25 win season

It’s funny how the disciples of a program that hasn’t had a 25 win season since somewhere in between JAWS and the original STAR WARS and failed to make The Dance for three straight decades can look down on us, tell us we’re irrelevant, how they’ve left us in the dust, and that they are New Jersey’s top college basketball program. Totally delusional. Talk about mass neurosis!
Been a dry spell also for the original BE defectors….Pitt, Syracuse and Boston College.

And then SJU and Georgetown in the last column. That’s a long time.
It’s funny how the disciples of a program that hasn’t had a 25 win season since somewhere in between JAWS and the original STAR WARS and failed to make The Dance for three straight decades can look down on us, tell us we’re irrelevant, how they’ve left us in the dust, and that they are New Jersey’s top college basketball program. Totally delusional. Talk about mass neurosis!
They’ve never been NJ’s top program, never will be either. They’re a mid major at best in a Midwest conference. They will never be anything more than little brother in the state or in their conference. If they dropped off the face of the earth no one would notice.
ru kidding me !!!!!!!
I see what you did there !!

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