You won't see dumber defense

Disagree, it was just a well designed play (aided by a questionable screen) that forced the defender covering the inbounder to switch off of him.
I had no preference either way, but Purdue got screwed by the refs multiple times in the final couple minutes last night. 2 balls deflect off Houston players and go out of bounds clearly off Houston and they get both calls (just over 2 minutes left in the game so no review available on either), and the push-off that should've been an offensive foul goes uncalled.
Ever watch original top gun and dont leave your wing that situation with the time left the on ball inbounder should never help out elsewhere
I had no preference either way, but Purdue got screwed by the refs multiple times in the final couple minutes last night. 2 balls deflect off Houston players and go out of bounds clearly off Houston and they get both calls (just over 2 minutes left in the game so no review available on either), and the push-off that should've been an offensive foul goes uncalled.
You are wrong on the push off and the Refs got it right. If anything Braden should have been called for an offensive foul prior to the push off! Just watch the replay and you will see Braden hooked the players left arm with his right arm prior to the push off. The Refs decided that both players were being aggressive and did not penalize either.

As far as what Braden did on the inbound play where they lost the game it was plain dumb on his part and not what you would expect from a player with his reputation and experience! No excuse!
It was a well designed play. Houston was either going to get a wide open 3 or a lay up. They got the lay up and agree the right defensive play was to stay with the in blunder. Mistakes happen with even the smartest players and best coaches.
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