This shouldn’t surprise you. When confronted with a hostile media, any organization is going to ask they are members to take the most extreme positions. No different than what the NJEA does.fwiw - Someone added me to an NRA e-mail list years ago and I've never removed myself since it is interesting to see how they talk to their members.
This is why I hate the NRA. This group prevents anything from happening. Just received this e-mail. Bold emphasis is theirs.
"In the wake of an atrocious act of premeditated murder, an organized effort to bully legislators into passing legislation to hijack your Second Amendment rights is underway.
The gun control faction is out in full force, determined to use the senseless murder of the students and adults at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as an excuse to promote their gun ban agenda.
Numerous gun control proposals that have been mentioned include:
1.) Waiting periods on long guns
2.) Raising age limits on the purchase of long guns
3.) Age limits on possession of semi-automatic rifles
4.) Ban of so-called “assault weapons”
5.) Ban of “bump-stocks”
6.) Removing the exemption for concealed weapons license holders from the existing waiting period on handguns
Please email or call your legislators IMMEDIATELY and ask them to focus on fixing our broken mental health system and improving school security, not punishing law-abiding gun owners because of the act of a deranged criminal.
Please EMAIL the following members of the Legislature IMMEDIATELY and tell them NO GUN CONTROL. Urge them to provide armed security in schools and tighten mental health laws to keep guns out of the hands of those who are a danger to themselves or others.
IN THE SUBJECT LINE PUT: GUN CONTROL Won’t Protect our Children"
Just heard a stat on the radio this afternoon. 2000 drug related deaths just in New Jersey last year, up 40% from the year before. Let those numbers sink in. Not saying we should not focus on the gun violence issue, but these numbers are staggering. What’s even worse, is that we are still in the hockey stick trend. These numbers will get far worse over the next 3 to 5 years.