Will Villanova men's basketball go to the White House?

Now comes a study from the George Mason University Center for Media and Public Affairs that demonstrates empirically that, one of the nation's leading "fact checkers," finds that Republicans are dishonest in their claims three times as often as Democrats.

You do realize that's an opinion piece, right? Interpreting a study through the contributor's viewpoint.

Read your quoted portion for the gist of the study results.
Media working nobly? As a former professional journalist I am horrified by the lack of journalistic integrity and disregard for basic fairness in the coverage of this president and his administration.
One study showed that approximately 90 percent of the coverage of Trump is negative. There are those whose confirmation bias steers them to believe that this means the media is being unfair, when in reality, they are accurately covering the foibles of a dishonest, disreputable president who has had an incredibly deleterious effect on this nation, both within, and with our relationships with the world. If 10 percent of the coverage hasn't been negative, the media has been to generous in its handling of this monster.
OK, this has morphed to beyond Big East BB.

In about an hour this thread will appear on the Off the Ship board.
much of the influential Villanova alum are likely conservatives/supporters of GOP. My guess is the school will play Ball, but I bet you won't see some of the players (especially those that are leaving) show up at White House if invite comes.
But this comes after graduation and many of the young men are now pursuing their future careers. This should have been done right after the championship and before their graduation.
It’s the same thing every year, it’s noo different, they get the invite the same time and they visit the same time...

This thread is ridiculous, people on both sides look foolish. It’s funny people saying something about lies and all this stuff like it’s fairly new to the office... doesn’t matter if it’s republican or Democrat they are all the same.
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One study showed that approximately 90 percent of the coverage of Trump is negative. There are those whose confirmation bias steers them to believe that this means the media is being unfair, when in reality, they are accurately covering the foibles of a dishonest, disreputable president who has had an incredibly deleterious effect on this nation, both within, and with our relationships with the world. If 10 percent of the coverage hasn't been negative, the media has been to generous in its handling of this monster.

For the "off the ship" board once this is moved:

Interesting take. I'm curious as to what specific actions he has taken that, in your opinion, makes him a "monster" or has had a "deleterious" effect on the nation and the world.

I didn't vote for him in 2016. I think he's a narcissist and has many unflattering personal qualities. That said, I think he has done a decent job. Certainly better than I expected when he was elected. For example, I like what he has done on trade, with North Korea, tax reform, among other things. He's absolutely unconventional, but Washington needed a shakeup. That's a major reason why he was elected. People were sick of business as usual and now the establishment is upset because it isn't business as usual anymore. That reflects how establishment Washington is out of touch with the average American.

I find myself in this constant balancing act between what I don't like about him personally and morally and the job he has actually done. Admittedly, it isn't easy. I am curious to hear your thoughts.
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last time i checked this is america, and if youre invited you can do whatever the hell you want.

Agree wholeheartedly. If one believes in "It's a free country," so much "righteous" indignation disappears, and we can go back to living our lives ("live and let live").

Support the American value of freedom. Stop chiming in on what others should do (unless you're parenting).
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No, I'm talking about the person who has made well more than 3,000 demonstrably false claims since taking office, as well as his press secretary, who has shown little to no hesitancy to speak them from her podium. It's disgraceful and dangerous, and their purposeful attempt to discredit a media working nobly to chronicle the pulverization of all these presidential norms is something we may never recover from as a nation. Eventually, it'll be broken past the point of repair and life in this country will be forever altered - and not for the better.
Do you mean demonstrably false claims like, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", "your healthcare will decrease by an average of $2,500", "we're dealing with moderates in Iran", "ISIS is the JV team", "I never said ISIS is the JV team", "I won't have lobbyists in my administration", "a video made by a shadowy character was responsible for the Benghazi attacks", "No, I immediately acknowledged Benghazi was caused by terrorists", "I learned from news reports that Hillary was using a private server", "Republicans want you to have dirty water", "there wasn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS relating to denying applications of Conservative organizations" etc. etc. etc???

While I won't concede your point about Trump, you seem to have tolerated the lies, propaganda, corruption and manipulation from Obama while he was President.

I hate to take this board into the gutter of politics but ignorant and hysterical comments, like this, need to be countered and called out for what they are. It's this kind of ignorance and hysteria (brainwashing?) that's causing athletes to 'pulverize' tradition and norms and not for the better.
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One study showed that approximately 90 percent of the coverage of Trump is negative. There are those whose confirmation bias steers them to believe that this means the media is being unfair, when in reality, they are accurately covering the foibles of a dishonest, disreputable president who has had an incredibly deleterious effect on this nation, both within, and with our relationships with the world. If 10 percent of the coverage hasn't been negative, the media has been to generous in its handling of this monster.

Wow. LoL
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I'm curious as to what specific actions he has taken that, in your opinion, makes him a "monster" or has had a "deleterious" effect on the nation and the

... I think he has done a decent job. Certainly better than I expected when he was elected. For example, I like what he has done on trade, with North Korea, tax reform, among other things.

This forum is not my thing, never posted here, ventured here maybe three times. But since you sincerely asked in the regular forum about policy, not politics, here's something by David Rosenberg, Chief Economist of Gluskin Sheff, which encompasses the regressive tax plan ("will go down in the history books as one of the most colossal policy missteps of all time.") and trade ("growth-crunching inflation").

On tariffs, even Trump's people were aligned before he went and did this. Here's a random story from Forbes. You'll have a hard time finding a conservative business source that is for tariffs (excluding those few who get sweetheart deals).

On the tax plan, Chicago University's respected Survey of Economists, weighted by confidence:
- 2% agree the tax bill will substantially raise GDP a decade from now vs. the status quo. 64% disagree, 34% uncertain.
- 100% agree the tax bill will substantially raise debt-to-GDP a decade from now vs. the status quo.

Just a sampling. We're passing the Gilded Age in both wealth and income inequality, so it's a particularly puzzling time to shift money upwards. Yes, some targeted tariffs could be beneficial, but there's no sign of any coherent plan.
some quality lines & comments from a Deadspin article titled "They Already Said They Weren't Going To Go, Man", about the Eagles visit:

"Surely the basketball players will regret the opportunity to watch a septuagenarian trot his haggard ass out on the South Lawn so he can slur through 10 minutes of vague, prewritten material.

"I’m hoping either team (yeah right, either) does what the Dubs did last year: go to DC anyway for “community service. Then when they’re on their way back home, stop outside the front gate of the White House and kneel en masse while someone plays the anthem on a boombox."

"I look forward to the “Super Flag Extraveganza” that he throws instead where Kid Rock and Kanye West perform a mash-up questioning if white people are really responsible for slavery and they cap it off by firing Bowe Bergdahl out of a cannon (fired by Ted Nuggent) into a brick wall with Rosanne’s face on it.
The whole event will take 4 minutes and coast $4 trillion."

"I’m going to defend Trump on this. The preemptive breakup is a good move even if you have already been pretty much dumped."
Do you mean demonstrably false claims like, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", "your healthcare will decrease by an average of $2,500", "we're dealing with moderates in Iran", "ISIS is the JV team", "I never said ISIS is the JV team", "I won't have lobbyists in my administration", "a video made by a shadowy character was responsible for the Benghazi attacks", "No, I immediately acknowledged Benghazi was caused by terrorists", "I learned from news reports that Hillary was using a private server", "Republicans want you to have dirty water", "there wasn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS relating to denying applications of Conservative organizations" etc. etc. etc???

While I won't concede your point about Trump, you seem to have tolerated the lies, propaganda, corruption and manipulation from Obama while he was President.

I hate to take this board into the gutter of politics but ignorant and hysterical comments, like this, need to be countered and called out for what they are. It's this kind of ignorance and hysteria (brainwashing?) that's causing athletes to 'pulverize' tradition and norms and not for the better.

Nice "whataboutism" - typical of a Trump lackey to ignore the claim about Trump and point to something his predecessor did, as if that makes the claim about Trump okay. Talk about ignorance...

Washington Post has Trump over 3,000 lies, all of them documented and sourced. Most Trump lackey's yell and scream fake news and stick their heads in the ground like ostrich's when they hear "Washington Post", but even if you proved half of the 3,000 claims as "fake news", that's still 1,500 lies to the American people.

Keep thinking that Trump being a serial liar is okay because the guy before him lied. That's a great way to improve the country and hold our leaders accountable.
Nice "whataboutism" - typical of a Trump lackey to ignore the claim about Trump and point to something his predecessor did, as if that makes the claim about Trump okay. Talk about ignorance...

Washington Post has Trump over 3,000 lies, all of them documented and sourced. Most Trump lackey's yell and scream fake news and stick their heads in the ground like ostrich's when they hear "Washington Post", but even if you proved half of the 3,000 claims as "fake news", that's still 1,500 lies to the American people.

Keep thinking that Trump being a serial liar is okay because the guy before him lied. That's a great way to improve the country and hold our leaders accountable.

When it comes to veracity, sadly the Washington Post no longer has any credibilty.
Keep thinking that Trump being a serial liar is okay because the guy before him lied. That's a great way to improve the country and hold our leaders accountable.

Both/all should be condemned/investigated/thrown in jail if, in actual fact, you really want “to improve the country and hold our leaders accountable.“

Somehow I really doubt that.

We’re coming off a president who is a liar/corrupt/and probably criminal, to be followed up with a president and election opponent who is a liar/corrupt/and probably criminal, yet both sides cozy up to their chosen wunderkind.

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When it comes to veracity, sadly the Washington Post no longer has any credibilty.

Luckily, I'm a capable adult who is able to read a news article and discern the veracity of the article for myself based on the relevant sourcing. Breitbart isn't the golden standard of modern journalism, but I'm sure they have well sourced articles littered among slanted articles that can be relied upon if the reader does their due-diligence. Same with any news source. Trump has spread the message that sticking your head in the sand and yelling "fake news!" is the responsible thing to do.

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Both/all should be condemned/investigated/thrown in jail if, in actual fact, you really want “to improve the country and hold our leaders accountable.“

Somehow I really doubt that.

We’re coming off a president who is a liar/corrupt/and probably criminal, to be followed up with a president and election opponent who is a liar/corrupt/and probably criminal, yet both sides cozy up to their chosen wunderkind.


It's extremely sad, but it's frustrating that I have to add that I never voted for Obama or Clinton, and despised a lot of what both have done in their careers in order to make my points about Trump.
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It's extremely sad, but it's frustrating that I have to add that I never voted for Obama or Clinton, and despised a lot of what both have done in their careers in order to make my points about Trump.

Your halfway there! Now just stop imbibing propaganda.
Both/all should be condemned/investigated/thrown in jail if, in actual fact, you really want “to improve the country and hold our leaders accountable.“

Somehow I really doubt that.

We’re coming off a president who is a liar/corrupt/and probably criminal, to be followed up with a president and election opponent who is a liar/corrupt/and probably criminal, yet both sides cozy up to their chosen wunderkind.


Which corrupt politician is going to do more to stop the genocide against the unborn? So far it's Donald J. Trump by far.
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Your halfway there! Now just stop imbibing propaganda.

Glass houses my friend.

How does it feel taking your cues on what to believe from the President?You're exactly what they're looking for when they start authoritarian regimes. Weak-minded and credulous to anything the Dear Leader says...
My man @shuvrp coming with the HEAT!

I’m angry we haven’t signed a grad transfer guard yet so I’m taking it out off the ship. Sue me lol

I just don’t get painting an entire news source as fake or unreliable as DJT has done and his followers have mimicked. The anti-curiosity and thought movement that sees an article comes from “X” and immediately discounts it without checking the sourcing is terrible for the country specifically in regards to holding power accountable. Yes Wa Post is biased and left of center. No, they aren’t purposely lying to you when they compile their data and sourcing. Yes, they make mistakes. But they admit it and correct their mistakes unlike Dear Leader Trump.
Nice "whataboutism" - typical of a Trump lackey to ignore the claim about Trump and point to something his predecessor did, as if that makes the claim about Trump okay. Talk about ignorance...

Washington Post has Trump over 3,000 lies, all of them documented and sourced. Most Trump lackey's yell and scream fake news and stick their heads in the ground like ostrich's when they hear "Washington Post", but even if you proved half of the 3,000 claims as "fake news", that's still 1,500 lies to the American people.

Keep thinking that Trump being a serial liar is okay because the guy before him lied. That's a great way to improve the country and hold our leaders accountable.
I said I didn't concede your point about Trump and I used "whataboutism" to point out that despite your drama-queen, hysterical rant, it's obvious you aren't sincerely concerned about improving our country and holding our leaders accountable. Because if you were, you would have shown the same outrage over Obama, believing that no team should visit his White House. In fact, you would be even more upset because nothing Trump might have said was as intentional, pre-meditated or consequential as what I listed about Obama.

To be outraged over one but not the other shows you are nothing more than a typical partisan, obsessed with style over substance and poisoned with the vicious hate that has been stirred up by leftists in government and in the media.

I say this close to the one year anniversary of when one of your like-minded comrades tried to kill a bunch of Republican Congressman who were practicing baseball in park.

Finally, if it wasn't Trump, but another Republican who beat crooked Hillary, you'd be saying the same exact crap about him/her. The Washington Post would have found 1,000 mis-pronunciations, imprecise descriptions, improper syntax and other petty crap about anyone who doesn't have a D next to his/her name.
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What did Obama do that was "probably criminal?"

Just off the top of my head:

- using the IRS to silence dissent
- protection of Hezbollah to safeguard his Iran deal
- FBI involvement in the 2016 election
- informant/spy in Trump's campaign (if it was merely an informant, shouldn't the Trump campaign have been notified??)
- Fast and Furious
- lying about Benghazi
- most recent information that Obama circumvented his own Iranian banking sanctions
I said I didn't concede your point about Trump and I used "whataboutism" to point out that despite your drama-queen, hysterical rant, it's obvious you aren't sincerely concerned about improving our country and holding our leaders accountable. Because if you were, you would have shown the same outrage over Obama, believing that no team should visit his White House. In fact, you would be even more upset because nothing Trump might have said was as intentional, pre-meditated or consequential as what I listed about Obama.

To be outraged over one but not the other shows you are nothing more than a typical partisan, obsessed with style over substance and poisoned with the vicious hate that has been stirred up by leftists in government and in the media.

I say this close to the one year anniversary of when one of your like-minded comrades tried to kill a bunch of Republican Congressman who were practicing baseball in park.

Finally, if it wasn't Trump, but another Republican who beat crooked Hillary, you'd be saying the same exact crap about him/her. The Washington Post would have found 1,000 mis-pronunciations, imprecise descriptions, improper syntax and other petty crap about anyone who doesn't have a D next to his/her name.

1) Stating Trump has lied over 3,000 times is far from a hysterical rant and supported by data you are too lazy to look through.

2) I previously stated in this thread I have never voted for Clinton or Obama and despise many of things they have done over the course of their careers. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking.

3) Acknowledging the "vicious hate" stirred up by leftists and ignoring the same hate stirred up by Trump is disingenuous at best.

4) Thanks for comparing me to the guy who shot Steve Scalise, I wonder how you would feel if I compared you to white-supremacist Dylan Roof who shot up a black church?
Just off the top of my head:

- using the IRS to silence dissent
- protection of Hezbollah to safeguard his Iran deal
- FBI involvement in the 2016 election
- informant/spy in Trump's campaign (if it was merely an informant, shouldn't the Trump campaign have been notified??)
- Fast and Furious
- lying about Benghazi
- most recent information that Obama circumvented his own Iranian banking sanctions

Much of that is unproven and/or not criminal. He may have overextended his power, as all modern presidents have, but you need proof to say it's criminal.
Much of that is unproven and/or not criminal. He may have overextended his power, as all modern presidents have, but you need proof to say it's criminal.

I said "potentially criminal."
I really really want to start a “worst posters of Pirate Crew” thread, but I know it would be deleted. And yes I realize the kooks would include me on their lists.

Amidst the usual off-topic character assassinations, a moment of clarity. Yes, you would likely be the only unanimous vote.
Luckily, I'm a capable adult who is able to read a news article and discern the veracity of the article for myself based on the relevant sourcing. Breitbart isn't the golden standard of modern journalism, but I'm sure they have well sourced articles littered among slanted articles that can be relied upon if the reader does their due-diligence. Same with any news source. Trump has spread the message that sticking your head in the sand and yelling "fake news!" is the responsible thing to do.

So would you agree that for every Ben Shapiro there is an Anderson Cooper? Each media outlet disseminates information with a slant that will resonate with their worldview. To dismiss one out of hand, and vouch for the veracity of another is a joke. Trump, while grotesque, didn't create the deep philosophical divide in this country, but the media, on both sides, has certainly brought it to new heights.
Amidst the usual off-topic character assassinations, a moment of clarity. Yes, you would likely be the only unanimous vote.
LOL. That guy will have 50 posts about how we need to fire Willard after our 1st loss this year, whether that first loss makes us 0-1 or 20-1.
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