He basically said Gary asked a stupid question.
Not egregious…if coming from say Bill Belichek to a Pats online nobody writer…but for Seton Hall where Gary is The Name… I just didn’t like it.
Maybe I’m too sensitive to it, especially given the season we’re appear to be embarking on…but I think big picture, the coach of a Seton Hall team needs to nurture and enhance the coverage of someone like Gary Cohen…and not ever chance tarnishing it…or worse…ending it.
First off, I don't think Sha cares. This is an obligation to him. While I don't doubt it's simply an obligation to many coaches, at least Willard developed a rapport with Gary and to a lesser extent Dave.
I think Gary does this because he enjoys it -- I doubt he needs the money and this gig probably pays pocket change relatively speaking.
His career is also winding down and he may only have a couple of years of having a side job left in him. I'd suspect, if he felt disrespected, he'd cash it in but being forced to watch this nearly unwatchable team might also push him to the door sooner than later.
I'd agree with the idea hardly anybody is listening to Seton Hall basketball for Gary Cohen. The games aren't on linear radio anymore and since every game is on TV, most are likely only listening if they can't view the game (like Wednesday night) or in the car trying to get to the game.