Pitino flat out said if shu could have provided same NIL to KR he would still be there. Baylor game was a terrible defensive effort in 2nd half but refs botched the final moments of the game.
You can do so much in player instruction sessions...what is that player doing in the morningsn and at night? Does Kadary have Kobe like work drive?Rick also has a long history of using things like this in recruiting too. It’s what they want to hear and what he thinks he can help. It hasn’t come to fruition with KR.
And look he’s probably the GOAT in terms of sheer basketball coach.
And another side, he shot .444. Then two coaches changes his shot. If it aint broke maybe applied here?You can do so much in player instruction sessions...what is that player doing in the morningsn and at night? Does Kadary have Kobe like work drive?
The same reason a P5 basketball school has a measly $1.5M to spend… incompetence.My question is why they heck wasn't there a campaign/push/etc. (whatever you want to call it) to retain our players? Other ADs around the nation are extremely vocal about this.