a big supporter of his campaign, is the "GOP's Favorite Democrat."

If Joe Biden loses to Trump partly because of his failure to control his own image, he'll have no one to blame but himself. If that happens, I'm sure the Democratic Party will wrongly blame Bernie Sanders, just like Hillary Clinton did for her own failed campaign.
Anybody watch? Oof. Not going to do him any favors with undecided voters.
haha fox news claimed he was "ambushed" .... ambushed at a town hall that was set up for people to ask normal questions to help them decide who to vote for. LOL. big brain IQ trump was bamboozled!

as always, gotta pick the lesser of two evils. honestly i would be fine if biden spends four years not really changing any of trumps policies and just replaces his asshole personality.

i also think the "biden is mentally gone" rhetoric is nonsense. he is no more gone than trump. in fact trump might be "more gone" than biden.
honestly i would be fine if biden spends four years not really changing any of trumps policies and just replaces his asshole personality.

Sign me up, with you on that. But he won't.
Was on a conference call today and Paul Begala was the guest speaker. It’s amazing that when you get a partisan pundit and the audience is different how their whole demeanor and positioning of views changes. He was critical of Biden in that he felt that while they have developed a platform with specific plans (infrastructure, etc.), he has done a poor job of laying that out. Added that he needed to cut back on attacking Trump and focus on the agenda and his connection to the workingman. He said Trump was focusing too much on his accomplishments and not talking about his vision for his second term. He listed a number of governor and presidential races where the incumbent failed to do that and lost even though they were expected to win.
Was on a conference call today and Paul Begala was the guest speaker. It’s amazing that when you get a partisan pundit and the audience is different how their whole demeanor and positioning of views changes. He was critical of Biden in that he felt that while they have developed a platform with specific plans (infrastructure, etc.), he has done a poor job of laying that out. Added that he needed to cut back on attacking Trump and focus on the agenda and his connection to the workingman. He said Trump was focusing too much on his accomplishments and not talking about his vision for his second term. He listed a number of governor and presidential races where the incumbent failed to do that and lost even though they were expected to win.
He and Carville crafted good strategy for clinton in 92, begala jersey born, but undergrad and jd at often do you get these guests on cc?
He and Carville crafted good strategy for clinton in 92, begala jersey born, but undergrad and jd at often do you get these guests on cc?
This was a one off call today hosted by the fiduciary for our 401k. I would guess 100-200 on the call.
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Was on a conference call today and Paul Begala was the guest speaker. It’s amazing that when you get a partisan pundit and the audience is different how their whole demeanor and positioning of views changes. He was critical of Biden in that he felt that while they have developed a platform with specific plans (infrastructure, etc.), he has done a poor job of laying that out. Added that he needed to cut back on attacking Trump and focus on the agenda and his connection to the workingman. He said Trump was focusing too much on his accomplishments and not talking about his vision for his second term. He listed a number of governor and presidential races where the incumbent failed to do that and lost even though they were expected to win.
back when i was employed and not taking government handouts in my moms basement I actually had a meeting with Begala about using our insights tool for political intelligence. this was probably a year ago now (or what seems like 10).

the whole time he couldnt stress enough about how the democratic party cannot run on the platform of bringing down trump. they needed to stress issues, a real platform to sell people and let the turmp clown show see its way out.

needless to say the low hanging fruit ended up being too tasty.
Another thing Begala said was that the idea of free college for everyone is nonsense, but he was surprised neither candidate was suggesting a service point system so that someone who didn’t have the financial means could earn a degree by giving committed time to national or community programs. I do recall some candidates floating that idea but he said it would be a no brainer and get the attention of undecided voters.
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While some voters care about issues, in this election it is about tearing down the other guy. That is a result of how Trump operates. He brings you down to his level. But Biden does talk about issues on his website. Most importantly he mis desire to pump a trillion dollars into infrastructure of the country. No government money is better spent by building infrastructure- electrical grids, roads, bridges and tunnels.
This leads to good paying jobs and leads to secondary and tertiary jobs. Great for the economy. But that is all lost in this election Trump could have had an infrastructure bill passed. The Dems wanted it and he failed. Monumental failure
Another thing Begala said was that the idea of free college for everyone is nonsense, but he was surprised neither candidate was suggesting a service point system so that someone who didn’t have the financial means could earn a degree by giving committed time to national or community programs. I do recall some candidates floating that idea but he said it would be a no brainer and get the attention of undecided voters.

That was one of the things that initially drew me towards Buttigieg. I think additional national service programs make a ton of sense.

Also agree with Begala that it is time to shift to lay out the vision for specific plans and hopefully that will be a part of his debate strategy.
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Totally by chance, I'm with a dozen business owners this morning and one of the woman just found out that her question was accepted by CNN for Biden's Town Hall tonight in Scranton. Apparently, it's at a drive-in. CNN scrubbed the question a bit, If she get's called, the question is on regulations that were instituted during the Obama administration that disadvantaged farming/agriculture and what his position is. Her name is Julie and the family operates a farm in PA. If she gets called on, I can share a bit more about her and her family, which is fascinating but unrelated to farming.
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Buttigieg made some sensible proposals with parts of his platform. The minorities in South Bend dislike him a lot. The story goes that he and a bunch of developers gentrified a downtrodden area but also basically kicked out a large number of poor people from their homes with nowhere to go. He had no African Americans in his government and demoted the black police chief and had some questionable decisions around policing among other things. He would have been slaughtered IMO if he made it through the primaries with all that is going on.
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Buttigieg made some sensible proposals with parts of his platform. The minorities in South Bend dislike him a lot. The story goes that he and a bunch of developers gentrified a downtrodden area but also basically kicked out a large number of poor people from their homes with nowhere to go. He had no African Americans in his government and demoted the black police chief and had some questionable decisions around policing among other things. He would have been slaughtered IMO if he made it through the primaries with all that is going on.
Buttigieg has a lot of promise. He was the best in the primary debates. However, he is saw raw and inexperienced. Let him get elected to higher office as a Senator or Governor. Then he will be ready. Experience still matters and his lack of experience was a huge weakness.
Buttigieg has a lot of promise. He was the best in the primary debates. However, he is saw raw and inexperienced. Let him get elected to higher office as a Senator or Governor. Then he will be ready. Experience still matters and his lack of experience was a huge weakness.
He is certainly grooming himself for higher office with his entire career track.
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Biden was also cringeworthy last night. There’s a pattern where he goes through periods when he’s angry and yelling and others where he totally loses his train of thought. Signs of advanced aging. And that was in a friendly environment last night. That person I mentioned (Julie Masser Ballay) yesterday did get her question in at the end (after she had to shut him down for interrupting her).
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Biden was also cringeworthy last night. There’s a pattern where he goes through periods when he’s angry and yelling and others where he totally loses his train of thought. Signs of advanced aging. And that was in a friendly environment last night. That person I mentioned (Julie Masser Ballay) yesterday did get her question in at the end (after she had to shut him down for interrupting her).
If you think Biden shows signs of advanced aging, what’s Trump’s ailment or is it just stupidity?
I agree that the questions were of the friendly variety overall. I also agree that Biden loses his thoughts at times. You point that out but you never point out the when Trump talks in circles or mispronounces easy words or just plain doesn’t know what he is talking about like Herd mentality when talking about the CoVid. With regard to two old guys past their prime give me the good man who will listen to the experts in whatever field over the narcissistic, wanna be autocrat who thinks he is smarter than scientists, doctors and generals.
If you think Biden shows signs of advanced aging, what’s Trump’s ailment or is it just stupidity?
I agree that the questions were of the friendly variety overall. I also agree that Biden loses his thoughts at times. You point that out but you never point out the when Trump talks in circles or mispronounces easy words or just plain doesn’t know what he is talking about like Herd mentality when talking about the CoVid. With regard to two old guys past their prime give me the good man who will listen to the experts in whatever field over the narcissistic, wanna be autocrat who thinks he is smarter than scientists, doctors and generals.
More TDS. I’ve been critical about Trump too. His Town Hall was horrible too for different reasons. Can’t you get through one post and stay on topic without bringing it back to Trump? Obviously not.
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Not once during this thread did you comment on Trump’s horrible performance until just now. Indeed this thread is about Trump’s Town Hall is it not? Perhaps What you say is TDS is just a euphemism of pointing out the truth.
Not once during this thread did you comment on Trump’s horrible performance until just now. Indeed this thread is about Trump’s Town Hall is it not? Perhaps What you say is TDS is just a euphemism of pointing out the truth.
I didn’t see it live. Just saw some of the follow up snippets, but yes, what I saw was painful to watch. And I’ve been consistent in my criticism of Trump. Like any thread, it morphed. If you were reading it all it’s pretty clear where I stand.
Biden was also cringeworthy last night. There’s a pattern where he goes through periods when he’s angry and yelling and others where he totally loses his train of thought. Signs of advanced aging.
is this not exactly like trump too? just because trump acts more like an actual baby doesnt mean he isnt just as opd as biden. false narrative. theyre both mush but one guy is legit crazy.

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