Will support for red meat sway election?

This is silly. Is that what the Trump/Pence team is really going with on the stump? Do people really believe that there will be some government regulation saying sorry, you ate over your allotted amount of red meat? Jeez this is an example of grasping at straws.

SPK, I cooked up some tomahawks last weekend, some skirt steak for tonight. Enjoy!
The issue is freedom versus nanny state.

The video is a nice sound bite but likely taking entirely out of context of the entire speech that was given.

What the MSN and the left fails to realize is that there are a lot of people who quietly support Trump because he is for less government, less regulation, and less intrusion on our lives.

I don't think the founders envisioned a government that controls health care, education, housing, and above all what we eat.
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The issue is freedom versus nanny state.

The video is a nice sound bite but likely taking entirely out of context of the entire speech that was given.

What the MSN and the left fails to realize is that there are a lot of people who quietly support Trump because he is for less government, less regulation, unless intrusion on our lives.

I don't think the founders envisioned a government that controls health care, education, housing, and above all what we eat.
Uhm, I am sure no one is regulating what you can eat. I am sure the idea to put out recommendations to lower the intake of red meat and things like sugar. No one is going to regulate what Americans eat. That is just an outright lie. Have you been objecting to the government guidelines of the food pyramid? That food pyramid has been restricting freedoms in this country for decades. lol
I eat meat. I live with two vegatarians. I see their point. Eating plants is far better for the enviroment than eating meat. I still eat meat. But probably half as much cause it is easier to prepare one meal and I like veggies. But to not acknowledge that the other side has validity it foolish. Of course, who gives a shit about ecology or the planet. Prob just some treehugger libs making stuff up...lofl.

The founders didnt envision a pres being able to obliterate the planet if he wanted to with nukes. The Internet? So I dont see how their supposed opinion on other things that were not discussed or dreamed of back then matter.

No one wants to ban meat.

But you can bet, as the right wails about the lib media, these insane rightwing orgs will come up with Harris wanting to ban all meat cause he has huge holdings in vegatable production and needs the money to fund the cabal she works for that sells kids into child prostitution. Rememner, Clinton killed Vince Foster, Obama isnt an American...neither is Harris, Hillary and that pizza shop in Brooklyn. And the people on FOX will have this shit slip out here and there to make people think there is somethig to it.
Sure, I agree with her.

What I don't agree is making it a campaign issue or why we spend our tax money on a bureaucracy to promote this. Kamala Harris' position on healthy eating has little to do with her ability to be president once Uncle Joe goes completely off the rails.

NYShore made the OP, not me. He did post in the manner you did, namely that healthy eating is good. He took a snippet and turned into a Trump red meat no pun intended click bait post.
Sure, I agree with her.

What I don't agree is making it a campaign issue or why we spend our tax money on a bureaucracy to promote this. Kamala Harris' position on healthy eating has little to do with her ability to be president once Uncle Joe goes completely off the rails.

NYShore made the OP, not me. He did post in the manner you did, namely that healthy eating is good. He took a snippet and turned into a Trump red meat no pun intended click bait post.

A lot of people here wondered if we would have a conversation about healthy eating habits post Covid because one of the things that resulted in unfavorable outcomes was due to bad personal choices... Based on those discussions, I would have htought most here would agree with what she said.

She didn't make it a campaign issue, she was asked a question about red meat specifically as it relates to climate change, and her response was to say she sees this a broader health issue about what we eat because we have a problem in america. She brought up how much sugar we eat as well.

She said shes loves cheeseburgers but we need the right incentives placed on health eating, encourage moderating and help to educate the public on healthy eating habits.

Her response was completely reasonable and the response from Pence here is to make it a campaign issue and "don't cut my meat"... laughably absurd and reeks of desperation from the right to hold their base.
Sure, I agree with her.

What I don't agree is making it a campaign issue or why we spend our tax money on a bureaucracy to promote this. Kamala Harris' position on healthy eating has little to do with her ability to be president once Uncle Joe goes completely off the rails.

NYShore made the OP, not me. He did post in the manner you did, namely that healthy eating is good. He took a snippet and turned into a Trump red meat no pun intended click bait post.
Big issue in this country...people dont want to have tofu sashimi with a yuzu aioli, sweet potato fries and a legume salad to go along with herb infused water...instead they opt for 4 big macs and fries and a 72 oz soft thing with covid is that many chain restaurants are in deep trouble. Perhaps there is marketplace for affordable organic food pop ups...always felt the right investor could market healthy one stop shopping vendors at airport terminals.

Btw, 18-25 year old me likely did taco bell, kfc, roy rogers, wendys, arbys, mcdonalds up to 10 times a i occasionally do chick fil a, havent since the pandemic.

Used to drink lots of caffeinated tea and soft drinks now water, coconut water and citrus juices.

Have eaten more fish the last 5 months than pork or beef. Some chicken. Lots of veg and much variety with grains, freekqh, kamut, quinioa, teff. Also has allowed me to make and try recipes from other culinary cultures that are long forgotten in America.
A couple years ago I watched a documentary, I think it was What the health?, that said Chicken does more harm to Americans than red meat does. Personally I don't believe red meat on it's own is extremely dangerous. The big issue is how chickens and cows are raised and fed which makes meats extremely unhealthy for us. For that matter farm raised fish isn't much healthier. I also believe Trump will never waste his time on this matter because he believes there are more important things to take care of. I think he's wrong, but so be it. The Obama's on the other hand dropped the ball. Michelle's diet and exercise campaign quickly became exercise only once the food lobbyists needed to stop her campaign.
A couple years ago I watched a documentary, I think it was What the health?, that said Chicken does more harm to Americans than red meat does. Personally I don't believe red meat on it's own is extremely dangerous. The big issue is how chickens and cows are raised and fed which makes meats extremely unhealthy for us. For that matter farm raised fish isn't much healthier. I also believe Trump will never waste his time on this matter because he believes there are more important things to take care of. I think he's wrong, but so be it. The Obama's on the other hand dropped the ball. Michelle's diet and exercise campaign quickly became exercise only once the food lobbyists needed to stop her campaign.
Food is just like supply and goods argument where many here want to delete China...good quallty food will cost more in raw state. Free range organic hormone free poultry... grass fed beef/no hormone pork, wild caught fish...same with vegetation...
Big issue in this country...people dont want to have tofu sashimi with a yuzu aioli, sweet potato fries and a legume salad to go along with herb infused water...instead they opt for 4 big macs and fries and a 72 oz soft thing with covid is that many chain restaurants are in deep trouble. Perhaps there is marketplace for affordable organic food pop ups...always felt the right investor could market healthy one stop shopping vendors at airport terminals.

Btw, 18-25 year old me likely did taco bell, kfc, roy rogers, wendys, arbys, mcdonalds up to 10 times a i occasionally do chick fil a, havent since the pandemic.

Used to drink lots of caffeinated tea and soft drinks now water, coconut water and citrus juices.

Have eaten more fish the last 5 months than pork or beef. Some chicken. Lots of veg and much variety with grains, freekqh, kamut, quinioa, teff. Also has allowed me to make and try recipes from other culinary cultures that are long forgotten in America.

I don't drink alcohol or soda. Pretty much for me it is unsweetened iced tea (I do use stevia sweetener often), water and milk. Be careful of the citrus juices, they do contain a lot of added sugar (orange juice in particular).

I'm not much of a meat eater. Turkey or chicken for the most part and the occasional hot dog/hamburger.
I don't drink alcohol or soda. Pretty much for me it is unsweetened iced tea (I do use stevia sweetener often), water and milk. Be careful of the citrus juices, they do contain a lot of added sugar (orange juice in particular).

I highly recommend making your own fruit and vegetable juices. Every once in a while a little Blue Chair Bay rum in mixed isn't the worst thing in the world.
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I highly recommend making your own fruit and vegetable juices. Every once in a while a little Blue Chair Bay rum in mixed isn't the worst thing in the world.

Have you veered towards fermented foods at all?

My sourdough starter is almost 2 years old now. I think I made my best tasting loaf this morning actually. Also big on kombucha and am about to start brewing my own.

I try to eat relatively healthy but still eat some junk foods every once in a while. Like most things in life, moderation is key.
I don't drink alcohol or soda.

I'm not much of a meat eater. Turkey or chicken for the most part and the occasional hot dog/hamburger.
How can I trust anyone who doesn't drink? Then top it off that you don't eat a steak. That's as unAmerican as you can get.
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Unless you're keeping the pulp, drinking juice is not all that healthy.

Too many concentrated carbs.
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and the occasional hot dog/hamburger

There is a big difference between a hot dog and a hamburger.

Hot dogs are ground up animal garbage stuffed into a tube.

Do yourself a favor and watch a video on how they are made and you will likely never eat another one in your life.
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There is a big difference between a hot dog and a hamburger.

Hot dogs are ground up animal garbage stuffed into a tube.

Do yourself a favor and watch a video on how they are made and you will likely never eat another one in your life.

I am aware of what they are.

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