Two sick acts in less than 24 hours

A reasonable amount of restrictions would reduce access to legal gun purchases and make it more difficult for nutcases to acquire guns. This would eliminate some but not all shootings.

I favor stricter and enforced regulations on guns but also recognize such measures will not eliminate mass shootings and other deadly acts such as driving a truck though a crowded market.

Wikipedia has the mass shooting deaths in 2018 at 1,274.

CDC has the drug overdose deaths in 2017 at 70,000

So for arguments sake, lets say an assault rifle ban knocks it in half down to 650 deaths.

Should we accept that number and move on to do doing something about the 70,000?

As an aside, we had 40,000 killed in car accidents in 2018.

It seems we are OK and accustomed (numb) with some forms of death but the idea of going to a restaurant, mall, school, club and getting shot has an entirely different impact on our thinking.
Wanting some kind of gun legislation doesn’t mean we don’t want to do anything about drug overdoses... and just like we recognized we would not be able to prevent all auto deaths, we still required all cars to have seatbelts, placed speed limits etc.

Every issue is separate, and our response to any tragedy should be to figure out if we can make it happen less, not if we can make it happen less only if we consider every other tragedy at the same time.
Wanting some kind of gun legislation doesn’t mean we don’t want to do anything about drug overdoses...

If you are suggesting I implied that, you are incorrectly interpreting my post.
A reasonable amount of restrictions would reduce access to legal gun purchases and make it more difficult for nutcases to acquire guns. This would eliminate some but not all shootings.

I favor stricter and enforced regulations on guns but also recognize such measures will not eliminate mass shootings and other deadly acts such as driving a truck though a crowded market.

Wikipedia has the mass shooting deaths in 2018 at 1,274.

CDC has the drug overdose deaths in 2017 at 70,000

So for arguments sake, lets say an assault rifle ban knocks it in half down to 650 deaths.

Should we accept that number and move on to do doing something about the 70,000?

As an aside, we had 40,000 killed in car accidents in 2018.

It seems we are OK and accustomed (numb) with some forms of death but the idea of going to a restaurant, mall, school, club and getting shot has an entirely different impact on our thinking.
Kasich was on last night with cnn wanted to sign a red flag law in Ohio his republican legislature wouldn't pass the bill
On a personal note, the son of close friends of ours was in the adjacent bar in Dayton. He left 15 minutes before the shooting.
Then why did you bring it up?

Because of his wont to put words in people's mouths and otherwise twist what people have said.

Just setting the record straight.

What's your (and your sidekick 6711) problem?
Because of his wont to put words in people's mouths and otherwise twist what people have said.

Just setting the record straight.

Think he meant why did you bring up cars and drugs in a thread about shootings.

Each issue deserves attention and I don’t want quantity of deaths to be an excuse of inaction on gun control.
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Because of his wont to put words in people's mouths and otherwise twist what people have said.

Just setting the record straight.

What's your (and your sidekick 6711) problem?
Don’t know who 6711 is. Your OP comparing mass shootings to car accidents and overdoses makes no sense. Then you say you didn’t imply that gun legislation has anything to do with overdoses when you made the comparison in the same post. You are not making sense but whatever I don’t wish to debate you.
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For what it’s worth, look for the Casey/Mancin bill to be resurrected in September and passed. It has trumps support and even McConnell apparently will get behind it. Universal Background checks on all commercial gun sales, even gun shows. Nothing will happen before then.
For what it’s worth, look for the Casey/Mancin bill to be resurrected in September and passed. It has trumps support and even McConnell apparently will get behind it. Universal Background checks on all commercial gun sales, even gun shows. Nothing will happen before then.
I'm all for Universal background checks. To make it effective they have to do a better job of getting the databases right and talking to each other and use analytics more to try and identify any troubled buyers for the future. Hippa laws could get in the way unfortunately. The technology is there for them to do so much more but getting the Govt to use the information efectively and in a timely manner to prevent bad folks from getting guns is another story.
It’s pretty simple as long as Politicians are in bed with the NRA and big Pharma

People will die more than any other country due to mass murders and

People will die bc they can’t afford healthcare or insulin.

But don’t question America’s greatness!!!
It’s pretty simple as long as Politicians are in bed with the NRA and big Pharma

People will die more than any other country due to mass murders and

People will die bc they can’t afford healthcare or insulin.

But don’t question America’s greatness!!!
I think those are nice talking points but not necessarily accurate. I believe less than 10% of gun owners are members of the NRA. I do agree with you though that until we have significant Campaign-finance reform, money is driving the bus no matter what industry it is. Guns, Pharma, technology, automotive… You name it.

And if you can’t afford insulin, every pharma company that produces insulin offers patient assistance programs to obtain it.
Why would anything happen on gun control? Big Pharma has murdered hundreds of thousands with oxycontin in the early 2000s which has led to rampant use of heroin. Until a prominent politicians family is gunned down thoughts and prayers will be the only thing that happens. I say all this as a Republican.
Why would anything happen on gun control? Big Pharma has murdered hundreds of thousands with oxycontin in the early 2000s which has led to rampant use of heroin. Until a prominent politicians family is gunned down thoughts and prayers will be the only thing that happens. I say all this as a Republican.
Big Pharma produced the bullets; but physicians fired the gun.
Big Pharma produced the bullets; but physicians fired the gun.

Agreed, physicians took their lies and prescribed like drunken sailors. My point is the government isnt going to protect American lives.
Agreed, physicians took their lies and prescribed like drunken sailors. My point is the government isnt going to protect American lives.
Agree. Our Government has done a lousy job of oversight and holding people accountable.
I believe that most Americans are in favor of banning Automatic weapons and large capacity magazines. Congress and the President won't ban them because they are beholden to the NRA. Our government is failing us in this regard. They are placing their own interests ahead of the safety of the American people.
I believe that most Americans are in favor of banning Automatic weapons and large capacity magazines. Congress and the President won't ban them because they are beholden to the NRA. Our government is failing us in this regard. They are placing their own interests ahead of the safety of the American people.

Those will receive a lot more push back.

Universal background checks has overwhelming support of the American public and we can't even get that passed. I was hopeful we were heading there but it seems less and less likely as time goes on.
Those will receive a lot more push back.

Universal background checks has overwhelming support of the American public and we can't even get that passed. I was hopeful we were heading there but it seems less and less likely as time goes on.
Pretty confident that we will see universal background checks as part of legislation introduced in September.

Banning certain weapons is going to be a harder/impossible climb. People don’t even agree on the definition of an “automatic weapon”. And we have to recognize that lesson 10% of gun owners are members of the NRA.
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Pretty confident that we will see universal background checks as part of legislation introduced in September.

Banning certain weapons is going to be a harder/impossible climb. People don’t even agree on the definition of an “automatic weapon”. And we have to recognize that lesson 10% of gun owners are members of the NRA.

I hope we get universal background checks, but if recent reporting is true, they are already off the table for Trump. If Congress wasn’t on break I think we would have been much more likely do actually do something.

Also the NRA has a lot of influence and a very active membership. If we don’t get a bill passed, it will be because of the NRA.
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Those will receive a lot more push back.

Universal background checks has overwhelming support of the American public and we can't even get that passed. I was hopeful we were heading there but it seems less and less likely as time goes on.
If congress didn't pass anything after sandy hook why would it change now?
The background checks should be passed and I believe will be passed.

Red flag laws should also follow.

I don't see a ban as viable in Congress or effective in stopping the problem. (See below)

I'd like to see harsher sentences for any crime with gun (See Singapore)

I'd like to eliminate gun free zones.

I'd like to see more heavily armed police/military at public sites. Visiting the Cathedral in Florence, Italy, there were at least 6 flak jacketed military carrying fully automatic rifles ready to go. No one seemed bothered by it. It made me feel safe.


I would like to see mandatory training or some form of licensing for ARs. You need a license to drive a car. You should need a license to own an AR that would include a medical records screen and a psych exam/assessment. It is way too easy to buy an AR.

Regarding a ban, I did a little reading about the1994 ban. Seems it did nothing to reduce homicides and was not conclusively proven to cut down on mass shootings. It only banned further manufacturing (in the U.S.) and did nothing about current owners. It did also stop the import of certain types of weapons.

There is an estimated 5-10 Million ARs out there. Not sure how many are owned legally or not. Even if Congress were to pass a ban, I cannot see it doing anything about the existing guns. I.e, Congress would never support a confiscation or turn in of the existing ARs.

An unintended consequence of the media attention to this issue is that sale of ARs increases every time this happens. And so we now have more ARs on the street that no Congress will ever call back.
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The background checks should be passed and I believe will be passed.

Red flag laws should also follow.

I don't see a ban as viable in Congress or effective in stopping the problem. (See below)

I'd like to harsher sentences for any crime with gun (See Singapore)

I'd like to eliminate gun free zones.

I'd like to see more heavily armed police/military at public sites. Visiting the Cathedral in Florence, Italy, there were at least 6 flak jacketed military carrying fully automatic rifles ready to go. No one seamed bothered by it. It made me feel safe.


I would like to see mandatory training or some form of licensing for ARs. You need a license to drive a car. You should need a license to own an AR that would include a medical records screen and a psych exam/assessment. It is way to easy to buy an AR.

Regarding a ban, I did a little reading about the 1994 ban. Seems it did nothing to reduce homicides and was not conclusively proven to cut down on mass shootings. It only banned further manufacturing (in the U.S.) and did nothing about current owners. It did also stop the import of certain types of weapons.

There is an estimated 5-10 Million ARs out there. Not sure how many are owned legally or not. Even if Congress were to pass a ban, I cannot see it doing anything about the existing guns. I.e, Congress would never support a confiscation or turn in of the existing ARs.

An unintended consequence of the media attention to this issue is that sale of ARs increases every time this happens. And so we now have more ARs on the street that no Congress will ever call back.
Good post. I remember driving by Cabella’s in Hamburg after Sandy Hook and the line was around the outside of the store.

I’m a novice gun owner (One Sig pistol) but have been to the range often and have friends that own AR15’s and have seen them in use at the range. I don’t like using mental health as an umbrella excuse but it strikes me that we have several of these mass shootings being done by 20-something’s...the sound that the AR15 makes is so different and an adolescent that has difficulty dealing with reality/depressed may get blurred and take the video game to reality. I would suggest even an age limit on certain gun purchases. A 22 year old buying an AR15 is a red flag IMO.
the sound that the AR15 makes is so different........may get blurred and take the video game to reality.

The features of the AR that make it attractive for legal use also make it a attractive for the nut cases.

Foremost, it is very light and has very little recoil. There is a large spring in the stock that absorbs the recoil from the bolt when the weapon is fired. There is more recoil action in your Sig Pistol. The AR can feel much more like a toy than a gun.
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For school shooting yes. For other venues, the age is higher.
Interesting stats. Also goes to show the discussion is really multi-faceted and there is no one solution to reducing gun violence. What do you think of mandatory waiting periods for purchase? Once again it will not necessarily prevent all shootings but for those that have that “impulse” to act on something quickly, it may deter or at least enable a more thorough check.
The background checks should be passed and I believe will be passed.

Red flag laws should also follow.

I don't see a ban as viable in Congress or effective in stopping the problem. (See below)

I'd like to see harsher sentences for any crime with gun (See Singapore)

I'd like to eliminate gun free zones.

I'd like to see more heavily armed police/military at public sites. Visiting the Cathedral in Florence, Italy, there were at least 6 flak jacketed military carrying fully automatic rifles ready to go. No one seamed bothered by it. It made me feel safe.


I would like to see mandatory training or some form of licensing for ARs. You need a license to drive a car. You should need a license to own an AR that would include a medical records screen and a psych exam/assessment. It is way too easy to buy an AR.

Regarding a ban, I did a little reading about the1994 ban. Seems it did nothing to reduce homicides and was not conclusively proven to cut down on mass shootings. It only banned further manufacturing (in the U.S.) and did nothing about current owners. It did also stop the import of certain types of weapons.

There is an estimated 5-10 Million ARs out there. Not sure how many are owned legally or not. Even if Congress were to pass a ban, I cannot see it doing anything about the existing guns. I.e, Congress would never support a confiscation or turn in of the existing ARs.

An unintended consequence of the media attention to this issue is that sale of ARs increases every time this happens. And so we now have more ARs on the street that no Congress will ever call back.

Rare we agree, but I am with you on pretty much all of that.
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What do you think of mandatory waiting periods for purchase? Once again it will not necessarily prevent all shootings but for those that have that “impulse” to act on something quickly, it may deter or at least enable a more thorough check.

I would agree on the mandatory waiting period from the perspective of dampening the impulse buy.

I support the spirit and intent of the extended background check.

However, having the inside scoop on law enforcement information system sharing, we are not there yet.

The technology exists to have an instant and deep background check. Politics, incentives, turf wars, and funding prevent it from happening.
Agreed, physicians took their lies and prescribed like drunken sailors. My point is the government isnt going to protect American lives.

What a bunch of nonsense. When you break your femur, the doc should hand you a baby aspirin and say good luck to you.
Red flag laws must preserve all due process else they are unconstitutional.
Get a clue, you moron. Now back to your big-pharma conspiracy websites.

Lmao yeah conspiracy websites. Big pharma are paying huge penalties currently due to their huge role in the opioid crisis. Like I said, read a book you fool.

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