"Abbott districts"


All World
Mar 31, 2006
Red Bank? Hoboken?

This latest state Supreme Court mandate is complete nonsense. Throwing good money after bad to the corrupt administrators of even the truly underserved school districts has proven to be a waste, and this half-billion of our tax money will succumb to the same fate. Pitiful. Shame on the NJ Supreme Court.
This post was edited on 5/25 5:06 PM by donnie_baseball
Have to agree on this. Instead of focusing on funding, why not focus on putting competent leadership in charge of these school systems.
I don't understand either why Hoboken & Red Bank are Abbott Districts. I could understand this years ago when the districts were set up but don't they ever update the list. Hoboken is certainly not a poor town anymore. As to the other cities well I do not know what the solution is. The main problems are not the money nor the administrations as I see it but rather parental involvement and I do not know how you can change that. When you see one of our major cities having a 22% HS graduation rate despite the money pumped in you really have to question what and if there are viable solutions.
Tom, I agree that parental involvment is critical for success, but I disagree that the administration and school boards are doing the right things. If parental involvement (or lack of it), is the major issue, than it's up to the administration to figure out how to either get them involved or find ways to connect with these kids who have no support structure. We all have to deal with hard problems. These districts have to stop complaining that it's a matter of throwing more money at the problem. Fix the problem or get out.

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