Wild event at NJ HS leads to DQ of top wrestler

And we have a hearing tomorrow

Check out this story from Asbury Park Press: Banned high school NJ state champ wrestler seeking court intervention

Disqualified high school wrestling star Anthony Knox has filed a lawsuit, seeking to continue competing in the state wrestling tournament.

Wonder if Cornell would reconsider admission

The Cornell coach Mike Grey, himself the first ever 4x New Jersey State Champion at Delbarton, has affirmed that Knox will be allowed to enroll.
My brother in law refs and was a former all state wrestler. Said the Dad is a real low life and not a guy that anyone likes. Causes trouble often and the Mom has a mouth on her too. Perfect couple. He hopes this kid gets away from his trailer park trash family someday because he said the kid is usually very respectful on the mat.
Maybe he told committee he would declare as trans and go in girls tournament and pin the heavyweight gir who checks in at 235=plus and they couldn’t allow that LOL
Check out this story from Asbury Park Press: Courts shoots down NJSIAA appeal on Anthony Knox

Anthony Knox Jr. has won three straight state titles, but was disqualified after a fight broke out in Collingswood last month.


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