
Sounds like more excuses to do nothing. Have gun owners and police craft the laws to make them "right"... Whoever, I don't care... We should be trying something instead of nothing though.
I'm going to take this in a different direction. What should we be trying when you see things like the Gaudreau death. Unfortunately things like that happen very often. People abuse the purpose of the automobile no different than people abuse guns and both result in the loss of lives. Very often we say someone is lucky to be alive when they don't die in some of these automobile accidents. People use these tools for good every day, yet others harm people with them. I think the government is ass backwards spending a fortune clean energy cars as opposed to perfecting self driving cars that might stop things like what happened to the Gaudreau brothers. The problem is when you got people who don't have things right between their ears controlling these weapons, be it a car or gun, bad things can and will happen.
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Sounds like more excuses to do nothing. Have gun owners and police craft the laws to make them "right"... Whoever, I don't care... We should be trying something instead of nothing though.
No excuses. I’m trying to explain the best path to get concensus. What you think is easy is not going to happen.

You keep looking from your point of view versus a gun owner.
What should we be trying when you see things like the Gaudreau death.

We can't and won't prevent all bad things from happening.

What we should do is mitigate risks. That's why you need to display you understand how to drive before getting a license. You need to register any car you purchase through a dealer or through a friend and you need to have insurance in order to use the car.

That doesn't mean that someone without those things can't cause death with a car. There are just basic things we need to do to mitigate risks to others in order to drive.

I think the government is ass backwards spending a fortune clean energy cars as opposed to perfecting self driving cars that might stop things like what happened to the Gaudreau brothers.

The government does fund subsidies for autonomous vehicle R&D but I would imagine that the government will provide direct consumer subsidies when the technology is ready for mass consumption and there is a net benefit to society, just like they did with EVs.
You keep looking from your point of view versus a gun owner.

Not really. I care that something gets done to help more than I care about my opinion.

I have attended meetings locally and spoke to gun owners and police about what they would like to see happen and that's why I am suggesting things that they seemed to be on board with.

If you don't I didn't convey their thoughts correctly or I didn't word it in the right way or I'm missing something... I don't really care. I wouldn't be involved in the process.

Gun owners and police should craft a bill which will they believe will help, and for the public to support it enough that the politicians can't continue to ignore the issue.
Not really. I care that something gets done to help more than I care about my opinion.
If you care that much about something getting done, focus on the important things.
I have attended meetings locally and spoke to gun owners and police about what they would like to see happen and that's why I am suggesting things that they seemed to be on board with.
You are hearing what you want to hear. If it was that easy, we would already have many of the things you were suggesting. You don’t think gun owners and law-enforcement don’t want fewer gun deaths? Have you asked them about proposing or sponsoring legislation as you were suggesting?
If you don't I didn't convey their thoughts correctly or I didn't word it in the right way or I'm missing something... I don't really care. I wouldn't be involved in the process.

Gun owners and police should craft a bill which will they believe will help, and for the public to support it enough that the politicians can't continue to ignore the issue.
The recommendations on dealing with criminals will fall on deaf years.
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We can't and won't prevent all bad things from happening.

Mitigating risks in my opinion starts and ends with addressing mental illness. I don't see how laws are going to stop mentally deranged people who want to cause harm from doing so. If you take away their guns, you think they're screwed? you don't worry about them going to pipe bombs as a result of the super strict gun laws?

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