Do you mean demonstrably false claims like, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", "your healthcare will decrease by an average of $2,500", "we're dealing with moderates in Iran", "ISIS is the JV team", "I never said ISIS is the JV team", "I won't have lobbyists in my administration", "a video made by a shadowy character was responsible for the Benghazi attacks", "No, I immediately acknowledged Benghazi was caused by terrorists", "I learned from news reports that Hillary was using a private server", "Republicans want you to have dirty water", "there wasn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS relating to denying applications of Conservative organizations" etc. etc. etc???
While I won't concede your point about Trump, you seem to have tolerated the lies, propaganda, corruption and manipulation from Obama while he was President.
I hate to take this board into the gutter of politics but ignorant and hysterical comments, like this, need to be countered and called out for what they are. It's this kind of ignorance and hysteria (brainwashing?) that's causing athletes to 'pulverize' tradition and norms and not for the better.