1. Danny Hurley is the coach Kevin Willard wishes he was. Danny Hurley’s team plays defense like Kevin Willard wishes he teams did.
2. What a show of lack of guys by the seniors. The low bball IQs showed throughout the game. I know they talked about some possibly coming back. I say no, they couldn’t win this year, what will change next year.
3. We run the pick and roll with a 7’2 guy that has poor offensive skills. The defense has no worries about Ike rolling to the basket so they pressure the ball and disrupt and offense we might have. It just makes zero sense. Have Mamu set the pick so they have to cheat off the ball handler.
4. Rhoden started off hot and we just never went to him for 20 minutes. Either he needs to step up and demand the ball, or we need to run stuff for him.
5. Molson and Samuel off the bench are just killing us. Zero offense production from both. Samuel is awful on defense. Tough look going into next year with them as starters. We need to turn this roster over big time in the transfer market. Im fine with bringing just Rhoden back.
6. Yes i know this is a super negative list, i’m sure i will get killed for it, but the last 5 games have been brutal. Yes we won 2, but we easily could be 0-5.
2. What a show of lack of guys by the seniors. The low bball IQs showed throughout the game. I know they talked about some possibly coming back. I say no, they couldn’t win this year, what will change next year.
3. We run the pick and roll with a 7’2 guy that has poor offensive skills. The defense has no worries about Ike rolling to the basket so they pressure the ball and disrupt and offense we might have. It just makes zero sense. Have Mamu set the pick so they have to cheat off the ball handler.
4. Rhoden started off hot and we just never went to him for 20 minutes. Either he needs to step up and demand the ball, or we need to run stuff for him.
5. Molson and Samuel off the bench are just killing us. Zero offense production from both. Samuel is awful on defense. Tough look going into next year with them as starters. We need to turn this roster over big time in the transfer market. Im fine with bringing just Rhoden back.
6. Yes i know this is a super negative list, i’m sure i will get killed for it, but the last 5 games have been brutal. Yes we won 2, but we easily could be 0-5.