Trump's America

Biden was focused on funneling money to his family and pardoning them in advance.Will go down as one of the most corrupt presidents .
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Biden was focused on funneling money to his family and pardoning them in advance.Will go down as one of the most corrupt presidents .
I have been on record for the last 2 cycles that dnc and rnc should be cultivating younger national candidates for the white house...i will say that biden admin did or took steps on infrastructure that was sorely needed.
Richest 5% pay most of the taxes around 65% of total federal taxes I guess NY shore guy thinks they should pay 75% 90% or 100% which level do you support the top 5% should pay ?
Are you going to tell us what % of federal taxes you think top 5% should pay or is your position so indefensible you will just ignore the question ?
Are you going to tell us what % of federal taxes you think top 5% should pay or is your position so indefensible you will just ignore the question ?

FWIW, that question needs more context.

Of course if the top 5% income increases faster that the rest of the population, their share of taxes paid will increase faster as well.
The total share of AGI of the top 5% today is about 39% which matches the total for the top 10% 30 years ago.

That means a much larger share of income is flowing to a smaller percentage of people.

Their share increasing while rates decreased is not a good signal that the country as a whole is doing well. Ideally they would be contributing less as a percentage but not because of tax rates, but because of a thriving middle class.

The rates themselves should closer to what they were when the US has had periods of a thriving middle class.
Deflection is not context.Let’s decide tax rates to insure the middle class is thriving come on.boy that would be so easy to do NOT.Let me provide an alternative.Historically federal tax revenue about 20% of GDP regardless of tax rates so unsure of what rates you think will bring back glory days..Dems love big government spending so let’s be generous and agree 22% of GDP is federal budget and solve to produce that amount.Agree that only mortgage interest and charity are only deductions.Establish a no tax fir low income and establish two or three flat tax % to achieve desired tazx revenue.I know Dems never want a fixed limit on spending because it eliminates their favorite earmarks so they will oppose you might also.This also takes away Dems battle cry that we want rich to pay their share .This rallying cry for class warfare being eliminated is probably a non starter from democratic establishment.
Deflection is not context

That's not a deflection. That's just how the math works.

If rates stay the same and the top 5% are paying in a higher share than they used to, it is because their earnings increased by a lot. If the middle class started thriving and their earnings outpaced the the top 5, the top 5% share would then decrease.

Historically federal tax revenue about 20% of GDP regardless of tax rates so unsure of what rates you think will bring back glory days

About where they are now, though if I were making the call, rates would increase at the top and get rid of most deductions that are not serving a purpose to help our economy.

I know Dems never want a fixed limit on spending because it eliminates their favorite earmarks so they will oppose you might also.

Indeed. I am very much opposed to a fixed limit.
Spending is either worth the cost or not. If we need to spend more tomorrow for a disaster, pandemic, national defense etc... I don't care if we go over an imaginary line when we need to spend the money.

That doesn't mean I agree with all spending and we should never make cuts though. I don't and we should.

This rallying cry for class warfare being eliminated is probably a non starter from democratic establishment.

It's just not worth cutting social programs to pay for a tax cut for the wealthiest individuals in America.
If you want to cut programs to reduce the deficit, that's a more reasonable stance, but to just give the rich a tax cut when more and more of the share of income is going towards them? Pass.
Trump meets with World Leaders everyday, trying to negotiate peace, US border security and trade agreements.

Biden referenced friendships and conversations with leaders that have been dead for decades.
I no longer believe in the tooth fairy.I also don’t believe if you let politicians who have approved $2 trillion defecits two years in a row day they will work things out with no mandatory spending limits.I wonder why private companies use budgets to control mentioned above the wealth tax will become the democrats rallying cry since any fair person sees the have lost the argument on tax rates.So let’s take money from the rich a redistribute to people who aren’t rich some of whom are generational welfare participants and let the illegals in to participate in the welfare state.I don’t think socialism is the answer to US economic woes,but som on this board uunfrtunately. do and the rest of us could become a victim of their folly.
Note the posting date


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