Ryan Whalen Part 3

By Zack Cziryak

TROVE: Coach Sha is especially known as a defense-first type of coach and it seems like you kind of have to pick one or the other. What latitude is there with time and resources to learn more and grow as a coach? Is there the opportunity to do that or do you have to pick what you're best at and focus on that? How do you divide your time and grow in areas where you're maybe weaker as a coach?

WHALEN: You say divide your time, I don't think you have to divide your time, I think you have to devote your time. I think that one of the many things I've learned from Coach is, and it's so cliche to say and people are going to hear this and be like this guy's crazy or he doesn't really mean this, but I really mean this: you have 24 hours in a day - how you spend those 24 hours is up to you. We're in practice for three hours a day. What are you doing the rest of your day to help yourself get better? It's funny because Coach Sha is a defensive coach, which he is 100%, and our defense is, since he's been a head coach, look at the numbers: top of every league, top of the country, very good at what we do. But I think his brain as an offensive coach doesn't get enough credit, because some of the stuff that we do and some of the stuff that he does to get guys open for shots or get guys in the right positions, it's very high-level stuff. And I don't think people think of him as an offensive coach. I just think that he's so good defensively, which he is, and the other side of it kind of gets dragged down a little bit.

If you watch how we move and how we operate, when guys aren't making shots, it's just bad luck sometimes. But for the most part Coach run sets that are getting guys open and to me that's the mark of a great coach. And the other side of a great coach is that willingness to learn and adapt. We don't run a Princeton offense, we don't run a base offense or a motion offense where we're going to do this one thing. The beauty is we can recruit players that fit how we want to play: tough, hard nosed, open to learning, can get better, haven't really hit their ceiling. And we can devise offensive schemes around that. We don't say 'Oh, well this guy can't do this very well so he can't come play here.' Coach can get 13 guys in a room that you know are your guys, your type of players, and you can figure everything else out from around there.

We have some base stuff that we do run, a lot of freedom of movement, freedom of motion, with the goal of not putting anybody in a box and we'll kind of tinker there from August. When these guys come back to school at the end of August we'll have an idea of 'Okay, defensively we laid the groundwork, offensively, we got a couple things in of this is our base, what we want to do and how we want to play. And then we'll draw or design some stuff up to fit our personnel. It's not strange at 2 or 3 in the morning to get a text from Coach Sha saying, 'I saw this while I was watching TV tonight what do you think about this?' Or 'Draw this up so when I get in in the morning we can talk about it.' He, myself, the other assistants, we're constantly talking offense and constantly talking about getting better and how we can get our guys in better positions. You know, like I said before, I'm only 38-years old. I don't know everything. I don't pretend to know everything. To me you're constantly learning, you're constantly growing. And when you stop learning maybe it's time to stop doing what you're doing and find something else to do.

Trove tidbit - Jon Rothstein

Trove: What metrics or statistics do you favor or prefer when it comes to the selection process? Is there anything that stands out to you that is more predictive and reliable?

Rothstein: At the end of the day, I’m still someone that looks for good wins and bad losses and I think that stands out on resumes come tournament time. If you look at the dynamics of Seton Hall’s case, Seton Hall was lumped in with several other teams, but Seton Hall had a win, a decisive win over number one UConn, who was the number one overall seed, and also had a win over Marquette, who was ranked and a two-seed. So, Seton Hall had chips to play with because of its wins over eventual national champion UConn as well as Marquette. That to me separated the Pirates from the rest of the teams on the bubble. For me, Seton Hall definitely should have been in Dayton over Virginia.
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OT: Love the olympics

My first memory is Wilma Rudolph. Then in 64, Don Scholander. Never fails. Even had the cold war. Kip keino, frank shorter, carl Lewis, flo jo. Bolt, now Lyles. Al oerter. Ledecki and phelps. Nadia, Retton and simone. 100 i am omitting. And the two most heroic sports perfomances i have seen, strugg and years earlier, a Japanese gymnast, both doing their routine severely injured so their team could medal . The swimming is always great, and i love listening to rowdy gaines.

KR/Dre vs Middleton/Gual - If you were a betting man.

My guess is that by the end of the season this year, you will have to make a tough choice about which duo to take.

I would take the risk now and choose Middleton/Gual. Who would you take considering the following?

KR/Dre - Cost - $2MM+ (last year of eligibility)

Dual/Middleton - Cost - $700K (2 year of eligibility left)

I think KR won't know how to deal with the competition at PG....he will be pushed over to SF, with reduced minutes. For most of his life, he was the alpha and called the shots...on where he played and how many minutes. Now he took the money and he has no real say with Wilcher and Devion Smith at PG. ( Full disclosure - He is my all time favorite SHU player).

Dre - Without KR he is not that good. With KR he had wide open 3's and could isolate at will. KR made everyone so much better especially Davis. Davis owes KR about 600K of the 800K he got paid.

Garwey Dual - Hand him the ball at PG and give him 20-25 minutes. Who knows what the heck will happen - One of the Top 10 Most talented basketball players at SHU in the past 20 years. Mini KR, KR Imposter or Younger/Better KR?

Middleton - Give him the Dawes/Harris GreenLight. Could shoot 40% from 3 with 6 attempts per game. Better player than Dre Davis....but Davis had great numbers.

Female Olympic boxer quits in fight against biological male

How in the world is this allowed to happen? She quit because she feared for her life. I don't care how you what to live your life. If dressing and acting like a woman makes you feel better inside, more power to you. However, common sense has to come into play at some point. We are so afraid of offending the PC community, but we don't care about protecting women. Wasn't the sole purpose of Title 9 to protect women's rights.

Trove tidbit

Part 3 of Zack's interview with Ryan Whalen

TROVE: Last season, you told Halldan to watch out for Dre Davis and that proved pretty prescient. I know it's still summer, but any predictions for this year? Who's impressing you in your limited time with the players so far?

WHALEN: Dan always likes to needle me about that and make me look like Nostradamus, but I think when he asked me that we were in like September practices. The guy who has really impressed me, and you kind of had an idea of watching him in high school and watching him a little bit last year, of kind of what he can be: Garwey Dual. I think he's going to have a really big year for us. I think he's got a load of potential. I don't talk about other places of where they've been or what they've done, I only talk about what they're doing with us. I think with the way that Coach coaches and the way he develops people on and off the court, I'm really excited to watch Garwey within our system.

A lot of guys have had really good summers, and I'm just talking about the new guys, Scotty Middleton's had a great summer. Chaunce Jenkins has had a great summer. I'm excited to see these guys all together when September rolls back around and it's a little bit of a different feel in the summer where classes are online and you have a formal pattern, things get a little more hectic when guys are back for Fall classes, but Garwey is a guy for sure that I'm excited to see how he plays.

Guardian raffle on Tuesday, August 13 - FREE invite to the Summer Shore Social

We're at it again!

In June we raffled off a complimentary invite for the Onward Setonia NYC Cruise, a $3,000 value. On Tuesday, August 13, we'll raffle off a complimentary invitation to our Summer Shore Social.

The Summer Shore Social , a $1,000 value, is being hosted by Jim ‘82 and Judy O’Brien at the Bay Head Yacht Club in Bay Head, NJ. This is a unique opportunity for you to personally interact and engage with members of the team and staff. Food and drinks will be provided.

The free raffle is limited to active Guardian subscribers. Click the link below to become a Guardian Subscriber:

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Mike Walsh
Onward Setonia Crowdfunding
